Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Silent Love (Episode 16)

Links to previous episode : Episode 15

MAheshwai Mansion:

Pari call Adarsh from behind.He gets tensed and keeps the pics back in the envelope.
Pari:Kya hua Adarsh? What is this?
Adarsh:Uh…Pari this is then bank bills of my credit card.I’ll pay b4 going to the office.
Pari:Oh ok,come have breakfast.Suddenly Adarsh gets a call from Monica.
Monica(crying):S…sir that yesterday…w.wh..when we were searching for the file sss…someone took our pics from wrong angle.(Bursts into tears)I don’t know what to do,I’m so scared i can’t evn get out of the home,sir please come to my home now…or else i don’t know what i’ll do.
Adarsh(tensed):Don’t do anything i’ll come right now.He keeps the phone.
Pari:What happen Adarsh?
Adarsh:Actually last minute some client kept the meeting today.So i have to rush to the office.
Pari:But break…
Adarsh:I’ll have something in office.Saying this he left nd Parineeta looks on.


Swaragini come to the college.Raj sees them and is happy to see Ragini.He goes to them.
Raj:Swara if u don’t mind can i take ur sister away from u for sometime?
Ragini:Away?Y away?Anyways i’ll tell shona everything later.Then y can’t u say right now?
Swara(Laughs):Go Ragini,he might need ur help to impress someone 😉 .
Raj(rolls his eyes):U think a lot.I feel pity for ur future life partner.Now Ragini will u please come?
Ragini:Acha baba come,nd Swara,see i’m leaving u here(she points towards sanskaar) and ur final destination is there.So don’t take ur own sweet time.Assume u r in a marathon 😉 .Swara glares at her nd Raj gives a confused look.He takes Ragini and goes from there while Swara goes to Sanskaar.


Swara:Hi Sanskaar,how r u?
Sanskaar:Hmmm i’m fine.What bout u?
Swara:Y r u behaving in such a formal manner?
Sanskaar:Nothing like that.
Swara:Btw whatever Pari bhabhi said yesterday had a good effect on Ragini.She might forgive lucky soon.
Sanskaar:Yeah,Pari bhabhi came to know everything so she was ready to help us.
Swara:Omg i never thought u were soo smart 😉 .Too good.What next?
Sanskaar:What next?
Swara:I mean…Raglak union?
Sanskaar:Y should i apply my brain the whole time,y can’t u think of something?
Swara:How rude..i praised u doesn’t mean u will turn arrogant.
Sanskaar(tauntingly):Yeah not all boys are as good as ur boyfriend
Sanskaar:Yeah,Ragini told everyone right that u like someone.Nd u were also nicely sitting nd dreaming bout that “Someone” while telling bout ur ideal guy.U can’t expect everyone to be like him.
Swara:That was just….
Sanskaar:Leave it,u think of something,i’ll go meet Kavya and Shaurya.
Swara:Ohhhhh so u wanted to meet Kavya?Should have said earlier naa,i wouldn’t have wasted ur time.
Sanskaar:No problem,we should be with someone whose company we enjoy,so i’ll go to Kavya AND Shaurya,nd u go to ur boyfriend.Swara feels hurt knowing he doesn’t enjoy ur company.
Swara:Yeah yeah sure,go nd think of something incase my idea is not good enough.Saying this she left and Sanskaar looks on.

Monica’s house:

Adarsh enter Monica’s house nd is shocked to know that Aryan is Monica’s brother.Monica is sitting there and crying while Aryan is frowning.
Adarsh:Monica Aryan is ur brother?Nd still u r working as my PA?
Aryan:Yes,she is working as ur PA to be independent.But i guess she had to pay very badly for this(throw pics infront of Adarsh)Like what the hell is this??? Do u have any idea how much my sister is suffering right now.And if someone else sees this do u know how much we will be insulted.This idiot was goin to consume sleeping pills right now. Adarsh is shocked to know that.
Adarsh:Monica are u mad?What was the need to do this?We clearly know that all this is not true.Then y were u trying to self harm.
Monica(still crying):I know but nobody would believe me.Everyone will blame me only.Adarsh keeps his hand on her shoulder and consoles her.
Adarsh:Don’t worry.Nothing will happen.We will try to find out.Stop crying now and promise u will not try to do anything stupid.(Monica nods)Take a day off and Aryan i think i might be some business rival,either urs or mine.So we’ll have to try to find out who can do this cheap thing.Arayan nods and Adarsh leaves from there.
Monica(hugging her brother):Bhai,Y did that person do this to me?I have never tried to harm anyone.Then y is all this happening with me.
Aryan:Calm down Monica,everything will be ok.



Raj is nervous and is walking to and fro,while Ragini is standing there getting bored.
Ragini(irritated):Raj whats wrong with u?Y don’t u say anything?
Raj(trying to calm down):Ok Ragini its just that I don’t know how u will react.
Ragini:Kyun footag kha raha hai.Jaldi bol naa. thing is that..since the day i met u..i was attracted to u.Nd..i don’t know i always felt bad seeing u near other boys,i couldn’t bear it.I always wanted to confess but i feared that our friendship will break.But now before its too late i want to confess.I LOVE YOU RAGINI.Since the very beginning.I know i’m behaving like a crazy lover but..i am..can’t help it 😛 . Ragini is extremely shocked with his confession.She didn’t know how to react.
Ragini:Raj…i’m really sorry but i don’t feel the same bout u(Raj is shocked and heart broken).U r a nice guy,but i can’t accept ur proposal,if i accept ur proposal to not hurt ur feelings then i would be cheating on u,u r a really good friend,infact my best friend,u did a lot for me.Nd i can’t hurt u by giving u false hopes.So i’m really sorry,but i don’t love u. 🙁 Raj is heartbroken but gives a fake smile.
Raj:Its ok Ragini,atleast i am relieved that i confessed my feelings nd u didn’t break our friendship.U go to Swara,i’ll come in some time.
Ragini:Are u ok?
Raj:Not much but i’ll be fine.U go i’ll join u later.Ragini leaves.Raj is extremely sad nd is on the verge of crying.But then he gives an evil expression.
Raj(to himself):How much ever u try to reject me nd my love,i’ll make u mine.If not with ur permission then without ur permission.U r only mine.Nobody else has a right on u.The episode ends with Raj’s evil nd psychotic smile.

Precap:Didn’t decide,so let it be a surprise 😛

Important questions popping in everyone’s mind,what will Raj do now?Will he hurt Raglak in order to get Ragini?Who is the person trying to ruin Adarsh’s life?Nd what will be Swasan’s fate with all the misunderstanding between them? To know more , keep reading my ff Silent Love 😉
P.s. Sorry for no Raglak scene today 😛

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