Hello I am back with next part. Hope u guys r doing well. Here we go….
Scene starts with song
Sanskar- mere dil di kitaab wale paane oh ta foldi
( she opens the pages of the book of my heart)
*Sanskar and ragini r sitting in cateen. Ragini is reading a book and Sanskar is irritating her*
Laksh- akhan naal pardi te akhan naal boldi
(She reads and talks through her eyes)
*Laksh is looking at ragini lovingly and ragini gave him look and left*
Sanskar- sun ke main dolda main vi kuch bolda
(I sway on hearing it. I say something as well)
*ragini was walking when Sanskar came front of her offer her a rose. Ragini ignored him*
Laksh-sun ke main dolda haan main vi kuch bolda haan
(I sway on hearing it. I say something as well)
*Laksh also offered her rose. Ragini through sign asked him what and left*
Sanlak- gal meri sun ke oh bada sharmaundi ae
( she feels shy after listening to me)
*Sanlak came face to face and change glares. Ragini looked back at them and shies. Sanlak angrily stared each other*
Both-kadi chan banke oh raatan vich aundi ae
(Sometimes she becomes moon and come at night)
*Sanlak glare each other and parts away. Ragini comes and look at them and she thought something and smirked*
A boy and girl is talking.
Boy- we’ll go on a long drive? Will u come with me.
Girl- I will surely come.
A man is shown who is reading a book. He is prof.shekher.
Boy- good afternoon noon sir
Shekher-good morning
Girl- oh God imbecile prof. Shekher is here.
Shekher came to boy and girl and asked ” what r u doing here”?
Boy- sir we r just standing here
Shekher- looked at him and what r u doing standing over here??
Are u flirting with her.
Boy- no sir
Shekher- r u romancing with her??
Boy- no sir we were just talking
We were just talking Shekher mimic
Go back to your class
Boy- okay sir
And both of them left.
They come on bikes and romance here Shekher blabbering. I won’t let anyone romance in the college.
Suddenly he stops and saw a lady is coming. She is wearing Merion sari.
She came to Shekher and asked
Excuse me where’s the principal’s office.
Are u here for admission Shekher asked
No, I mean don’t think that u r a little late in life?
She laughed and have mercy!!
U r very funny. I am not here to study. I’m here to teach.
I’m teacher of biological.
Shekher nodded
My name is sharmishta. People call me sumi with love (she is trying to be flirty)
Shekher was about to fell them but sumi hold him.
What happened sumi asked
I…..am shekher.
Sociology (he teaches sociology)
Shekher-I guess someone is saying (interpreted)
Sumi- what….
We will make a good pair.
How sweet! Sumi said and blushes
Well u r looking very handsome in this shirt.
Shekhar smiles.
See u and sumi left.
Ragini and kavya came to canteen.
Ragini I am coming just wait kavya said and left.
Ragini nodded
Sanskar was sitting with his friends and talking.
Sanskar ragini is sitting there all alone. Go and say hello to her today one of his friend said
I think I will. It’s over a month…. time to get into action Sanskar said
Sanskar came to ragini. He cleared his throat.
Hello ji
Hello ragini replied
Sanskar sit on a chair.
Excuse me, a friend of mine was sitting there ragini said
Sanskar get up from the chair and oh
That’s okay. I’ll get up when she returns Sanskar said and sit back on chair.
Okay…what is it?? Ragini asked
Sanskar- I had to talk with u
Ragini- what is it about?
Your name is Ragini, isn’t it Sanskar asked
Yes…but why ask? Any doubts ragini asked being confused
OH no, no doubts at all. I’m Sanskar and forward his hand
I know ragini said with attitude
Well my friends lovingly call me sanky.
Ragini- really??
You can also call me sanky.
Please, I will decide what name I’m going to call u ragini said being irritated
Sanskar- don’t misunderstand me. I just wanted us to be acquainted with each other.
Ragini- oh really
Sanskar- we r in the same class and might need each other’s help.
Sorry, I’m never going to need your help ragini said
You really might Sanskar said
We’ll see when that happens ragini replied
It that all u had to say ragini asked
Baatain ton bahut hain Sanskar murmured
Actually I came to u to complain about something Sanskar said
Complain…..? ragini asked being confused
To appear in someone’s dreams… to torment him, to rob him of his sleep…. is that a nice thing to do? Sanskar asked
What ragini asked
Tell me…. is that really done??
Ragini laughed
To drive a man to sleeplessness all day and all night…
Why do u do that, ragini Sanskar asked
Ragini laughed
U r giggling away and someone’s life is at stake Sanskar said in angry voice
But I’m not doing it on purpose. So what can I do? Ragini replied
Stop entering my thoughts that’s it. Nahi to phir…. Sanskar said
Nahi to phir ragini asked
Then I’ll start entering your thoughts Sanskar replied
Ragini- really??
Your peace, your sleep… I’ll snatch it all from u Sanskar said with smile.
Ragsan had a small eyelook.
Ragini- I admire your confidence.
Sanskar smiles and blushes
Thank u sanskar said and smiled
Hello ragini said
Remember one thing. A day like that is never going to arrive.
Sanskar- suppose it does??
Keep trying. All the best ragini replied
Ragini kavya said
Sanskar- hello
Kavya hi
Shall we Kavya asked
Ragini nodded and they left.
What he was saying Kavya asked.
Ragsanlak attended their lectures. Their classes was done. Everyone was going home.
Ragini and Kavya was talking.
Wasn’t the lecture good today?? Ragini asked
Mr. Shekhar is so funny.
Yes, he is very funny Kavya replied
Hurry up. Let’s go ragini said
Yes ragini replied
Look there. The tyre is punctured.
Oh no ragini said while looking at tyre
Saw that? Whenever u r in a hurry to go somewhere something has to go wrong ragini said being frustrated
Hmm Kavya nodded
What to do now ragini asked
U wait here two minutes I’ll go get someone Kavya said and left
Ragini- okay. Come soon
This also had to get punctured now ragini murmured
What to do now???
It’s said for a reason that haste ruins things someone siad. It’s laksh
Ragini, if u r in a hurry I’ll drop u laksh said
Sit on my bike.
I’m’m not in such a hurry ragini replied
I’ll get someone and get the tyre changed.
Anyway, thanks for your concern ragini said rudely
I’ll change the tyre laksh offered help
At the most my hands will get dirty.
Laksh leave me alone. Or else u might get maligning your image as well ragini replied and left
Laksh- listen to me.
Laksh let go of my dupatta (her dupatta got stuck in something she thought Laksh is holding her dupatta). I’m getting late.
That’s way I’m saying u to sit on my bike laksh said
Let it go ragini said being angry
Everybody in the college knows that Laksh likes speeding.
Laksh, I said let go of my dupatta ragini said
At least sit on my bike once.
Laksh ragini turned around and slapped hard on his face.
Then she realized that her dupatta is stucked in something and get shocked.
Oh no ragini bite her tongue
Laksh, Laksh I am really sorry. I thought that u…
Laksh listen to me..
Laksh put hand on his face and sit on his bike.
Laksh…Laksh ragini was trying to talk to him
Laksh started his bike.
Laksh listen, I said I’m sorry. I made a mistake.
Please, won’t u forgive me ragini pleaded
On one Condition Laksh said
I’ll drop u home on my bike.
Ragini smiles and u think u r really funny??
Aw, no I am not funny but I am charmimg laksh said and winked
Ragini sit on his bike and they left.
Sankar was hiding and listening their conversation.
Wow, look sanskar laksh is going on the ride of love u wish to ride adarsh said
What will u do now? Ride kid’s tricycle? Adrash said and laughed
Sanskar grabbed his collar.
Laksh went with her. What’s my fault? Adrash said
Sanskar thought something and smirked
Well done laksh well done
Go on go on. I’ll put brakes on your ride.
Hope guys it isn’t boring. Please do comments:)
shekhar sharmishta scene was so cute.it reminded me of kkhh.will sanskar b able 2 win ragini’s heart?Ragini slapped laksh due 2 mu.Oh!gud that they patched up.sweet scene.
Who will be final
wowww amazng yaaaaar!!!!!its soooo awesome…. waitng eagerly for nxt part…keep rockng n stay bleßed dear
loved it!!
Hey r u a Punjabi??? Bcz u have written Punjabi song and dialogues and is it the movie sirphire???in Punjabi I liked today’s episode
superbbb dear….
Full on comedy
raglak scene are amazing
SWEET update dear…
Post the next part sis