Hey guys!! I am so sorry for the late update. but I wont take much space for the sorry speech or giving u reasons ((( but I am sorry)))
Epi 31-
The whole oberoi family was shocked and moved by this revelation. They somehow composed themselves and consoled ishu, adi, ani and mona. Shivaay was eagerly wanting to talk to anika and give her a tight hug. Om’s eyes did not leave Ishana and he was only thinking about how wrong he was when he pointed a finger on her and her family.
Oberois convinced ishadikamona to have lunch at OM. Anika reaches shivaay’s room searching for him. She enters the room but does not find anyone there but before she could leave, shivaay comes in and locks the door from inside. Shivika stare each other.
On the other hand, Ishana was roaming around, she was lost (you know how confusing ways can be around such a big house). She was walking and nervousness and uncertainty was clearly visible on her face, she passes by om’s room and om notices her taking turtle steps, seeing left and right, trying to find her way.
Om pov- Ishana? Why is she behaving in such a weird way? She seems to be lost……… wait, this is the best time, talk to her man.
Om- Ishana!
Ishana stops on her tracks and slowly turns to face om.
Rudra’s room
Rudra was lying on his stomach on the bed talking to love angel, but he had his cry baby face but this time it was genuine.
Rudra- (sobbing)- and then I clung to my superman and my long haired creature also hugged me back… love angel, I am telling u all of this was so emotional and for me seeing my superwoman like this is even more difficult…… u only tell me what do I do?
Love angel- amar prem, ur superwoman is really a fighter. But right now you should not be crying or sitting doing nothing, go and be the usual dumbbell u r and make their mood light
Rudra- u r right…… wait, u… u think I am a dumbbell??!!
Rudra sat up on the bed with a jerk.
Shivaay’s room
Shivaay comes closer to anika and holds her hand.
Shivaay- u know what anika?
Anika- no
Shivaay- u… u… u look like a devil right now
Anika was looking down at her feet and she expected shivaay say something emotional or something like that but on listening to him, she shot her head up to face with eyes wide open
Anika- what?…… what do mean?? I….. I look like… like a…a
Shivaay- right, a DEVIL
Anika makes an angry face and starts hitting him and shivaay starts to defend himself
Anika- u… I am not going to leave, u will plead me but I wont leave u!!!
Shivaay somehow gets hold of both her hands and holds it back and brings her closer to him.
Shivaay- that is what I want. That u never leave me.
Anika looks up into his eyes only to find immense love, care and affection. She understood why he said that.
Anika- u know what shivaay?
Shivaay- no
Anika- u r just like my dad
Shivaay was expecting a teasing answer like what he said but after listening to what she said he was taken aback, he lifted his face backward with a raised eyebrow.
Anika- papa too was like this, he would simply tease me to make sure I smile and be happy.
Shivaay left his grip, and took a step back.
Anika- I used to adore my father. he could not see me crying, he always wanted to protect me yet let me live my life. He too was a rough and tough business man but a complete sweet heart to me.
Shivaay- you were daddy’s girl weren’t you?
Anika smiled and nodded
Shivaay- you love business too and you have completed your business course too haven’t you?
Anika looked shocked
Anika- how… how do you know?
Shivaay- remember u cracked that deal the other day? That could be done by a person who is a businessperson and you can be one only when u have completed your course.
Anika- yes, I had completed it but then I did not have the guts to step into the business world without my dad.
Shivaay- are you really anika or is it some duplicate? Why am I feeling this is the half truth?
Anika- ok fine! I did start working but then I met those chaddas, I did not want to arise even a slight streak of doubt in them about me being anika Raichand because I had sahil beside me, I couldn’t put his life at stake.
Shivaay- anika, now you will enter the business world. You enter as anika or anika Raichand, it is up to you but u will become what u always wanted to, like your dad. U will face everyone, even the chaddas, ur dad is not here today but u have ur brother with u, u have me with u. u are the fearless tadibaaz anika, u do not back out from anything and u wont do it now.
Anika looked at shivaay.
Outside om’s room ((where om and Ishana are there))
Ishana slowly turns to face om
Om- ish… Ishana I need to talk to you
Ishana did not reply but quietly followed him into his room. They sat on the chairs kept on either side of a table
Om- I… actually… I am sorry. I shouldn’t have raised a question on ur family. I understand now what u meant by circumstances.
Ishana- its… its ok. And… and… I too wanted to apologize, even I said bad about oberoi family, but I get it now that it is not what I thought it was.
Om- its ok…………………. And, mona had come to talk to me
Ishana looked at om with questioning look
Ishana- mona?
Om- yeah mona. She came here and cleared out everything else.
Ishana- everything else about what?
Om- Ishana, I know u were forced to get money through the wrong way, I know u were thrown out of job again and again because of those chaddas but I did not know u were so strong and self-reliant.
Ishana- what do u mean?
Om- mona told me that u did not use a single penny from the bundles of money u got from conning people. U never used that money for any other need, u gave all of that to those goons, u used to run the house with what u got from ur job and dance classes.
Ishana (not making any eye contact)- it… it is true. I am sorry if mona simply wasted your time, she is childish and doesn’t understand much.
Om- no no… I am thankful that she came here and told me all of that. At least I got to know that u are like anika when it comes to being self-reliant, and that is what I like the most in anika.
Ishana- anika taai has always been self-reliant and always had self-respect, she kept up to the expectations of my mother and rajesh mama.
Om- so have u
Ishana- no, I haven’t. I let them down. I fooled people to get money, even if I did not use that money, I fooled them. My mother would never do that, rajesh mama would have never let go of his self respect.
Om- may be they wouldn’t have. But u did for keeping ur family safe, u know, anika also did it. She let go of her self respect to protect shivaay, u let go of ur self respect for ur family. Family does come first doesn’t it?
Ishana nodded.
Scene changes to shivika
Anika- thank u shivaay, for everything
She instantly hugs him and he reciprocates.
O jaana plays in the BG
Scene changes to ishkara
Ishana gets teary eyed reminiscing her family, om notices this
He slowly places his hand over hers assuring her of a better and brighter future. They have a sweet eye lock
O saathiya plays in th BG
Scene changes to rudra’s room
Rudra- u… u think I am a dumbbell??
Love angel- NO!! no, it is not that.
Rudra- then what was that?
Love angel- slip of tongue. Now, now go and do something to boost everyone’s mood, go!
Rudra- yeah, yes I should go do that. Thank u so much love angel!
Love angel- u r welcome amar prem
Precap- tej- it is done! The borivali land chaddas owned is now overtook by oberois. Aditya- the iron steel company deal is also sealed, it will be under kritesh companies soon. Om- now, we find the so called “loyal” lawyer of the Raichands and get the will.
thank u

Read all the episodes of ur ff today…. it’s awesome…post soon
wow!!! thank u, I am glad u liked them.

It’s awesome…but their should be some more ishkara moments…and one more thing don’t make us to wait so long for the next ff
thank u. I will try to put more of ishkara and shivika. well, I am sorry for making u wait but to compensate I thought to give u two epis so I just posted the next one, it might be up on the page after a while
Nice one dr….
It is awesome dear….
Superb even i also want some ishkara moment because i realy miss their chamistry amazing update next post soon
Superb part
Superb…… Luv it…..
Superb update…
Wow di.. It’s awsm .. But one request di just make Shivika romance somewht intense plz..
Superb awesome…