Sibling by heart… Oberoi Heirs!
Ch -3
Tia tried to pay attention but she was not able to. Mrs. Kapoor noticed it and urged Tia to talk on behalf of Shivaay. Without much of a thought she agreed to it…
“Why everyone is talking against my Shivaay Baby? He is not at fault… she trapped him! That…” Tia said it as she zoned out in the beginning and never heard anything…
But even before she completes her words, Aadhira cracked up and laughed out… Her laughter lasted for few seconds… She looked at Shivaay with watery eyes…
“SHIVAAY BABY!” in a surprised, naughty and a whiny tone…
This made everyone to laugh… but they controlled it because of the situation…
Not Om, Rudra, Anika and Sahil… they laughed at that…
Tia: How dare you insult me?
Aadhira: You don’t even know my dare Ms. Kapoor…
Tia: Well… who are you? I mean Ms.?
Aadhira: Just Aadhira!
Tia: Whatever… Remember… I will ruin you if you disrespect me!
Aadhira: I would like to see you try…
Tej: Enough… No one is doing anything to other here…
Tia: It is she who started it and insulted me
Tej: I said enough… it means the end of the talk… You get that Tia
Tia: Who is she to blame or correct Shivaay… He was not at fault… and more than everything she insulted my love for Shivaay baby… and you
guys are supporting her… I will not stop until this cheep classless girl apologize to me and Shivaay baby… Do you even know who I am? I want you to apologize to…
*Tia started raising her voice and moved close to Aadhira… tried to be all intimidating… But Aadhira stood on her ground and is just looking at her…*
But Tia is pulled back and her cheek became red in the tight slap…
Everyone looked on…
Tia looked up to see Jaanvy…
Jaanvy slapped her…
Pinky: Jethaniji!!!
Mrs. Kapoor: How can you slap my daughter?
Jaanvy: How dare your daughter raise her voice at my daughter? And she post an open threat to ruin her… Out of all people here, you should know that I can ruin entire Kapoor’s life by few calls… You want me to show you…
With that Jaanvy took her phone out… Mrs. Kapoor’s eyes wide and her face lost colour…
Everyone knew how wide Jaanvy’s contact and how influential she can be…
Mrs. Kapoor glared at Tia and started apologizing to Jaanvy…
Aadhira: Mom… Don’t…
One word from daughter, Jaanvy stopped it…
Mrs. Kapoor: I am sorry beta… I don’t know… actually we don’t know who you are… Lots of things are happened in her life recently… she is just stressed… Please beta… Forgive her for me…
Aadhira: Mrs. Kapoor… there is a difference between a stress and insecurity…
Jaanvy: I think it is time for Kapoor’s to leave…
Pinky: Why should my daughter-in-law leave?
Aadhira: Are you leaving Anika?
Pinky: I meant Tia… she is my daughter in law… you don’t have to interfere in son’s life…
Aadhira: I will never involve myself in any of the oberoi’s life… I gave you that promise long back Mrs.Oberoi… I always keep my promises… It is late and I don’t want Anika to go alone… that is the reason I asked… you should stop imagining things…
Everyone was shocked… Because Aadhira never back answers Pinky… Jaanvy looked at her with proud eyes…
Jaanvy: Shivaay is also my son and his wife, even if he don’t want to accept it will be my daughter in law… I want everyone in the family to respect her or they have to face me. I don’t mind Tia staying in the house but she should know that she is just a guest and her limitations…
Pinky: Oh my maata! Who are you to finalzes anythings in this house?
Jaanvy: Elder bahu of Oberoi Kaandhan…
Shivaay: And my di has every single right to involve herself in my life and from today onwards everything in this mansion will happen according her
wish only…
Om: You came back di! Now this mansion will become a sweet home again!
Rudra: Haan di! Never leave us!
Dadi: I agree with all of you! Aadhira and Prinku… Take your bhabhi to bhaiyya’s room…
Prinku: Ji dadi…
Aadhira: I am sorry dadi… I will do it only if Anika is comfortable with it… or else please don’t pressure her…
Jaanvy: Ji mummy ji… Dhiru is right… What do you say Anika?
Anika looked at Jaanvy and Aadhira first. She felt warm and love but she also saw a hope…
Omru are eagerly expecting her to say yes so do Dadi…
Anika: I am fine with sharing a room with Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi…
Omru cheered and hugged and dadi is relieved…
Pinky is angry
Tia is glaring at everyone…
But Mrs.Kapoor took Tia aside and asked her to behave properly…
Anika in Shivaay’s room:
She is looking everywhere but at Aadhira and Priyanka…
Aadhira: Prinku… You go… I want to talk to Anika alone…
Prinku: Ji di! I will wait for you in room…
Aadhira: Anika… Make advantage of me and Jaanvy ma… Never leave your ground… I am here for you and you can ask me anything…
Anika slowly nod her head…
Anika: Thanks for saving my brother. Sahil is my life. If Mr.Shivaay did something to him…
She was not able to complete the sentence… seeing Shivaay at the doorstep…
Aadhira: Shivaay didn’t harm him. He kept Sahil in a flat with a caretaker and 15 other body guards. He was not tortured. Shivaay can be reckless and take stupid decisions but he is not cruel…
Aadhira is standing right in between both Shivaay and Anika but her back facing Shivaay… Anika looked at Shivaay and they shared an eye lock…
*O Jaana sad version plays*
Aadhira: This room is as much as yours as it is Shivaay’s. *she turned all of sudden and looked at Shivaay in eye* If Shivaay is bothering you in this room, you are most welcome to kick him out of the room… Right Shivaay?
Shivaay: Ji di… If that is what you want…
Aadhira: Good night Anika. Sahil will be in my room.
Without any word, Aadhira left and Shivaay looked at her longingly…
Aadhira’a room:
She entered the room only to see, Sahil sleeping peacefully in the bed… and Om, Rudra and Prinku waiting for her…
All of them looked at her happily…
Aadhira: You two have grown so much… *she looked at Rudra and Prinku… she ignored Prinku…*
Om: Di! What did I do? Why are you ignoring me?
Aadhira: You don’t know?
Om: Di! Punish me if I did anything wrong… Just don’t stop talking to me… Last few years without you talking to me, it was bad. Please di…
Aadhira: I am not your parent to punish you! I am your sister to help you! What is happening with you? What is bothering you?
The moment those words left… Omkara went and hugged her as tight as he can… He cried on her shoulder when she was just there… FOR HIM… HOLDING HIM…
Precap: Om and Aadhira talking…
Shivaay and Anika arguing over who sleeps where?
Author note:
The comments is encouraging me to update as fast as I can… You guys are amazing! Love you all
Amazing update
Waiting for nxt…..
Will update soon dear Yashu!
Wow , I love this new entry… she s Rocking ! Waiting for next part
Thank you Jayashree!
Amazing episode
Superb……waiting 4 the nxt part…….
Will update soon Bhavana!
Superb episode….. Waiting for next episode……
Nice epi
I really like you yaar. I am in love with your ff. And Adhira is the one whom I love the most. Pls post the next episode asap.
Your comment made me blush! Thank you… Will update soon
Nice track… Better than the original nafratbaaz track…post soon…
Thank you Anu16
Nice track it was awesome
Nice episode…
Very nice.. who is playing the role of aadhira?
I am still thinking… Not sure…
Please update soon. Loved it.
this is mind blowing yaar…
loved it…
Thank you Mrunal