Silsila Pyaar Ka 22nd May 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode begins with sakshi says raunak that I m worried y has mom not came home and raunaks snaps at her to go and make medicines and breakfast for father and mamaji says to raunak wat is wrong with u, u r against ur mom and raunak says tat I do care but all these years u all have lied to me this time too mom must have took this time to prepare some lie and mamaji says tat I have heard that boys change after marriage and raunka shouts at mamji please don’t blame my wife for anything its all wat u have lied to me and so I don’t trust and raunak asks sakshi to go and prepare breakfast for father.
Janaki is talking to didi and asks her to come home and tell the truth to raunak as she knows everything and didi says tat I will talk to raunak but I remember how u behaved with me and threw
me out of house so u now get out of my house and I wont come along with u while janaki tells didi that u know that how much I love my son so I m telling u that u have to come or else u know wat will happen.
Raunak is feeding is father dinner taking care sakshi sees this and feels happy while raunak says tat time given to mom is over so we should leave sakshi tries to say something but raunak says we will leave and then says tat I will be back in few minutes
While kamini, mumun, mamaji and raunaks chachi thinking y is janaki so late where is she and comes janaki with raunaks bua and she then sees raunaks chachi and says tat u r still here y have u colored ur face wen ur husband is in jail and then he says to mamaji that he is still here and asks who are these two and raunaks chachi says tat she is kamini and mumun janakis friend and bua says tat have u opened a dharamshala for all or wat and bua says tat he must be raunak and asks who is tat girl and janaki says tat she is raunaks wife and sakshi comes ahead and takes blessings while raunak asks who is she and janaki says tat she is ur bua ur fathers elder sister and raunak doubts y should I belive u and bua says tat I will show u pics and shows album to raunak pointing her and her brother and then janaki asks bua that will she meet her brother now and bua agrees and goes up
While sanjana is angry and tell vinays mother that niti has got to know the truth that I like vinay and she has now asked me to leave and vinays mother asks wat r u saying does she know that I m involved in this and sanjana says no
Bua enters room sees her brother lying pulls up a stool and stares at him raunaks father wakes up and bua says a riddle raunaks father completes the riddle and bua hugs him in happiness and says tat who says tat he is mad he is good and remembers me and bus asks wat u want and raunaks father point at sakshi and bua asks does she trouble u and raunaks father says tat no she is nice she takes care of me and then points at janaki and says tat janaki is bad I don’t like her and then asks where were u didi and bua says tat u only kicked me out and then raunaks father says to didi that now don’t leave me and go and she says that I will be here only now and then all go out of the room
Bua then goes out and sits in hall and asks wat is wrong are there no servant here no one asked for water or snacks and kamini says don’t worry I will bring for u and bua laughs u have brought ur friends to make them servant and laughs while janaki says tat bua I brought u here to tell u the truth and then bua asks sakshi to come close and gifts money as present Then janaki says tat pls tell the truth to raunak and bua tells that I liked janaki and our father too but randhir didn’t like her
Bua says tat randhir liked another girl so much that he was going to name his whole property on her name
Update Credit to: Tanaya