Sinhasan Battisi 6th February 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode begins with,raja bhoj is following the dasi and he sees tat she is meeting two people who have covered themselves while in the ramleela ravan is trying to harras sita but she warns him tat if he tries to touch her he will be dead and ravan gets back while the man asks the dasi tat y is she here in these maharanis clothes and she says to them tat she did as they have told her and now she wants the promised amount and the man then kills her seeing this raja bhoj shouts to stop them and goes to catch them but they run and he stays near dasi and says tat he will save him but the dasi asks him to go and catch them and raja bhoj follows them and get hold of them but he gets hit by one of them on his head and raja bhoj tries to faint while the two escape and raja bhoj goes back to dasi and
says tat he will take her to a doctor and save her life the dasi then says to raja bhoj tat let her die as she did adharma to maharani and he should go and catch the culprit
Gange and telam come running towards their hut and say tat raja bhoj almost caught them but now they are safe and telam then says to gange tat u r ekder but u r very scared and listening to this gange plays a prank on telam and says tat there is a snake on his back and telam gets scared and gets up from the bed and starts running here and there and ask his brother to pls help him take out the snake and then gange starts laughing and says tat he was just playing a prank and then gange says tat now they have to focus on their plan to destroy the raja bhojs selfrespect but then telam says tat now they have to play very carefully as raja bhoj now knows their plan and we should start our movements
In ramleela hanuman comes to meet sita and give her a ring given to him by ram as a sign tat he will come to save her and raja bhoj is seen riding horse and goes to meet maharani vallari while vallari is performing pooja and then she sees raja bhoj and asks tat y has he come here again and raja bhoj says tat he is here to give her the answer and she asks wat answer and raja bhoj tells her tat it was someones trap to damage ur image in the society and used the dasi to play trick they also tried to kill her but he saved her and she is recovering now and he then promises her tat he will give her dignity back and then only he will be with her till then he will stay away from her and raja bhoj leaves while vallari has tears in her eyes after listening the truth and stops raja bhoj and asks him to have some food as he has not had any but raja bhoj says tat he wont eat or drink until he catches the culprit and leaves.
Raja bhoj has told bramdat about the dasi while brahmdat says tat he is not able to believe it and then raja bhoj asks brahmdat to check the dasis room may be they can find some clue there and then brahmdat leaves and there comes gange and telam raja bhoj asks them tat y are they here and they say tat they are feeling very bad after listening tat maharani left u and then raja bhoj says to them tat they should not interfere in his personal matters and then gangu and teli ask raja bhoj to come for the pooja as maharani is not here and they still respect and consider him as their raja and raja bhoj agrees to it and leaves .
Brahmdat is seen searching for a clue in the dasis room and he finds gold coins which not belong to Ujjain and there comes raja bhoj and asks has he found anything and then brahmdat shows him the gold coins and raja bhoj also asks which coins are these and asks him to call the gold coin expert and get to know to which rajya these coin belong to later raja bhoj goes to the ramleela to do pooja while gange and telam are waiting for him and when raja bhoj arrives all people are looking surprised on his arrival and when raja is about to do the pooja dharmguru stops him and says tat they will not consider him as raja as he has not followed his dharma and even his wife has no character raja bhoj stops dharm guru and says tat this is all lie and this is all someones trap to damage their image and then dharmguru asks for proof to him but then raja bhoj in front of everyone swears tat he will prove tat he and his wife are not wrong and then only he will be the king of Ujjain and removes his mukut and gives it to dharmguru gangu and teli are enjoying in their hut tat they have successfully made raja bhoj give away his mukut but then in palace brahmdat is asking raja bhoj tat y did he do so and raja bhoj tells him tat he did it purposel while a soldier comes and tells tat a goldsmith is here and raja bhoj is surprised to see the same gold coin found in the dasis room with him and asks him where did he get this from and the goldsmith tells tat a beggar gave him raja bhoj wonders how did a beggar get it and asks brahmdat to find out by recognizing which beggar gave him
While in hut gange is hitting telam tat he did a mistake and now they are in trouble and ask him tat y did he gave the gold coin to a beggar and then telam says tat the beggar told him tat he will be a raja one day and was talking all nice about him and so he gave it gange then says to him tat now he has to plan something or else they may fail and telam then says tat he has plan and they will attack in palace when the ramleel will play the ravan dahan episode and capture the palace and then raja bhoj will have to bend in front of them and beg for his kingdom and selfrespect and comes their soldier who are playing role of devils and gods in the act of ramleela while they ask tat should they attack on the palace and then telam tells them tat not know and they should continue their act and will attack wen they will tell them .raja bhoj is telling brahmdat tat he did this purposely so tat the one who is doing all this will use this opportunity to come in front.
Raja bhoj is asking the coin expert tat from where are these gold coins he says tat it is from gangapur while brahmdat says tat who will behave like this as gangapur is friendly hood neighbor and raja bhoj says to brahmdat tat now he has understood everything and raja bhoj is seen fighting with the enemy soldiers.
Update Credit to: Tanaya