Fan Fiction

Silent Love (Episode 8)

Link to prev part : Episode 7

Next day,Swaragini reach college.Ragini is upset about the previous nights incidents.On the other hand Swara is determined to know the truth bout Sanky’s past.Swara sees Sanskaar nd goes to him.Laksh sees Ragini alone nd tries to talk to her.


Laksh:Hey teekhi mirchi.How r u?U were looking so hot yesterday.I know,i know evn i was looking hot,u don’t need to say…haan but if u really wanna complement then u can with a kiss 😉
Ragini:Lucky please,was yesterday’s drama not enough for u?Please stop following me.
Laksh:Of course,u should be embarrassed for that.I mean u don’t evn know how to kiss.
Ragini:Y should i evn kiss u? U r nothing to me.Nd wat do u mean i don’t know how to kiss? i din’t evn kiss u.So u don’t know what a great kisser i am/
Laksh:Oh really?(He goes towards her nd whispers)Then prove it
Ragini is shocked.He comes closer to her but she does not move.She is thinking of a way to escape but instead keeps staring at lucky.


Swara pretends to be angry nd goes to Sanskaar.
Swara:What does ur brother think of himself? First he broke my sister’s heart nd den forcibly kissed her.
Sanskaar:Em sorry Swara but don’t get Lucky wrong.He actually loves Rags a lot.
Swara is shocked nd happy but continues her acting.
Swara:Oh please if he really loved her he wouldn’t have hurt her.Nd what he did yesterday just proves that he lusted her.Nothing else/Evn my sisters tears nd struggle didn’t have any affect on him >:(
Sanskaar:Swara please,listen to me.
Swara:U listen to me.All boys r same who only use girls for their benefit.When they r satisfied they dump them like a worthless piece of junk.Em sure evn u r of the same kind.
Sankaar was now angry.All his past moments flashed in front of his eyes.He held swara’s arms angrily which forced her to scream in pain.Hearing her Raglak came to their senses nd rush to swasan.
Sanskaar:Enough is enough.What do u girls think of urself.U consider boys spoilt nd casanova kind.But what r u girls?U girls don’t evn care bout others feelings.U just care bout urself.Nd for ur selfish motives u girls can stoop to any level.Before commenting on others it is better u first look at ur own reflection.Saying this he left her nd goes.She falls on the ground.Ragini goes to console Sanskaar nd LAksh goes to help Swara.


Laksh:Are u ok?
Swara:Yes i am.Bt what is wrong with him?Y did he say like that?
Laksh:Actually Swara it is not his fault.But someone’s deed forced him to think in this way.


Sankaar was in a relationship with a girl named Kavitha.He loved her from the core of his heart nd treated her like a princess.But one fine day he saw he making out with someone else.Hurt nd annoyed,he beat the guy nd scolded Kavitha.
Sanskaar:How could u Kavitha?What was missing in my love?Y did u do this to me?
Kavitha:Sanskaar calm down.I know u love me a lot.Evn i love u.But come on we r teenagers.We do get attracted to people.We can’t stay loyal nd commited to each other like adults.So it happens.Ok wait i have an idea…i can makeout with any one i like nd so can u.Nd we can do this being with each other.In short let’s be in an open rela… Before she could complete her sentence a tight slap lands on her face.
Sanskaar:U r a very bad example of a lover nd a woman.But thanks for opening my eyes nd showing how cheap girls can be.Saying this he left without evn turning.

Flashback ends..

Swara is shocked nd she felt extremely guilty for what she did.She now understood what was Sanskaar going through nd felt bad for him.


Ragini:Whats wrong with u?How can u treat my sister like this?
Sanskaar:Em sorry Ragini.I didn’t want to hurt her.God knows what happened to me.
Ragini:Not all girls r like Kavitha.U need to understand that.
Sanskaar:I know but…He breaks down while Ragini consoles him.Swara sees this nd becomes teary eyed seeing his state.

Precap:Ragini continues ignoring Laksh.Swasan apologise to each other nd decide to unite Raglak.

Hope u guys like it 🙂

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