Sinhasan Battisi 29th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode begins with,into old fort kritika is asking raj abhoj tat wat kind of situation is this if samrat does his duty he has to let the boy be killed or he has to do dharma and stop this wat do u think raj abhoj says tat samrat will do his duty but also do dharma kritika then ask tat tat means he will not do his duty raj abhoj then explains tat samrat will do his duty and dharma also
Samrat says tat how is he going to find a way out of this varhamirj i then tells tat the shastra tells tat previously this kind of donation has be done where nachiketa donated his son to yamraj samrat then asks please help me find a way out of this varhamirji then tells tat if the himself cancels his wish to die then yamraj will also not ask for the donation
Maharani chitralekha is then convincing
gopal to have food while gopal reminds of his fathers words and asks her to bring yamraj here samrat then comes and ask gopal to have food as his mother is saying but then gopal asks the way to reach yamraj samrat then tells him tat first he wants him to know the meaning of life and explains him tat lifeis important as even god don’t get this but then gopal says tat he wants to follow his fathers order as god ram followed wat his father ordered i.e to suffer vanvas than he will alaso follow his fathers order samrat is shocked to hear him into old fort kritika asks is this right to raja bhoj he then says tat he is right kritika asks how raja bhoj explains he is seeing god ram as his idol and putra dharma is the bigeest dharma
While samrat then tells chitralekha tat he will do his duty and chitralekha is surprised to see this and asks tat will he make gopal die varhamirji then tells tat the fortune tells tat their is written the death of gopal samrat then decides to visit gopals father shet ganga Prasad and asks chitralekha to take care of gopal
Sheth ganga Prasad is seen donating food and wealth amongst people while the people complaint tat this is food is nasty while ganga prasad gets angry and scolds him tat he is doing punya here to get a good life in future and u are finding out nuances in his donation and ask his soldiers to take away the man from his eyesight then comes the next person to take the donation by ganga parasad he gives him coins the man then sees it and says tat these are false gold coins and ganga Prasad gets angry again and there comes another man who blames ganga Prasad for his bad health as he took the cow tat he donated to him she was ill and he drank the milk from tat cow and fell ill listening to this ganga Prasad gets so angry tat ask his soldiers to hit hima ndthen he calls his donation off and leaves
Samrat arrives and ask people around where is ganga prasads house people then laugh and say here comes an another fool to take the donation from tat false man samrat then says tat he has heard tat ganga Prasad is a very nice person and donates for good but peole tell him tat he donates all tat is not goos and people suffer due to it samrat gets an idea tat ganga Prasad is not a good human then a man around tells him the address and samrat goes to his house
Ganga Prasad is scolding his soldiers and comes samrat and says tat this kind of donation will not give u punya ganga Prasad then asks him to keep quiet as he dosent know wat is punya and asks him to leave but samrat refuses and then ganga Prasad asks his soldiers to hit him and they fight and samrat hits all of them and says tat wat kind of a father u are tat u donated ur child to yamraj ganga Prasad is shocked tohear this
In palace gopal wakes up at night and thinks tat may be samrat also does not know the path and so he has not yet told him and decides tat he needs to find on his own and hedecides to leave and sees tat chitralekha is sleeping around and he stops infront of her and says tat he is sorry for his this step and he has to leave and may be in next janam he will get the opportunity and leaves chitralekha wakes up and she is shocked to see tat gopal is nowhere
Gangaprasad then says tat u don’t know the reality so don’t judge me as my son always use to troble me and say tat wat i m doing is not dharma and it pissed me samrat then asks wat made him do so ganga Prasad then tells tat once wen he was asking a rushi tat how much punya he has collected there comes gopal and says tat this is adharma and he will not get any punya ganga Prasad gets angry and ask his son to shut up gopal then says tat if it is so then please donate me in anger ganga Prasad then says tat he donates u to yamraj
Samrat is shocked to hear this and asks ganga Prasad tat gopal is a very sweet kid and he should accept him as children are gods gift but ganga Prasad refuses and says tat that kid is of no use to him and if he takes back his donation from yamraj than he wont get a good life ahead
Samrat is warning ganga Prasad to stop this or else he will punish him with death ganga Prasad than asks wat is his crime samrat then tells tat ur crime is to make ur son kill himself gopal is seen praying to yamraj to arrive and take him away
Update Credit to: Tanaya