Sinhasan Battisi 4th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode begins with,raja bhoj gives a necklace from his neck as shagun to gange and neelam when raja bhoj turns he doesnot sees maharani and the ramleela starts and raja bhoj turns and sees outside tat maharani vallari is going in some other direction and then raja bhoj follows her he sees tat she is going to temple and decides to go and ask her where is she going and then he sees a plate of pooja near mahakals idol and raja bhoj thinks tat this is maharanis plate of pooja but he cant see her around
Maharani vallari is seen seeing the ramleela where ram sita and lakshman go to their father to take his blessings and leave for vanvas and then todays episode ends while raja bhoj comes in and vallari then asks him tat where was he she was searching for him and was not able to concenterate
and then raja bhoj says tat he was also searching for her and then comes gange and telam and declare the end of the episode and asks everyone to come next day as the episode will show them nose cutting of shurpanakha
And then next day maharani vallari is seen getting ready and comes raja bhoj and vallari then asks raja bhoj tat how is she looking today and raja bhoj says tat she always looks beautiful and then vallari asks tat cant he see any change and raja bhoj then says tat she looks different and beautiful everytime he sees and then maharani vallari asks him to get ready as she needs to go and give food to ram and lakshman as it is the 3rd day of dashera and she leaves after tat raja bhoj sees on the bed the clothes of maharani vallari tat she wore last night he finds the necklace tat he gifted to the owners of ramleela and then he decides to go and ask maharani
Maharani vallari is then seen giving food to ram and lakshman the characters in ramleela gange and telam are seen there while they talk to each other and say tat maharani vallari is completely obsessed with ramleela and then they smell the food and think tat the food is delicious and there comes raja bhoj and calls vallari and says tat he needs to talk to her gange and telam greets raja bhoj but he doesnot sees it and goes to talk to vallari and asks her tat where did this necklace came to him while vallari says tat this is urs necklace and then gange and telam recognize the necklace and say to vallari tat this is not of raja bhoj’s now as he gifted it to them during ramleela and then telam asks raja bhoj tat where did he find it but raja bhoj doesnot answer and gange then asks telam to shut up as the necklace is found we don’t need to know from where did he find out. While raja bhoj then says tat it wont be appropriate to say anything now and then he asks vallari to continue her work and then he leaves.
Gange and telam are seen laughing in their hut and they tell the real reason of them being here they once fought with raja bhoj and he defeated them and get hold of them and calls their father who is his friend and tells him tat ur son has again attacked me and now they will be punished and then their father asks them to go and touch his feet and say sorry to raja bhoj and gange and telam go touch his feet and say sorry they say tat they felt very hurt and their self respect drowned and so they are here to take revenge from him and they will definitely damage his selfrespect .
Raja bhoj and maharani vallari are seen doing pooja in mahakals temple and then they decide to give daan(charity)and raja bhoj says tat this time they will give daan from her hands the Brahman dev listen to this and they decide they wont take daan from maharani and leave while vallari asks raja bhoj tat y did the Brahman went and refuse to take daan from her he then goes to find out wats the reason and stops the Brahman and asks them tat y will they not take daan from maharani and the Brahman dev says to raja bhoj tat they respect u as a raja but maharani they cant as whatever is going in this kingdom is not acceptable to them and they leave listening to this raja bhoj also gets upset and witout even talking to maharani comes to palace while maharani comes running behind him and asks wats the matter and says tat wats wrong wat did the Brahman says y r u so quiet and raja bhoj then tells her tat the Brahman insulted u and vallari then asks tat did she by mistakenly has insulted them so they are angry and raja bhoj says tat can she be able to listen tat and vallari then forces him to tell and raja bhoj tells her tat mahamay had shown him some visuals before coming here tat u were going out somewhere at night and all the people in the kingdom also know this and so they are insulting u and thinking wrong about u while listeningto this maharani stops him and says tat she completely understood wat he is trying to say and says tat she is shocked to know tat u didn’t trust her atleast she was expecting it from u and leaves while gange and telam see all this and are happy tat they have succefully separated raja bhoj and maharani and created misunderstanding between them.
Maharani is leaving the palace while raja bhoj tries to stop her but maharani vallari says tat she is hurt and so she is leaving all the royalties and richness and leaves.
Update Credit to: Tanaya