Fan Fiction

Shivika 3S – love vs anger part 3

This chapter is dedicated to kanfi and nita d. Thank you so much for your support. i couldn’t reply to your comments sorry for that.

Part 3

Pinky’s pov

At last I am successful in separating Shivay and Annika. Now I will find a heera bahu for my heera beta. How can Annika think of being an oberoi bahu? She don’t know her naam, khoon and khandhan and she expect me to accept her as my bahu. This was the biggest joke of the year. Even I could have accepted her as my bahu but after her arrival my son started to move away from me. He didn’t care for me. He didn’t have time for me all because of her. I don’t know what magic she done on my son. He forgot the existence of his mother. Even after knowing about daksh – Annika relationship my son accepted her as his wife. How can I tolerate all this? It’s a mother’s duty to protect her son from doing wrong deeds. He already did too much for her. he is spending money for sahil’s education, didn’t allow Annika to do any job. On the top of it he gave her 10 crores worth kangan. Seriously can’t he see how Annika is behind his money. It’s all her plan to trap my son. She wanted his money. After all who cannot fall for my son. Being the eldest oberoi heir he will soon become MD of oberoi industries after tej jethji. Now no one can seize my son from me. I will choose a best bride for my son. Yes I do agree tia was a mistake but this time I won’t do any mistake. Now Annika will never enter into our house. I have to do something and increase the speed of divorce procedures otherwise she will get another reason to enter into my Shivay’s life.

At pinky’s room

An all angry Shivay stormed into his parent’s room. His eyes was full of rage. He knocked off the door and entered all of a sudden. Pinky who was immersed in her deep thoughts got disturbed by this. Seeing an angry Shivay before her she understood that her plan got successful. Now it’s her turn to add some more oil in burning fuel.

“mom Annika went out from oberoi mansion”, he said in a cold voice

Hearing those words her heart jumped in happiness. But she didn’t show any excitement in her face. She decided to play safe.

“What are you saying Shivay? Why did u let her go? Yes I do agree what she did was an unforgivable sin. I mean how can she let priyanka to marry ranveer seriously what she think of herself? On the top of it she accused me. But Shivay it’s okay I forgave her after all she is also my daughter. How can I be angry on her? U go and bring her back.”

“I will not let her enter into our house again”, Shivay replied with a straight face.

“Shivay she is your wife. She did wrong but that doesn’t mean u will let her go from your life. This kind of problems arise in every relationship. She herself don’t have a family. She must have got some sympathy for ranveer. He also don’t have family. That’s why she must have helped him. Bring her back”, pinky said with full of innocence.

“mom my decision is final. I won’t let that girl in our mansion again. I accepted her after knowing she is an orphan. But what she did she let priyanka to marry ranveer. This was due to her upbringing. How can someone fall so low? I didn’t expect this from her. I am going to divorce her mom. My decision is final”.

“Shivay u r right never a high class up bringing can do such things. You don’t worry Shivay everything will be fine soon. She didn’t understand the importance of you and hence she don’t deserve you. I will meet lawyer tomorrow itself.”

Suddenly Shivay fell down on his knees. His eyes started to shed tears. Pinky who saw all this got confused. She ran towards him and hugged him.

“kya hua Shivay, why are u crying”

“u told na mom never an up class bringing can end up doing such things”.

“haan beta but why u r crying?”

“I lost today mom. All my thoughts about naam, khoon and khandhan got destroyed today. I always thought an up class bringing will do cheap things. But today I lost mom. I always thought middle class people are not eligible for getting any respect, they will do anything for money but today I understood that an up class bringing can too fall low.”

“What are you saying Shivay? I can’t understand anything.”

“Why u did this mom?”

“What I did Shivay?”

“u only said na my happiness is most important to u. then why did u seize my happiness from me?”

“Shivay tell me clearly.”

“Why u let priyanka marry ranveer and put that blame on Annika? Why did u do this mom?”

“Shivay u also believe what Annika said about me. Don’t you believe your mom.”

“I trusted you mom that’s why I am standing before you and demanding for answers. I trusted u to such an extent that I broke her so much. I even don’t know if I can ever mend her heart again. U expected this only na. We will never be together. She will never forgive me. Please tell me mom why u hate her so much.”

“but”, her voice was cut in between

“ please mom there is no use in refusing this. I already have proofs against you. U wanted to see us get separated and you got it. Atleast tell me why u did it.”

Pinky didn’t have any options left before her. She decided to speak her heart out.

“u want to know why I did this. Then listen she don’t deserve you. Apart from the fact she is an orphan she is only behind your money. She is trapping you. After her entry in your life u forgot the existence of your mom. You never had any time for me. I didn’t complain about that but even after knowing her relationship with daksh u still accepted her as your wife in front of whole world. All your words about naam, khoon and khandhan vanished in a single day. If you think she is not behind your money then do remember it was her who convinced richa for not marrying you. She had it all planned. I can never accept her as my bahu.”

Listening those words from his mother he felt world beneath his feet got slipped. He held a nearby wall for his support.

“Mom I never thought I will be the reason for your acts. If u have any problem u could have spoke with me. U said right I didn’t give you enough time. Mom do u remember when priyanka was born and everyone was only taking care of her. All of our family attentions was on her. One day rudra started crying he said no one have time for him then u explained him.”

Flashback starts

“choti ma no one have time for me. No one likes me. All are spending their time with prinku.” He said in a crying tone.

“ rudra it’s not like that. Prinku is new to our house and it takes time for her to adjust here. New relationships take some time to adjust during that time old relationship should give their way to new relationship.”

“But what if they forget old relationship”, asked rudra in a curious tone.

“Old relationship can never lose its value. Infact they don’t need any special time because they are already very strong and it becomes really difficult for others to break it. But new relationships are not strong yet. They need some time to strong their relationship. If a person gives more importance to old relationship that doesn’t mean that he forgot his old ones. It’s also old relation responsibility to keep the new ones safe”.

“So choti ma it’s my responsibility to keep prinku safe”

“Exactly you are her brother so it’s your responsibility to keep her safe. Never forget u r also the most important part of our family. Without you our family will never be complete.”

“thank u choti ma u r the best”, he hugged her

Flashback ends

This single explanation was enough for pinky to understand what mistake she did. She hung her head low. Shivay continued

“ mom our relationship was new hence it need some time to establish its foundation. Maybe in this process I may not have given u enough time but that doesn’t mean that I forgot u. I am really sorry if I hurted u I never did it intentionally. About money mom she was never behind it. I paid 50 lakhs in her account for doing marriage arrangements but u know what she did. She transferred entire money to my bank account when I asked her about this she said I paid for sahil’s education and she want to return it back. So she is not using any kind of favours from oberoi for her survival. Please don’t forget mom I hurted her so much but still she saved my life and our family many times. She may not have any naam, khoon and khandan but whatever she is today is all because of her hard work.I don’t deserve her mom. She is an angel and I am a devil.”

Tears flowed from pinky’s eyes after listening to all the truth. She felt very ashamed for her acts. She now wanted badly to meet and ask for her forgiveness. She wanted to see her son and bahu together. Yes now pinky accepted her as her bahu.

“I am sorry Shivay”, pinky said with a guilt face.

“Please mom I really feel disgusting. You played with her emotions. U know how much she was hurt when she got to know nayantara was her mom. She was very hurt. I don’t deserve her forgiveness. Whatever happened was all because of me. It’s my turn to get punishment for breaking Annika’s heart. I insulted her for not having a mother it’s my turn to feel that. From today onwards I will not have any relationship with my mom”, saying so he left the room.

Pinky sat on the floor and cried her heart out.

i can’t complete this story only in three shots so if u permit me i would like to take few more shots to complete this story. no chamelis please.

This one was very difficult for me to write. It took a long time for me to complete this. Hope I met your expectations. Eagerly waiting for your views and opinion. I wished to read some long comments and some of u gave awesome comments which touched my heart and soul. It became very difficult for me to choose the best one. Please keep on sharing your views and opinions to me.

If you want next update soon like and comment because I’M BAD NOT VERY BAD.


i may not be the best but i am definitely not like the rest

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