Categories: Shiv Shakti (Zee)

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 30th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Shakti hides Shiv at Manorama’s house

Shiv Shakti (Zee) 30th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1

Mandira tells Shakti that her secret is out, I know you are hiding Shiv around, is he hiding in the car trunk? your husband who killed Gayatri and the police is looking for him. Shakti says stop it. Mandira says Shiv has to come out now, Shakti pushes her away and starts up the car. Mandira says you have to kill me if you want to leave. Shakti says I can’t do anything for Shiv and if you want to die then fine. She starts the car and drives away as Mandira moves away. Shakti says Mandira can’t give up her life. I am going to protect Shiv at any cost.

Mandira calls everyone to the porch and says Shakti ran away with the car, I tried to stop her but she didn’t listen. The inspector asks where did she go? Mandira says I don’t know. Ragunath recalls Shakti

promising him to protect Shiv. He says I told Shakti to leave and get some medicines for Dadi. The inspector says why Shakti only? Ragunath says she knew about her medicines and she is studying medical that’s why. The inspector says if they are trying to protect Shiv and if he killed Gayatri then they all will be jailed. Ragunath says Shiv didn’t do anything. The inspector says we will find the real culprit, he leaves. Ragunath tells Mandira to let Shakti do what she wants, he has already lost Gayatri and can’t love Shiv now so let Shakti do what she wants to, only she can save Shiv.

Shakti brings Shiv to Manorama’s house, he is heartbroken and keeps taking Gayatri’s name. Manorama hugs him, Shakti says he isn’t even crying and mourning her. Manorama says he is in shock, he lost his mother just now and his pain will lessen with time only. Gayatri is still with us,

Scene 2

Mandira tells Padma how can Ragunath take Shakti’s side now? Padma says he is going to protect his son at any cost. Mandira says wow.. he used to beat up Gayatri when she was alive and now mourning her like he loved her. Keertan calls Mandira so she asks where was he? He says he was in hiding as per her order. Mandira says the inspector has found Shiv’s phone so we have to get it back, do you know of any contact with the police? we have to delete the message that Shiv sent me, she tells him Shiv’s password and he says he will do it. Padma asks Mandira why would Shakti take Shiv? Mandira says I am sure at her Chachi’s house.

Shakti changes Shiv’s clothes and gives him a bath while he recalls his moments with Gayatri. Shakti hugs him and cries. Dharam sadly looks at them. Manorama burns Shiv’s clothes.

Shakti offers food to Shiv but he doesn’t eat it, she says please eat something. Manorama says we have to live, people come and go but we can’t stop our lives. Shakti says please eat for me. Shiv silently eats from her hands.

Keertan gets Shiv’s phone from the inspector, he checks his messages. The inspector says this is a big risk for me. Keertan says I paid you so be silent, he deletes Shiv’s message to Mandira and calls her. She says there is no proof against me and now Shiv will be jailed. I have another plan for them.

Dharam is making

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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