TV actress Shrenu Parikh, set to wed her ‘Ghar Ke Mandir’ co-star Akshay Mhatre this month, initiated her wedding celebrations with a vibrant mehendi ceremony. Sharing captivating glimpses from the event, Shrenu flaunted intricate henna designs while radiating charm in her stunning green attire.
The shared photos showcased Shrenu adorned in a green indo-western lehenga paired with a tiara, complemented by floral jewelry accentuating her neck and ears. Her hair styled in soft curls added to her enchanting appearance, harmonizing perfectly with the occasion and her overall ensemble. The actress opted for subtle makeup, impeccably blending with the celebratory ambiance and her attire, captivating everyone with her beautiful mehendi designs.
Throughout her wedding preparations, the ‘Ishqbaaz’ star has been offering her fans glimpses into the festivities. From sharing moments from her bachelorette bash to rehearsing for the sangeet, Shrenu has been graciously inviting her audience into her wedding journey.
Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre’s love story blossomed on the sets of ‘Ghar Ek Mandir’ in 2021, evolving from a friendship to a deep bond. Their relationship commenced with a roka ceremony earlier this year, leading to their upcoming winter wedding set to take place in Vadodara, Shrenu’s hometown.
Expressing her excitement about the impending nuptials, Shrenu revealed, “I am thrilled to be a Gujarati bride and celebrate our wedding in Vadodara.” She emphasized the tranquility Akshay brings to her life, highlighting their shared aspirations, goals, and a profound understanding that solidified their relationship.
Elated about starting a new chapter, Shrenu expressed gratitude for gaining an extended family and praised her partner’s unwavering support and care. She articulated her joy at finding a life partner who resonates deeply with her ideals, expressing eagerness about their wedding scheduled for December 21.
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Divorce in 2 yeas.