Star Plus’ upcoming show, ‘Aakh Micholi,’ has been generating immense anticipation with its intriguing promos, captivating the online audience. The Shashi Sumeet Productions series, which serves as a sequel to the highly popular ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum,’ is set to feature Navneet Malik and Khushi Dubey as the new leads. In breaking news, it has been revealed that Sheezan Khan, renowned for his role in Colors TV’s ‘Chand Jalne Laga,’ has been roped in to play a pivotal parallel lead role in the show.
Sources closely associated with the production shared insights, stating that initially, Ashish Dixit was slated to portray the character. However, Sheezan Khan later stepped in and finalized the role, bringing a fresh dynamic to the character.
”Ashish Dixit was earlier roped in to play the character, however, Sheezan was later finalized for the role,” revealed the source.
Sheezan Khan, known for his previous stint in ‘Chand Jalne Laga,’ left the show midway after a brief appearance. As the buzz around ‘Aakh Micholi’ continues to grow, fans are eager to witness Sheezan Khan’s performance in this new and pivotal role. Share your excitement in the comments below.