Fan Fiction

Sia ke Maheshwaris Episode 6

Links for previous episode

Episode 6

Third person narrative

It was an early evening, Swara was in the workshop of preparing a designer outfit for Sia.(She is in Rubina’s flat) Day by day her desires about Sia is increasing and increasing like she wanna make her a singer, a Kathak dancer like Sharmishta……….. And today Swara gonna make her a Princess. She slightly stroked on a small crown and small small shoes bought for Sia…….. “I am assuring you my doll ur Mumma will always treat you like a princess”….

Swara opened the wardrobe and took a necklace set from her jewel box. She passionately stroked and kissed on it. It was evident on her face that she is a psycho at the moment………”This is for ur wedding day my Princess. Main tumhe Rajkumari ki tarah sajaungi uss dhin”……… She again started to pampering the things. But her obsession lasted for a while. Sanskar’s call changed her to real Swara. She attended the call and amazed to hear the endless kissing voices. The stubborn Sanskar Maheshwari was fondling his beloved ex by kisses through the phone. Swara was irked by hearing him approached her in such a romantic way…..”???Shameless Maheshwari”………… She muttered

Meanwhile Sanskar was in his cabin. Natasha, his employee came inside with some documents for signing and astonished to see him like that. When he realized that he is caught by his employee, he passed Natasha a donkey smile and said……… “Woh woh my phone fell into the water today; so I’m sucking the water inside it”……….

Natasha giggled secretely. Moreover she was embarrassed by seeing him like this, he is smiling cutely which she didn’t saw earlier and he didn’t scolded her for entering inside without knocking…. “Actually what happened to him?”……she fearfully remembered the Forbes magazine incident.
She stared to think about him that how he was and how he is….. Finally she reached at a conclusion that her Boss is in love with someone. She tried to speak it with Karan. Actually Karan is Sanskar’s loyal employee. Not more about him he is a loyal employee that’s it. Sanskar’s commands are like corals for him he will do anything what Sanskar will say. He made every impossibles to possible for Sanskar. He will choose any dirty tricks for fulfilling Sanskar’s orders. Natasha approached him with the matter but he denied to talk with her due to some work.
Meanwhile Sanskar was still stabbing Swara by his flirty thoughts………
Sans: shall I come close to you, I will recreate our those olden romantic nights ??

Swara: ?? Sanskaaaaar

Sans: Don’t shout okay. Do you remember our first date

Swa: ?? no.

Sanskar frowned in fake anger..

Sans: No!!!!!!

Swa: yes I don’t

Sans: Then okay let that be,
shall we go for an another date. You will remember it spontaneously.

Swa: No ??

Sans: Come with me please ??

Swara said no disdainfully

Sans: Then okay now no options are left. Let it be. I will go with Kavita, she is more sweet and hot than u I will fullfill my all desires with her??.

Swa: I know you are kidding na(pouts).??

Sans: ok Mis Hermit remain in ur flat and I am gonna enjoy this evening ??

Swa: Sanskar Sanskaaa

But he already hung up.

Meanwhile in Kolkata

AP and Sujata were remaining in Temple after Puja. Sujata was frequently feeling awkward that’s why Sanskar is refusing to talk to her. She couldn’t bear the silence from him. Awkwardly she typed Sanskar’s number but no reply…….. Jiji maara Chora maari phone nahi udaa raha hai…….. She complained to Annapurna. AP held her arms and alerted her to be silent……”Ssshhh Sujata don’t shout this is a temple”…….

“Par Jiji”……

Ap: no comments okay

Sujata was feeling bored therefore she gave an ear on a girl who is next to them. She likes to audit a person’s bottom to top. That girl’s face was seeing grateful to God. She wiped her tears in joy. Pandit ji punched on her shoulder……

“I am proud of you Vaidehi (Roop Durgapal) cz of your hardwork ur parents are unite now, I am proud of you my girl”………….

Vaidehi bowed her hand in front of God…..

“God please take care of my heavenly step mother…. No no sorry Maa you are always more than my real mother. I always have 2 mothers. I love you both”

AP was noticing here and there. Sujata poked her and indicated to listen Vaidehi. But she doesn’t understood anything. Sujata came close to her and asked her sorrow saga.

“Woh woh nothing Aunty, my parents were separated in my childhood due to my mom’s mental disabilities and I always lived motherless. Always used to stay in boarding schools. But once my Step mom no no (with over acting expressions) my Mom arrived and took me with her. Recently my step mom no no my Mom? passed away and I tried hard to take my real Maa to life and look now I’m succeeded in my mission. My parents are one now Thank you Bhagwan???”……

She befriended with them and Sujata invited Vaidehi to MM. She said ok and left with a lots of rejoice
Sujata started to convince AP………”Arey Jijiiiiii look look what she said??? She always lived motherless and she has 2 real mothers. Because of her hardwork her parents are united.

AP: Then what Sujata leave it and come we are getting late

Suja: Jiji u r not understanding. Think about these hints and Gurumaa’s letter.

An old bulb flashed in AP’s mind…… “??So that girl is…….. ”

Sujata: Haan Jiji she is that girl
and what is her name??? Vaidehi…… Vaidehi means the Princess of “Videha” that is Sita Jiji,Sitamaata…..

AP smiled and said well done to Sujata……. “You did right Sujata now we will save ourselves from that terrible curse??”

They left and Vaidehi came again to Pandit ji……

Vaidehi: Well done Pandit ji and this is the blank cheque you can withdraw how much you want.

Pan: Tq Kavya ji, call me if you have any work

Kavya nodded yes and smirked……..”I didn’t thought that befooling these Maheshwaris are too easy. Kavya tumhaari toh lottery lag gayi.”

She sheepishly grinned and stared far away.

Again Ottawa

Sanskar’s POV

Ssshhhh??? something gonna happen here. A very big conspiracy. Me and my cupid daughter is planning something against my ex come would be wife. Post a big ding dong between us, I concealed at the corridor. Gudiya knocked the door and we both showed a thumbs up. My Angel opened the door widely. I keenly noticed her, hmm eyes seems like lotus petals, her nose memorized me the beak of parriots. They are saying that the nose like parrot beak will be premonitory for women. Her silky white cheeks was incomplete in lack that reddish blushing. The smooth silky hair which is always annoying her silence is making me fall for her again and again. That wet baby pink lips are infinitely desiring to knot with mine. Still I can see the booking marks on her wheet colored silky neck. And then her perfect cleavage, I gulped the water emerged in my mouth uff arey yaar Sanskaaaar y r u measuring somebody like this. Yeah she is ur wife but thoda sa tameez toh hona hi chahiye.
O…..o…… Okay let that be. We will solely notice her cleaveeeee…… Uff hit my head. We will only observe her activities…….Hey Bhagwaan ??what shall I do now. Eyeballs are again spotting there……..Sanskar don’t cross eye okay….hey hey don’t don’t. I said don’t ?

I started to notice them. Sia gestured Swara to kneel and when she did it, Sia wrapped around her neck and began to jump with shouting…..Mumma Mumma Mumma……… I looked at her face she was damn happy. She is seemingly normal. Who said that she is a psycho??? 30 minutes later I gave myself a warm entry in front of my Ghost love. She was feeding Gudiya, both are enjoying the moments and I am also ecstatic. I seated beside them and supined a plat for having something. She was glaring at me evily, I attempted to had fud without her permission na….

“Kaisi Mrs wife ho tum??? Don’t you have the manners for serving food for ur long lost hubby ????”


She furiously threw some loaf on my plate like she is doing some unwanted adoration. I applied some peanut butter over the loaf. Gudiya was continuously licking the butter in a micro quantity. I secretly beated her hand with the spoon and gestured not to have it. It’s cz peanut is allergic to Gudiya. Due to I was frowning at Gudiya angrily Swara came to her rescue. She hugged Gudiya and gifted me a rude stare. My grin charged her more.
Disdainfully she moved aside her head.

Me and Gudiya started murmuring about the next plan. Suddenly Swara interfered
Swa: So you both have known to each other???

I sheepishly grinned
“What type of a question is this??? We are neighbors na”

I excused.

Swara’s POV

With Giving him an evil glare I left the dining table and wrapped myself inside the kitchen. Inside this rude veil there is a Swara exist Sanskar, who always wants you. I’m still angry but it is not with him. I’m angry with my situation, my helplessness which I can’t express my feelings. I can’t cry, I can’t give him a smile, I can’t give him a tight hug. Swara, why do you exist?? Without Sanskar,Swara is a big zero. I showed my anger over the utensils like a typical house wife. Suddenly he came close to me and adored me with a back hug with suppressing my both shoulders. My closed eyes squeezed the expired tears. He turned me againist him and I was crouching my head at the moments. My legs started moving backwards with sharing an eye lock. He pined me to the wall for terminating the walk. My tears were endlessly coming out. He caught a single droplet of my sorrow and gave a disdainfull smile to it.
“Hmm tears……” said by him while looking at the far away roof. A drop was also brimming from his eyes.

“Tears!!!! You are salty, aren’t you???”

Then again glared at me helplessly.

“Swara we all know that tears are salty. Like that I don’t want any of ur facial expressions for understanding ur feelings.”

He cupped my face…..

“These eyes can’t tell lies”

Our bodies united with a tight hug. We remained like that, don’t know how much time we remained like that with our closed eyes. At last he broke the silence.

Sans: Swara

Me: mm

Sans: Imagine that we are died

Me: mm imagined

Sans: Imagine that our bodies are undergoing through the cremation process.

Me: K we are burning

Sans: What about Mom, Ragini, Laksh and others??

Me: They are sobbing

Sans: Why??

Me: We are leaving them na??

Sans: Forever??

Me: Yes forever.

Sans: So now we are souls, right??

Me: Yes

Sans: OK now we entered into ur Baadi. A huge amount of gossiping ladies are present there.

Me: Ok I imagined it too.

Sans: Will you allow me to undergo a s*xual intercourse with you at the courtyard. Don’t forget, all are present there even our whole family too. It will affect our family’s reputation

Me: Off course I will do it with you how many turns you want. Because we are soulmates and souls don’t care about what this external world is thinking. They are existing only for them they don’t want the conduct certificate of this world.

Sans: They are sterile, right??

Me: Yes they are……..

Sans: They are always virgin and pure na

Me: Souls are immortal and they never get impured.

Sans: So, I am ur…. ???

Me: You are my soulmate damn it.

Suddenly his grip weakened and I was damn wondered by his deeds and words. He was a lil bit angry.

“We are soulmates. They doesn’t have either dignity or body. Neither family nor children and are always pure. Then why can’t you accept me damn it??”

Soooo……..this was his plan. For tying my tongue.

He again approached me,slowly rubbed his both cheeks with mine.

Then said with pointing at his watch

“Hotel Coral reef, sharp 6:30 aa jaana baat karni hai tumse”

“Sanskaaaa”, I tried to forbid him

“mm bas maine kaha na baat karni hai??”

He was dare to left but again came to me, I wasn’t independent from the previous shocks.

“Wear a saree okay. Woh bahot dhin hui haina armaan hai mera”

He left with a cute smile unknowingly I also smiled.


I went to the Living room. There he murmured something with Sia and left.

“Hello madam chakkar kya hai”, I asked

She started stammering

“Woh woh Mumma he advised me not to eat peanut butter. Peanut is allergic for me ?”

I doesn’t asked her how Sanskar is aware of her allergic problems. I was in busy with an another question. Like me, peanut is also hating her. I also has the same problem. It is a normal thing but y I am doubting it??? Whatever, I’m getting suspicious day by day. When I met her for the first time I was rushing to buy some addiction but her sad face prohibited me to walk forward. The wrong way of Swara Gadodia stopped there forever.It seemed like I has a holy relationship with her. Like she is my long lost child. It reminded me a small part of our epic. The moment Devaki had seen her adult child for the first time milk started oozing from her br*asts. It indicated her that “Devaki, hear ur heart’s. He is yours”..Here my fate doesn’t assured me with such a big omen but my heart started beating badly but why??? I don’t have any relation with her. According to me she is a Canadian kid with Indian origin then why God?? Why??…….. I’m the daily viewer of such Indian soaps where baby swappings have a major role. But I can’t raise that question here. I doesn’t gave birth to a baby girl ever,even I can’t do that. The big curse given by the almighty to the most luckiest girl in the world. The curse made me inauspicious. The curse always robbed my joys.It is continuing and to be continued………………

My dear friends,

Pease pardon me if u can coz due to my over confidence I am forgetting to add some important things in the saga. I wanted to write a suspense one but in the way of making the story mysterious I am creating confusion. I know it is getting boring please pardon me for such grammatical errors, missing facts and confusion. Luv you all………


Ignorance is the best quality that I like in me most

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