Categories: Shrimad Ramayan

Shrimad Ramayan 18th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Asur army prepares to kill Ram

Shrimad Ramayan 18th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Shurpnakha shouting in anger. Ram says we have to make a cave here to protect Sita. Laxman says I will face the devils, you stay here with Sita. Ram says I don’t doubt your dedication, so I have given Sita’s protection responsibility to you. Laxman says sure. Shurpnakha gets Shambu’s head and cries. She says it’s a big sorrow, I will not leave them. Mahadev and Parvati look on and talk about Shurpnakha. He says when a woman’s esteem is attacked and when a husband and wife’s relationship is challenged, then its imp to teach a lesson to the evil doers, one will get punished on doing wrong, you think, Shurpnakha has forgotten that she had gone there to find her son, so this is the result. Shurpnakha comes to Khar and Dushan. She says Laxman has done this to me. They

are shocked.

She shows them Shambu’s head. They get angry. She sits crying. Khar asks Dushan to make their army ready. He says we will take revenge for our sister’s insult. She says but Ram and his weapons aren’t ordinary, how can the devils fight them. He says we have six brave Devil ministers. Asur Senapati Drisiraj is seen. The other minister Kaamti awakens and comes out of the water. Another Asur Arishta comes out of the case. Asur Tulashka is seen killing the saints. Khar says our six warrior ministers will kill Ram and Laxman.

Ram and Laxman make a cave. Ram says we don’t have time left, the Asurs will attack at night. Laxman says sure. Sita gets water for them. Khar and Shurpnakha meet all the ministers and the army. Dushan says those Vanvasis have challenges our powers, we have to battle them. Khar says we will proceed from here tonight and come back after killing Ram and Laxman, our reward will he Sita. Ram and Laxman make the cave. They light some fire. Sita looks on. Ram says its going to be night, you stay inside this cave, I will go to guard the Panchvati. She says this is happening because of me. He says yes, devils will die because of you, it’s a matter of pride, now smile, tension doesn’t suit you. She says I know Dharm will win, my Ram will win. He says I know, I m giving your responsibility to Laxman. They hear some footsteps. Laxman says I think, they are coming with their army. Ram says we don’t see soldiers’ count in the battle, but the bravery. Sita asks him to take care. Ram signs Laxman. He goes. Ram sees the Asur army coming.

The episode ends

Update Credit to: Amena


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