Silence Whisper with a Devil ( Chapter 11 )


sorry for the delayed updates… I had my physics exam so I was busy with it…. hopefully it was not bad… so here the responses for the previous one,

@Akshara thanks dear

@Thebhooth 18 ya dear Vansh will very soon finish Kabir for that😁

@Mj thanks dear

@Alisha Roy thanks dear

@Prapti0809 thanks dear

@Unknown thanks dear

@Prabhleen thanks dear

@Aishwarya thanks dear

@Acchu thanks dear

@Tanvi_5117 thanks dear

@Anisha thanks dear

@Qt thanks dear

@Merra thanks dear

@Aisha08 thanks di

@Rinsh thanks dear

@SUMISHA thanks dear

@Varshini thanks dear

@……….😉😉😉 thanks dear …. my ID is ODS2021

@Parita thanks dear….

@Jayshree thanks dear

@Priyadarshini thanks dear

@Vkjhp thanks dear

@JJ thanks dear

@Sree thanks dear

@Salma thanks dear

@Riansh Lover hi buddy … 😋 thanks dear

@Anannya07 thanks dear

@ArushiSoni thanks dear

@Thakur thanks buddy…..

so here the 11th chapter❤❤❤


when I opened my eyes I was in my room ….. I saw Vansh starring at me siting on the couch crossing his arms like he has too many questions to ask….

”oh ahh you ….. thanks ….thanks for bringing me home” I said breaking the silence


”I didn’t expect that I will meet you there”


”why hmm? don’t you have anything to ask ?” I asked as I was really annoyed by his ” hmm”

”I think you have an explanation ” he said looking at me like a dad who wants a long explanation when child caught cutting class

”huh! yeah…. can we eat something now…. I think warms in my tummy shouting for foods” I said rubbing my tummy with pleasing eyes….

” what do you want?”

”hmm pizza ,burger , samosa ,tandoori chicken , butter chicken , paratha with spicy curry…… hmmm most importantly mint chocolate ice cream ”

”are you a girl?” he asked with a weird expression…. puh!!! is there any gender difference for eating… nonsense….. I am dieting like others as my body never get fat…. I am a born thin girl…

” no I am a were wolf who eats livers” I said showing my canine tooth…. he suddenly disappear to bring my whole food list… see how brave I am to control a non-human


Kabir was really upset…. he never knew Ridz will react like that… Though he knew the whole story he thought she will be happy seeing her parents…and it was her parents idea not his… he was really upset thinking how will he face her…. she was his childhood sweat heart who is more than a friend for him…. he called her many times but no answer…. He took the phone to message her even though he knew she will not respond….

Me (Kabir)

Ridz, I am sorry…. I didn’t mean to hurt you…. 😭😭 please forgive me …

Ridz, did you go home safely? are you ok? 😶

I thought you will be happy there is no other intention for taking you there…. trust me😌

Can you please forgive this time…. can you please forgive your crazy buddy…😞😞

ok at least tell me tell me are you fine? 😥

aish please respond …… otherwise I am coming to see you now 🙄

may I come 🤔


hey no no I am fine…. don’t come… I forgive you…. let’s meet day after tomorrow at the coffee shop… I have something to know🤨🤨


He has bought everything I said… mmmm what a delicious foods… I feel like heaven when I ate my mint chocolate ice cream…. I finished all foods and took a slip from my coca cola looking at Vansh who is starring at me like I am crazy

”why? is my face looking like a chicken wing or something else” I asked him wiping my face

”no not a chicken wing but looks like a pancake” he said wiping my upper lip….ufff I am died… my innocent mind going wild now… oh no Ridz come to the senses… didn’t I told you not to watch too many romance dramas…. but his touch was like burning fire… is he having fever…

”so hot” I said looking at him

”huh! hot? me ? yeah I know I am looking hot” he said raising his eyebrow…. WHAT!!! is he mad… I didn’t mean that…. but to be honest he is damn correct …..

”nonsense…. I said your touch is hot… I mean it feels like fire or something”


”anyway as you told you are older than 2 thousand years…. then tell me how many demon girlfriends did you have? I think at least 500 …. am I right? ” I asked winking at him …

”none” he said looking away

”oh why!!!!! see you have wasted your precious time… if not a demon girl then at least you should have try an angle girl…. if I had a chance to live such a long time then I surely should have so many demon and angle boyfriends…. ” I said laughing …. though I didn’t mean it I just wanted to tease him….

His mood changed hearing what I said…. he didn’t even reply…. he just looks at me with his cold look and in a second he disappeared…. he is so weird…. may be he loved an angle or maybe he had more than 500 girlfriends…..

Hey I am not stupid I am just carefree …..


”Prince we know where is she…. she is born in earth and she took off that necklace one time so that helped us to find her”

”does he know her ”

”no not yet…. he seems to be close to her but don’t know yet that she is her”

”wow!!!! such a pitiful love story my brother has…. ”

”ha soon we can close his and her chapter”

”ha soon…. I am so desperate to kill her from my own hands… damn angle ”

”you will soon”

” ha…anyway is she alone or with someone”

”no she is all alone and she is a human doctor”

”wow!!! ok then let’s play a game with my sister-in-law…. make the arrangements to go to earth”

”ok Prince”

”wait and watch …. your lovely brother-in-law coming to you….”


I was on my way to hospital when I saw people gathering around something… I parked the scooter for a while and went there to see what happened…. oh noo a man lying unconsciously …. he is bleeding so badly…. I quickly went to him and see whether he is breathing… ha he is breathing….

”what the hell everyone doing starring and taking photos and videos…. can’t you see a man dying here…. you crazy people…. hey someone come and help me to take him to the hospital” I shouted at the people who value likes they got than helping a dying man…. are they even humans…. I cursed under my breath…..

I took that man to the hospital with a help of someone… Though I am a doctor I can’t do everything so I let my seniors to took care of his wounds…. after some hours later they take him to the ward… I went to see him as I am the one who brought him here….

he looks so innocent but somewhere in my mind tell me he is not that good as he looks…

”Are you fine now?” I asked

”ha thanks to you I am fine”

”ok then take a good rest … I am a training doctor here … if you want anything just call me” I said leaving him…. he suddenly grab my wrist and

”Thank you and hope to see you soon sister-in-law ”

HUH!!!! sister-in-law..? what the heck….. I just smiled at him and left from there quickly as I was getting different types of vibes around me….


So how was the chapter?😉😉


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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