Silent Whisper With a Devil ( 10th Chapter )

Thanking for the comments on previous chapter….❤❤❤

@Prabhleen thanks dear

@Tanvi_5117 thanks dear… ya he has wounded past

@Aisha08 thanks di

@Varshini thanks dear

@Mj thanks dear

@Aishwarya thanks dear

@Merra thanks dear

‘@Qt yes he has a soft heart inside him

@ArushiSoni thanks dear

@Parita thanks dear

@SUMISHA thanks dear

@Riansh thanks dear

@Nia thanks dear

@Acchu thanks dear

@………😉😉😉 thanks dear ya I am on wattpad

@Priyanka thanks dear

@Jayshree thanks dear

@Priyadarshini thanks dear

@Vkjhp thanks dear

@Sree thanks dear



I felt that some of you don’t know much about Lucifer the fallen angle and the king of hell…. so here the link to know much about him…. for those who don’t know him can read that article about him …… 

So here the story begins…….


It was a pleasant time and the surrounding was just filled with nice smell and flowers making a heaven feeling…..  every where filled with different kinds of birds and especially butterflies….  ….. It was a nice scenery to watch ….. 

There was a charming boy looking at the sky in the edge of river ….. 

Suddenly a pair of two tiny hands hugged him from back which makes him surprised…. he gently take out the hands from him and turned back to look at the person who hugged him…. it was a girl…. he was mesmerised seeing her beauty…. 

”ohh sorry ….. I …. I thought you are Aarav…. most days he came here like this … so I am sorry…. I am sorry’ …. I mistook you as him…. sorry….’ she said holding her ears… 

”ah it’s ok…. no problem” he said with a glowing smile

”anyway I have never seen you here before”

”ah I am not living here… I just came to meet god representing my father” he said keeping his smile

”ohh…. I am lily….. the youngest daughter of god” she said with her brightest smile 

‘ I am Vansh ….. eldest son of head angle”

”oh I heard a lot about you from God…. you are his favourite ….”

”oh ! anyway who is Aarav”

”ah he is my brother ….. angle of wisdom…. anyway I have to go now ….. nice to meet you” saying this she turned to go but stopped and turned towards him picking a flower from near bush…..

”here … treasure this to remember our first meet” she gave him the flower with a pure smile and left from there before he say anything…..

Present day,

Vansh opened eyes and see the same sky above him with the same shine he saw that day….. he took a glass ball which was inside him and caresses it with a smile that contain happiness and sadness both

 ” I treasured it for all those centuries as you told me…. but you are not with me to see how I am treasuring it ” he said looking at the flower inside the glass ball…..


I wear my black short and t-shirt and put on my jacket …. and stepped put of the house and went to the nearest park where I usually go for a walk…. I sat on a bench under a huge tree enjoying the evening scenery around me….

Suddenly an idea came to my mind so I shouted ”’Vansh….. Vanshhhh…vansh” ….. Ya I thought he will come to me if I shouted his name…. what a lame joke…. but I have seen in K-dramas that the boy who has super powers come to the girl whenever she shout his name….

”will he really come” I think putting my hands in pockets as the weather was little cold today…

”did you called me” I heard from my behind …. I just looked at behind in disbelief ” hey you really come” I said in surprise

”ha I came… why…why called me?”

”ahh I was alone so I thought to spend some time with my non-human friend” I said pouting

” why? are you falling for me” he asked with a smirk

”huh! are you crazy….. ”

”just kidding ….. ”

”anyway how old are you”

”why? why are you asking it all of sudden” he asked me raising his eyebrow

”oh just …just …. as a good girl I should respect you considering your age” I said smiling…

”oh then you should worship me , if you want to respect me according to the age” he said laughing

”why is that”

”because my age is more than 2 thousand years”

”WHAT!!!!!” I said covering my mouth…. oh my goodness…. I slowly squeezes his cheeks and looked at him with my widen eyes

”why? ” he said snapping his finger

”how ? how can you be like a young man when you are older than my great grand parents” I said in surprise

”we , demons never get old….”

”wow!!!! it’s just wow!!!…. is every demons like that…. is everyone in your world never get aged”


”wow!!!! can you take me there?”

”to hell? are you sure”

”no no not to hell …. I mean to your world?”

”my world is hell because I am the king of hell” he said in a serious mood… is he really the king of hell? no!!!! it can’t be…. how on the earth the king of hell can be this much handsome ? no no no….

”you liar….. you always say you are the king of hell…. I swear if I found the real king of hell I surely  complain him that you are making fun of him” I said rolling my eyes

” you will indeed meet him” Vansh said with a smirk and vanished from their saying ” don’t forget I can read your mind”

Aish!!! how can I be a dumb this much…. ufff he may heard I said he is handsome…. how embarrassing….. and see how rude he is…. he vanished without saying good bye…. IDIOT!!!


I was in a deep sleep when I heard the ”Beep … beep” sound indicating that I got a message… I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and looked at the phone ….It was Kabir


Hey Ridz, get ready quickly…. I am coming to take you with me somewhere🤗


hey idiot!!! where are we going?😪


You will know soon😌


I have to go to hospital…. 🤨


leave it …. for me love😙


any death wish ?😤


If you come with me today then I will buy you the latest brand of mint-chocolate ice-cream😁


oh ! really…I coming my love😁


I knew you are ready to give up anything for mint-chocolate ice cream🤣🤣



I get ready and told Sejal That I will not able to come hospital today…. when I came to the down Kabir was already there ….. I quickly get into his car and he began drive it without any talking… I really hate silence… so I end the silence zone

”hey dude ! at least tell me now where are we going”

”hey don’t get panic I am not kidnapping you…. ” he said laughing at me…. ” here we are” he said stopping the car at a house which looks familiar to me

Then I saw a girl looks like 10 or 12 years old coming towards me…. she came and suddenly hugged me saying ” finally I saw you sis”

”sis?” I looked at Kabir who is looking at me with a smile…. then I saw familiar two figures coming to me

”mumma ! papa!”



”yes lord”

” find every girl who looks like Lily and give me their details”

”but lord… do you think she reborn with the same face”

”most probably it can be…. ”

”ok lord … Aryan said he wants to meet you now”

” not now… I have something to do on earth say Aryan to meet me after I came”

”Lord he looks furious… if you can ”



”Mumma ….papa” I said looking at the two figures in front of me….. I am seeing them after 14 years…. ha but still I can identify them…. they are my so called parents that I loved most…

” Riddu …. you have grown dear” mumma came towards me but I stepped back … she touched my cheeks and pecked on my forehead and hugged me which makes my heart breaks into million pieces…

 it was the warmth I always wished through out these years…. her touch, her hug, her kisses , her warmth was the only thing I wished everyday…. It is called mother’s love which I didn’t get during this damn 14 years

”Riddu , my child see now you have become young beautiful lady” papa said hugging me

every child craves for farther’s love specially girls…. in every girls’ world her father is the king… every girl feels protection in her father’s arms …. even I craved for my father’s warmth and protection…

all I do was standing like a statue…. I don’t know what to say or do…. I think that little girl maybe my sister…. I saw how they love her…. I saw how she gets parental love …. if I said I am not jealous then I am wrong… why did they do that to me …. how can they trust a fortune teller and push me away from them

tears rolling down …..  but I don’t want to cry in front of them … I just want to run away from this can you smile when you see your parents  who abandoned you and meet you after 14 years….

”Riddu come inside dear” mumma hold my hand saying this

I suddenly took my hand from her and screamed as much as I can

”WHY!!!!” all I able to say is why…. my words stuck in my throat…

”Riddu…” ” DON’T TOUCH ME ….. ” I said crying and ran from they despite their shouting to stop…. I ran fast … I don’t know where am I now…. all I want to escape from them… I ran and ran without knowing where to go….

I was lost … I feel lifeless after crying and crying…. I didn’t realise I am losing blood from my wrist because of a wound I got when fell down on the street while running… but I didn’t stop… I ran and ran until I can

”Riddima” I heard the voice in front of me and saw a figure but my eyes a blurry because of tears…. but I identify that voice and ran to hug him

”Vanshhhhh” I hugged him tightly and try to relax myself….

”Riddima why are you crying”he asked me cupping my face

”Vanshhh…. Vansh!!! they …. they ….. I …I met them Vanshhh… ” my voice is still cracking and can’t say anything

”shhh!!!! stop talking… first calm down…. calm down” he said trying to console me….

I try to calm down in his arms…although I know he is not a human I felt protectiveness and comfort in his arms…. I felt like I am safe in his arms… he rested my head on his chest and took long breath to stop my self crying….. may be because of losing blood and crying too much my eyes become heavier and I think I fell sleep in his arms even though we are in the middle of street….

Why I feel comfort and safe in his arms….?

so how was the chapter😋😋😋


I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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