Fan Fiction

Sita’s sisters by Kavita Kane (some changes made) ep 18

Tq for comments and your posts are awesome. I posted a ff on lakshman daughter, plz read and comment topic – the only princess of Ayodhya OS

Sita says – I wish they were here
Urmila says – now don’t be silly, I agree that you are taken abck b sudden t of events but do not think on such thought, you are going to be a queen, I am so happy
It was not yet dawn. Everyone could see the streets of Ayodhya with people, they all are waiting for their king
Everything is ready. Everyone is ready. Ram is dressed in white silk robes. In the rich turmeric sari with heavy jewelery, Sita is looking a golden queen.
Urmila was getting ready in the onion pink sari but can’t fix it. Lakshman comes and pins it. He puts the yellow vermillion in her mang, says – now it’s perfect. Lakshman is looking handsome in his royal dress

Vashishth arrive with possession of puja. Ram and Sita are ready for the coronation. V say – call king, people are waiting for him
All are surprised to see a white faced Sumatra to return em hand he say – king call Ram to h ch
Ev was wondering what hs happen
The crowd was getting impatient for the coronation Ram returns after half an hour. He was quite. Kaushalya – wht happen,he is coming, sit on your seat
Ram – no ma, that seat is not meant for me, I am not a prince but a hermit soon, I cm to tl ths, give your blsng
Kaushalya – what are you saying, son, how can you leave us, how can I live without you
Ram – this is my father’s vachan which I should follow, I will return after 14 years of exile.
Sumitra – what 14 years of exile, wht crime have you com that you get 14 years of exile
Lakshman – it’s may be a way for Bharat to take the crown

Ram – calm Lakshman, Bharat will be a great ruler, he doesn’t know about this
Lakshman – father was bound by the promise given to kaikeyi ma, kaikeyi ma play the game to get the two boons, he promised
He continued. How could he forgot his dharm being a king, her personal Dec can’t inf the matter of court, you say you are doing duty of a son, but I am asking about his role , st and right as a king, on what ground, he is sending you away, you haven’t done any crime, you have no reason to be bound by the promises md b a husband to his wife. Both kaikeyi and Bharat know very well that you will not disobey his words and so done that
Ram – it’s your love for me which is making you so angry, I have no desire for the throne, I will take his dec as a new opportunity for myself. if not as a king, as a hermit, I will serve thr
Kaushalya – but what about all of us here, your brother, wife, mothers, why, bec my husband is bound by the promise he made to Kaikeyi, I will not allow you, take me also
Ram – ma you have to be with him, he needs you more, be kind to him, I have seen him, lying helpless
Lakshman – I will not live mother son

Sumitra – will it make any difference, my son I am proud of you but it is a twist of fate thr is no more than the pain and anger you are feeling right now, support him what he wants
Lakshman – sry for the words I spoke, please take me with you, don’t deny
Ram – Lakshman Urmila is your wife, how could you go without his consent
Ram – you hv to look after the family, I have to bear this

Precap – Sita ask to go.

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