EPISODE- 6 Sirf Tum Hi Ho(jndsd)………
ITS morning- In Vashist house……..
Shivangi shouts in cry…… Ravish runs…… everyoune is worried and take her to hospital…….. ravish calls Vividha……..
rav: hello,vividha ravish here…
viv: yes, what happen you are sounding worried is everything all right,
rav: Shivani pain has started, we are in Nelson hospital…….
viv: I just come, you don’t worry, take care of Shivani…….(call disconnects)
viv: reaches hospital…….inquire what happen…….
ravish was tenesed in away as he is waiting for board results……..(he informs vividha that anytime good news can come) they all wait….
in mean while ravish recieve call from Shivani sister…… Jiju where is didi, he in form everything, and diconnect phone……{ you must be thinking who is Shivani sister ….. she is Riya)…
At site she goes to Atharv…….
riya: may I leave for some work,(she request)
athrv: (inqiure) what the matter…..(she explain him)… wait I will also I come….
riay:(gets happy thinking that atharv care about her) thank u sir, Nelson hospital……
they leave……. vividha in hospital fell unwell…….. She goes out….. Atharv also reaches Hospital with riya… she runs inside…..
inside hospital baby cry is heard, everyone gets happy doctor inform that its daughter, they all are happy and congrates everyone….
Athrv comes out of his car waiting for riya, to come back……..he see here and there and finds Vividha he gets happy…..moves forward in that direction….
vividha feels someone hands at her shoulder winds blows she turns and find…. its Ravish who is holding his daughter…..
rav: congrates beti h, he smiles…..
viv:(eyes get filled up with tear) do know ravish, I remember my time when I was there and I hold my Vidhita in my hands she hugs baby…. I would have aloan but you was there……thank u ravish, he ran away but you were there…….. ravish holds vividha, it ok vividha calm down……
Atahrv sees that and find Vividha happy and thinks……
athrav: See Vividha my decision was right, about you and Ravish….. he turns and toward her car…..
winds blows Vividha… Atharv…. turns…… ravish inqiure…
rav: what happened…….
viv: I thought that ki Atharv h, but how can he come…..leave this…… she congrates ravish and goes inside hospital…. she cngrates everyone and meet Shivani…
here riya returns from hospital……. and Atharv and riya drive away……
In Atharv house he tells Sujata about Vividha and Ravish happy life and their baby…….Sujata thinks hey….. why you are taking my and my son’s life test…..
Next day……… Ataharv after completing plant work…….driving towards home….. thinks about Vidhita and her cute talks cute…….she reaches near Vidhita School and
ask driver to stop car there……..
riya: sir here, why?
athrv:(he smiles) I don’t why I want to meet that little girl again, why? i don’t know….
he waits for vidhita……. Vidhita comes out and see atharv and run towards atahrv…. Atharv holds her in his lap and hugs him and gives sweet kiss in her cheeks
and recieve one too……she gets down and they both make Trade mark sign…….(V and smile)
Athv: how are you beta……
vid: I’m fine, waise aap kitne gande ho……
atharv: why I’m bad ? hmm…
vid: Itni beautiful girlfriend koi dhop m khad karta h kya…..(smile)
Athv: sorry what do you like like to have…….(he smile) you sit in car please……
vid: sweets……..bas…..
ath: remember vividha’s sweet incidence……he goes buys swwet for home as well….
vid: thanks you dost, all these sweet for me……
Athrv: beta this small packet for you……..
vid: this so less, give uncle…..
athv:(smile) no are so small how will you finish this much……
vid: I will handle, you just give me……
he starts eating sweet and finish her small back box quickly….. Athrv observing her with wide eyes…
and surprise…..she is still eating…..
atharv: i feel that you like sweet so much……
viv: eating, my mum also like sweet…. (ask her mother name about to tell and phone rings)……
she finishes all sweet…… Atharv oh!!!!!!!… saab katham…
Vid: Thank U, or ha monday ko mera happy birthday to aap aaoge na…. please(she insists and make him agree)
Athv: ok…. so What do you want…..tell whatever you want….
vid:(excitedly) I want Eshass autograph……
ath:(surprise and after thinking for while what to do t) really!!!! ok then, I know him I will get his autograph for you ok….
vid: she hungs on his shoulder and gives him swwet kiss…. and Thank U friend…..
Athv: but I want something in return…….
vid: what? do want…..
athv: you have to come for a mela along with me……. ok….. ask your mumma and inform me….
vidhita(takes phone) calls Vividha to seek her permission Sunday mela….. (she request and Vividha agree)
Vid: ok uncle…. I will come… where you will come to recieve me…..she ask…
Atarv: at your home…. sunday at 10 a.m okk…(both smiles seeing each other)
they reach their home…… she insist Atahrv to come home… but tells her that is mum is waiting for him(sujata)….. but promise he will when he
drop her back, home after mela……….with smile they both there way……..
PRECAPE: At mela VIdhita falls down from big Swings severly injured………….. rush to hospital………
Vivdha comes with everyone, thanks………. Athrv lifts his eyes sees Vividha……..(both shocked) she saps him….
eveyone shocked……. Atharv cries……..
THANKS TO ALL : for your costent support and encouragement……. Sorry I didn’t make them meet in this episode ya because I want it be huge….. and wanted vidhita to be involved in this……. enjoy the current track of this story and you just to witness there Milan to be EPIC in my story……. I would also like to tell you all that I’m writing aonther fan fiction Dil H TUMHARA, will like you all to also read my both fan fiction……………. thanks you all for your support please keep reading…… and enjoy JNDSD
noce keep.writing and plsssss make them meet each other plsss make them meet in next episode
ya I know you are great fan of Vitharv……. precape must tell you evrything….. thanks for ur support keep reading……..my both fan fiction on your fav Vitharv……..
Awesome ???
Emotional precap
glad you liked it………i’m working on to make it better as possible I hope I,m working as per your all expection thanks for your support buddy………. keep reading……
thanks for your support Shivanya……glad that you liked it…… thanks for your support and keep reading………..
Oh vivi slapping atharv
Hmm her emotions in past years came out in d precap
Wonderful episode
Vidhita atharv portion was cute as always..
Superb way of writing ..
thanks buddy for constant support and encougrement on my both fan fiction……. keep reading……….. thanks
Hi ,Raone…?…Nice continuation… I like it yaar…Awesome…???
both ff’s are superb…Blasting?

..We will keep reading &commenting…???
I am so much excited for the precap…??????..Make their meeting attractive..I hope u will do it..Bcz I trust in ur creativity already I said before…?? …Including vidita in vitharv’s meeting is nice idea..
?????????????….this is for you…From ur sweet friend and supporter…Keep writing
Update soon as possible…We r waiting for ur both ff’s…
glad to know that u are liking it……….. ya thanks sweety for your time and support keep readimg……..
Amazing episode

Keep going…..
I’m excited for next part please update soon….
Take care …..bye
This is amazing.. RAONE you are a fantastic writer
thanks @Star for your support… glad that u liked it………thanks………
thanks ragini for your support and time……………happy u liked it..