hlo Every one i hope some of u remember me!!! Its kuhura i promise mannat for os and here I come with a ts…… On shivika
Hope you guys like it!!!
A boy is driving an audi in full speed ..peep inside we found our hero shivay singh oberoi??but why is he luking tensed?? ???
cumon shivay u r again late whatif she goes without you?? Whatif she didn’t talk to me ??when u know how much she talks ???….leave it shivay fast drive fast……
But her thoughts make me smile or blush if i talk more precisely ??goddd what if I never met her i can’t imagine my life with out herr…. I just can’t SUN SHINE ??
shivay stops his car with a jerk and left towards library giving a mini heart attack to all girls??…
Hi sunshine!!! Shivay shouted making a girl scared to the hell….
A girl who was deeply studying in library looked at him with her big black eyes her face expressions clearly showing her innocence her honesty her unexpressed emotions….
With few more seconds she composed herself and passed a buk to our hero with expression face????and again got busy with her book… But shivay was in no mood to study..
SHIVAY –sorry sunshine i know i am late ??next tym wake me up early i won’t be late?
SUNSHINE –????????and open the buk to read
SHIVAY knows his sunshine nd looked at the buk to studyy but get lost in their school memories…
I don’t know why how but I am seriously crazy for her I am the biggest flirt ?? devil prankster???and she is completely opposite very innocent ?doll??full of love can’t think of hurting anyone her eyes i can not tell what they tell she never speak but her eyes… I can hear them all my life
I still remember my first meet with her… I were in class 3 whem she join my scl.. She was not less than an angel but I was also a ? devil…. A boy who didn’t left his teachers with his pranks how could I leave that angel… ????
I still remember how I approached her
Shivay-… Hey hi i am shivay nd uu?? She just smiled to meee oohhh i can’t forget that smile we shake hands nd i left BY STOLING HER TIFFIN?…..I opened it and found sandwiches god my favorite food but then I remembered my MANTRA ?
I added a dead lizard in between sandwiches and kept it back
During recess she was about to eat but that dumbooo mahi threw it away she was so shocked to see lizard but what she did next was unexpected but I loved it
She vomited on that dumboo face??????actually i just loved it but now when I think about it I get jealous that she didn’t vomit on mee ??I know I sound like kid but it’s true I can’t share my sunshine with anyone not for a prank I don’t want to have her any memories with others only me my sunshine and our silent world ????????
Pov ends ###shivay was in thoughts whereas his sunshine disturbed him
She shaked him and gestured him to concentrate on book nd study
I am anika shivay sunshine ?whenever I think like that I can’t help but smile me him but us nooo I am completely opposite he is rich the OBEROI nd i am middle class… He is the every girl dream nd i am just his shadow THE BIGGEST OF ALL HE IS A CHAATTERBOX ND I AM CALLED SILENCER actually not called but teased as I never talk…
Her thought of chain was distirbed by librarian who told them to leave they both went to college park to study…
Many girls were jealous of anika becoz the handsome hunk of the college was her best friend whereas many boys were shooting daggers at shivay for being with their barbie yupp anika was cute enough to be called that
Anika pov
I just ignored every gaze becoz i m used to it i know what they all think they sumtym call us a couple how silly of them ???but I know what was shivay thinking in library.
I am quite familiar with his jealous expression our first meet or better his first prank on mee i still regret that how can I vomit on mahi face is ????
Pov ends
Shivay and anika silently attended their classes with no talks… It is his punishment for being late??shivay tried but anika is too adamant…
At last shivika college ended and they went to their favourite place beach becoz anika loves to be with nature shivay came with 2 coffee in his hand nd passed one to his sunshine..
Sunshine I am thinking to change ur name makinganika smile ????it’s his tradition to give her a new name after 6 months doll cotton candy sunshine all have her name with a different story behind it..
She was now excited nd gestured him to say fast shivay was enjoying her desperation nd decided to tease her
I will tell u tomorrow after our day out making anika feelyhappier
huhhh finished with it i always thought toysee silent anika but its impossible ???pls guys comment
May be I won’t post soon so be patient byy tata miss me
Very nice
Thnks dear!!
Keep reading ?
Glad u liked it!!!!????
It’s a different stry…. Seem Intersting…. Waiting 4 nxt…
Will try to post soon ?????
Awesome ?
Thnk uuu???
Awesome and interesting
Thnkuuuuuuu so much ????
This ff reminded me of Haya(character played by SurbhiC in qubool hai who was mute n deaf )
May be but it’s different from that!! ??
Wait for nxt much more to come!! ??sure you will like it ??
NYC start
Thnk uu
Loved it amazing. Very sorry for the late comment.
It’s okk glad uu commented!!?
It is nice one dear
thnk uu?
Amazing update..
Nxt is on the way!!