Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Sisters Forever (Episode 17) ragsan and swalak

recap : ragsan dance. rosh is jealous as tammy flirts. swara calls lucky santa claus. avni misunderstands j and sid
plot : rags is at the garden bench sobbing when sanskar comes to her :ragini are you .??
he seems worried when she lifts her head up and says: why do you care you hate me na!!
awww her eyeliner smeared due to tears and eyes read from crying sanskar goes and sits next to her: who said i hate you
he cups her face : aam i mad to hate such a beautiful and innocent girl won’t they put me bhind bars for commiting such a crime!

ragini grins through her tears : y don’t you let the cheesy lines business on your brother only !
sanskar smirks : was it that bad ?? ragini giggles and nods . sanskar brushes his hair with embarrasment : well then next time
i’ll take classes from him may be ! rags : no need then you will also become idiotic like him flirting on every passing by girl
and annoying my sister . she gets up and turns to him smiling : am i drunk ??? sanskar lifts his brows looking at her : I think so!
rags : but i drank the juice j gave me (she makes a puppy face ) sanskar hits his head with his hand : j!

but thenrags looses her balance and is about to fall when he holds her they share an eyelock….
swara’s all singing her christmass carols and smirking smiling like an… IDIOT! well lucky’s following her aking sure she doesn’t get
her head hit somewhere or rather she doesn’t hit someone else’s head and bingo teh lucky man himself gets his head hit when
swara throws her one sandal behind her backwards straight to his head !
laksh rubbing his head “ouch ! wow what an aim you truly are my biggest hater even when drunk !” swara turns around giggling at
him but then she removes her other sandal and lucky’s all feary whether itcomes straight to him but then hse bends the heel showing

him it’s broken and makes a cute puppy sad face . laksh snorts in relief and goes to her “okk swara i guess we should leave now
or else don’t know next what’s gonna break of mine !” swara looks at sadly her innocent eyes staring at him ” no dance ???”
laksh melts down at this cute request and shakes his head blushing “but you’re drunk what type of dance do you expect the one
that sheena’s doing??” swara nods in a no “romantic dance it’s valentine na !” laksh nods and i guess it’ just for them the
dj at the venue’s playing a romantic slow music (imagine your fav. ones 😉 ) laksh takes her hand and they start dancing slowly
the scene fades to the venue where j and sid are dancing sids arms round her it’s so romantic at a distance avni’s all watching this
and getting restless !
sid : are you sure it’s me who hurt her !
j looks at him innocently : pretty much ! okay so shusshhh it all and answer my questions first please!!
sid looks at her and nods : do really loved uttara !
hearing her name a wide and pleasent smile apeared on his face : more than anything in the world!
j looks at him curtly : liar i know you loved her to ditch her she heard all you talk with tanmay ! the revenge thing!
id looks sadly at her : no ! she didn’t hear the convo fully i was here to takke revenge but then i fell truly in love with
her everything was true my love my feelings my proposal everyhting she could have given me just one chance i would have explained
everyhting i would have done anything to get her forgiveness !
j looks at him sadly : and what about my ragu diii ! you’re revenge even took her hapiness away!
sid : ragini just knew nothing about this and infact it was ragini whose friendship made me understand i was wrong my revenge

is just so wrong when she explained how and y dp gave his own son to mami! its she who made me realize though she was unknown of
my motto it was always her and trust me j uttara is my first love but ragini and i share a totally different equation if it
was not for her then i would have never learned what true frnship is what trust is what family is ! and ut was is and will
always be my first last and true love….
j’s all gloomy with his confession she turns around and wipes her tears and ut at a distance thinks :you’ll never change sid first me
and now j i won’t let you hurt j the way you did to me it’s a promise !
she leaves from there. j turns to sid and snorts shaking her head lightly : your forgiveness won’t change the turmoil you brought in our
lives it won’t bring the happiness that we all had once sid . sid looks at her sadly : i…
j smiles : but then i’ll give you a chance to repent for your mistakes and as for the happiness j knows how to bring it back ..

the scene slowly shifts to morning at the hotel
and let me give you a short look of where the four sisters are after the edgy drink of valentine
swalak are down a tree swara leaning her head in laksh’s chest his arm around her covering her protectively,
rosh is all changed into a robe and sleeping peacefully on the bed in one of the hotel rooms and next to her is tanmay
who is holding her hand and sleeping his shirt open !
ragsan are at the same bench last night they had their convo on ragini lovingly sleeping on sanskar’s chest covered by his
jacket and his arms around her
lastly sid is in one of the rooms too sleeping and j is besides him sitting and watching something on her phone. The mischevios smile on her face is showing it all !

Precap : rosh hits tanmay :ouch !! what the ! rosh screams : how dare you tanmay and she catches her head ! hangover 😉 bow wow ! swara’s awake and shocked to see something she shakes laksh : swara please stop barking ! swara glares at him : i’m not barking you idiot ! laksh still eyes half open : y soo ! she turns his face in front: because they are doing!

the next one would be funny get ready to have some hearty laugh and any guesses what j was watching on her phone ???


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