Categories: Shiv Shakti (Zee)

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 28th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Shakti couldn’t expose Mandira

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 28th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ragunath shouts at Padma that we gave you everything but what else did you need? what wrong did we do? what more do you want? Padma shouts respect.. I wanted respect but I never got it in this house. Me and my son were treated like we are burdens on this family, we all know you have kept my son in this house just to be Shiv’s servant, you told him that if he wants to stay here then he has to be Shiv’s puppy. My son’s only job is to serve Shiv, you slapped him and didn’t even think twice but today when your son is framed then you want me to feel bad? you people never praised my son helping Shiv.. he has been helping Shiv otherwise.. Mandira says enough.. Nandu helps him as a brother, we never differentiated between them. Shakti tells Shiv that this is not

the whole truth.. Shiv says thank you for doing all this but its our family matter now. He asks everyone to leave now. Ragunath tells the board that its proven that my son was framed in this case and completely innocent so he won’t resign from the hospital. He was the MD and will remain MD. Mandira is angry hearing that. The board member looks at Mandira and can’t do anything. Mandira says my plan was spoiled because of Shakti. Mandira tells Shakti to leave their family matter now. Shakti says I have become part of this game now. Mandira says you are right to be angry and we didn’t know Padma was behind this.. she will be punished for her deeds. She hugs her and whispers to her that I will not spare you and Shiv.. I promise to make my son MD and trustee of the hospital, just count till you are destroyed. Dadi says nobody will ask Shiv to resign. All guests leave from there. Shiv tells Shakti that you keep saving me, you keep proving to never lose hope and Shakti does what she says. Shakti says thank you for trusting me, you gave me strength to fight for this. Shiv says I don’t need to fight for anything when I have Shakti with me.. the dreams become bigger when Shakti is with me. I feel like God has sent you to make things right. Shakti checks time and her phone.. she gets worried. Shiv says it was your sister’s engagement right? Shakti says I hope it didn’t happen, she rushes from there. Mandira thinks what’s the matter with her sister? Padma tries to leave but Dadi stops her and says you think you can scape without punishment? pack your bags and get lost from our house. Shiv says let it be. Dadi says no.. she has to leave the house as she can do things like these again. She goes from there. All family members go. Mandira thinks she is my pawn but wounded now. Padma cries and pleads with Mandira to save her but Mandira says what can I do? you should have thought before trying to hurt Shiv, he is your nephew so how can you spite him? I can never think of harming Shiv. If you need help in packing then let me know, she leaves. Padma cries and breakdowns. Nandu consoles her.

Shakti arrives home and looks around. Manorama comes there and slaps her hard. All are shocked. Manorama says the engagement didn’t happen because of you. Shakti says its good because Rimjhim didn’t want to but she was being helpless.. she doesn’t need to. She was doing this because of my news with Shiv but its proven now that we are innocent, you don’t need to be scared so break this engagement now. Manorama slaps her again and shouts she can’t destroy her daughter’s life, I loved you like a daughter but you want to destroy my daughter’s life. Shakti says I am standing up for my sister, she doesn’t want to get engaged to Ranjan.

Mandira thinks she needs to find out who her sister is getting engaged to. Shakti has challenged me but its time for me to enter her house. Padma comes there and says I took the blame because you said you will save me.. Dadi wants to throw me out of the house so save me. Mandira says what can I do now? I thought your mother wouldn’t throw you out but it feels like she was waiting for the time to throw you out. she just loves Shiv and I can’t go against her. Padma says you can’t play with me.. I know only you can save me. Please talk to Dadi and Ragunath otherwise.. Mandira says otherwise what? Padma says I will tell the truth to everyone. Mandira laughs and says nobody is going to believe you, you have no respect in this house. You can go to your other son’s house for some days. Padma says his wife hates me. Mandira says you have no choice.

Manorama tells Shakti that a girl’s respect is like glass which can’t be repaired. Nobody is going to know that you and Shiv were innocent. People will keep taunting us about the news only so who will marry you and Rimjhim? Shakti looks on.

The episode ends/

Update Credit to: Atiba

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