Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Sisters Forever (Episode 22) Last Episode

thanq so much guys i really don’t know y my thanq comments don’t get posted most of the times here we go to the last epi
recap : misunderstandings cleared finally .
ut: you missed me??
sid : no actually j’s so sweet she didn’t let me miss you last night !
ut : last night ! yea right (they both turn to the backseat to see j who’s cuddling and playing with sara)
ut and sid : last night???
j smiles idioticallly : uhmm well last night i thought to.. you know.. you were drunk so i took you to the room
a servant helped me put you to bed and yea that’s it!
she smiles widely and sid shrugs :That’s it??
j : yea what did you expect?? ut hit sid : ouch !! i mean then what was the hyper reaction the morning one you gave me??

j grins : ohh that sara said that she wanted to see how her daddy looks when guilty for a crime he didn’t do !
and moreover it was my way of saying thanq for troubling me with your no drunk antics!!
sid frustated : huh!!
to which ut replies : j and i have a habit of making peoples videos when they are drunk and then blackmail them for the rest of
their lives !
they share a hi5 ! sid to sara through the rear mirror : i hope my daughter doesn’t become like you both!! then i’ll have to
bear the consequences !!
they both giggle to which sara smiles cutely.
The mm is decorated beautifully for the welcome of their one and only beloved daughter all are happy to see her back
she goes and holds her ears in front of dp and ap who sign her not to
dp hugs her : no explanations needed beta i know everyhting welcome back
she hugs ap who’s crying by now : we missed you so much ! i thought i lost my two children !
she says looking at sanky who looks like would cry any moment !
j gives him a hanky : very bad ! sanskar mamu your bhanji is looking at you see !
sanskar smiles and takes sara from her who instantly smiles at him : don’t stay too much in her company ! or else you’ll
become mischevious like her!!

j makes a puppy face : haww! not fair noone counts my good deeds ever!!
rosh : because they too come as a result of the extra large mischeives you do!!
j stares at her and then goes to dp : am i that mischevious ??
dp smiles : yess a lot!!
all laugh and j sulks : fine fine i’m hungry i heard ap aunty cooked a big cuisine today so shall we??
and they all have a happy family dinner after a long time the family completed finally with the loads of happiness
so here’s what i have in plan five years leap j is an intern now and utsid married settled in US back with sara and
have opened a hospital over there. swara is a successful lawyer now and rags an engineer
sanky’s owner of the karma group and industries and lucky is in the family business
The maheshwari’s are all set to prepare for ragsan and swalak’s engagement .

so excited for the season 2?? silent readers and everyone thanq so much for bearing with me these 22episodes please do

comment even hate comments are welcomed hope you like today’s epi


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