Hii all this OS is for champion writer competition I don’t know how it is coz I am too scared to say it but I wish it satisfies u all and worth ur time before u all give up on reading this here u go..
Fishing out another soft drink from the fridge ,Abhishek mehra watched New York getting covered with snow….he felt strange how the white color cloth covers the land and it feels as if it was always white….he turned around to go back home when the lights went off….in the semi-dark room he saw a petite figure coming into his cabin…..his lips curved into a smile in the anticipation of her arrival but his eyes soon showed his disappointed when he saw his ex-girlfriend!!
He very casually greeted her and was about to pass when she held his hand….he stilled at her touch and said “Tanu-“….but he was cut in between when she shushed his lips by pressing her index finger to it….and the very next moment he found himself getting kisses by her…he resisted but the anger of being touched by another woman except her wasn’t resisting….he pushed her fiercely and said in his dead-dangerous tone “stay away from me or else next time Abhishek Mehra won’t be this humble”….
he literally jumped in his car…he needed her right now more than anything, he wanted to find solace in her arms…even thinking about her puts a dreamy smile on his face….he honked the horn and waited for the traffic to clear out but soon slid into the flashbacks of his life!!!
Abhishek MEhra was a famous business tycoon but wasn’t a shrewd….he was known for his humorous nature….he always made everyone feel at ease….for the world “seriousness” wasn’t in his dictionary, was married to PRagya Arora,she was one of a girl who was too good to be true but yet she was!!marrying her was one of the best thing that could happen to him….she was simple,beautiful and caring….their marriage wasn’t like any fairy-tale where two different individuals come across each other, get married, limit their relation and after falling in love they transcends the boundaries…..there marriage was normal….they got married and their relation wasn’t limited….they were committed from the very first day be it physical or emotional…..but the best part was she understood him like no one could!!!he was a passionate idealist but she wasn’t yet they fit too well…..Tanu’s touch literally made him sick to his stomach….only one woman can create havoc within him and thats her,his wife…..
he started climbing the stairs like a superman, two at a time and opened the door with force….he sighed…but pragya got scared she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him…Abhi slowly walked towards her and saw her feeding “Dhriti”,their three months old daughter…he kissed her daughters feet which were hanging in the air…she was too chubby and fair, she looked with the corner of her eyes and when saw her father she beamed in delight and pulled herself away from her mother….pragya gently reprimanded Abhi in a wifely manner “see, now you have distracted her…..she won’t drink now….how many times do i have to repeat myself dont disturb us while i am feeding her”….but Abhi already had Dhriti in his arms and was rubbing his nose in her tiny tummy….he replied while playing “it’s not my fault i cant keep myself away from her whenever i see her”….he threw her in air and then again catched her….pragya sighed she was tired and just wanted a nap…..Abhi saw her closing her eyes and surprisingly kissed her collar-bone, she smiled and leaned over his shoulder and watched Dhriti drifting into sleep….
Abhi said “why she sleeps so much? I wanted to spend some more time with her”….pragya giggled and replied “she is just three months old Abhishek”….Abhi sighed he wanted to play with her more….he put her in the cradle and cuddled Pragya after joining her in bed…he kissed her forehead, nose, cheeks, chin….they both were in a frenzy of emotions…he captured her lips with his at once till she was out of breathe…..he left her. She looked with questions in her eyes when he said “Dhriti is in the room….pragya mumbled “she’s sleeping and she is what just three months old”….but he said like an idiot “she is my daughter….small or not i dont care,i cant make love to my wife when my daughter is in the same room”….she gave up and took Dhriti and left her in dadi’s room with her after kissing her chubby cheeks….
she came and then he kissed her everywhere….he knew how much he needed her after Tanu’s scorchy touch…she saw need rather than desire in his eyes and made a mental note to question him later…… she gave him what he needed her love and presence…..
after sometimes Pragya felt Abhi absent-mindedly gently shoving his hand in her hair….she kissed his chest and asked “whats bothering you,mela bachcha”she said in almost a child-like manner….he hugged her roughly and pressing his lips to her forehead said “i love you”….she said “not new….any business problem?”…”i happened to fall in love with an unpredictable woman”Abhi said goofily…she dramatically pressed her hand to her chest and said “oh!god my hubby loves another woman…i just wish this earth opens up and swallow me”…he hit her forehead with his and said “you watch too many K-shows”….she replied in fake shyness “after-all it teaches me how to romance”….Abhi shook his head hopelessly…this was his wife…. chirpy,sweet and loving!!
“Tanu came today”he finally confessed….he felt her body stiffened at the acknowledgement of her name when she said “for?”….Abhi remarked seriously “what else would she want from a happily married man with a kid,she’s insane…she actually had the nerve to touch me”…pragya kissed his chest and said”i am not insecure as i know i have special place in your heart and soul…and as far as your body is concerned i know you wont allow her to come that near to you….i know you are hopelessly in love with me and i know i am too good for you”she giggled and gently patted his cheek…Abhi smiled finally a complete smile and said “i dont know why i happen to fall in love everyday and that too with a same woman”….she replied lovingly “because she has your heart key”..
After making her sleep in his chest, abhi thought about todays events. He knew even though pragya seemed to not mind about tanu’s presence again she still was tensed.
Tanu, his ex girl friend with whom he had imagined a great life ahead. But what abhi loved and respected the most tanu seemed to hate it rather disrespect it the six letter word his FAMIY. Abhi always do anything for his family. His life starts and end with his dadi and his sister who Is his only family. But tanu always wanted only abhi didn’t even mind the presence of his family which lead to series of misunderstandings between them. At one point abhi walked out on tanu as she insulted his dadi in front of the whole town when he was dedicating his Best Businessman award to his dadi. After that fateful incident, abhi was always distant from relationships or women.
Then came PRagya his ray of sunshine in the almost dark life of his. Dadi had made herself clear that abhi has to marry no matter what to the girl she chose. Abhi had no other way around so he agreed to keep his dadi happy which is more precious to him. Even their marriage happened, both behaved as complete strangers inside the room. Abhi was always silent to pragya but pragya is an extrovert who always made others smile just by her mere presence.
As the initial months of marriage went, abhi felt an unexplainable pull towards pragya. May be the chirpy nature of her or the compassion towards his most valuable treasure his FAMILY or her wifely duties to him she made him slowly fall for her.
Even pragya was no less than abhi. With his silent care for her abhi also had an impact on pragya. From the first day of marriage pragya has decided to give her fullest effort to make this marriage work. On the marriage night itself abhi had told abt his relationship with tanu and the aftermath of their breakup. This honesty of abhi has made pragya fall for him. No matter the situation is abhi made sure pragya has equal importance in his life as his better half and shared everything with her even their marriage was at loggerheads.
Day by day they both started feeling weird with each other the new found feeling didn’t make them sleep. Both will speak about ther day in the balcony at night daily with their fav cup of coffee. Abhi’s efficiency at work quadrapuled as he started to be with prgya all the time whenever he was free. He was eager to go home as soon as possible. Pragya too finished all her house chores to be with abhi at their fav spot spending time with each other.
After taking their sweet time in realizing their love abhi decided to propose her while pragya too decided to propose abhi. With the impending first nniversary of their wedding they both made arragemennts for their proposal. On their anniversary day abhi took her to a hotel fopr a candle light dinner. After hvng their dinner in silece he took her to the terrace of the hotel blindfolding her. When she opened her eyes, her eyes started filling there was a large portrait of pragya laughing so beautifully. By leaning on this portrait abhi had a large red rose on his mouth smiling at her. He moved towards her and knelt down and said with full of emotion in his eys “ pragya, this may sound crazy but it is the truth. Pragya You taught me the real meaning of love. You’re the only thing that exists in my world. Everything I do just to see a smile on your face. You are the music of my life. You are the sweet morning song which plays in my heart every morning I wake up. I wish to wake up in your arms irritate u make u laugh and hug you when I need you the most. I want to see ur wrinkled face sitting right across a chair reading a book while I play with our grand children so pragyw will u give this duffer a chance again to live life will u be with me till the end of my life? Will u be with me to fight with our children to fight your attention? Will u be with me to hold me when I fall? Will u love me like I do? I love u pragya I love u so much that I fear without u I am not being myself never leaveme pragya be mine from now on”. Pragya let out a sob in relief that abhi too loved her. She ran in high speed hugging him ppushing him back and said while crying “ I do I will always be with u through hell or heaver coz I love u too don’t leave me abhi”
That was the moment which they both treasured. After that there is no brining of the past. Abhi was so happy that his life has took a new turn from his regretting past. Pragya was feeling on cloudnine as her life has never been this beautiful before.
Abhi came out of his thoughts, when pragya stirred in sleep. Abhi tried to sleep after that.
Then next morning, abhi felt a wet feeling on his cheeks, he slowly opened his eyes, and found his daughter staring back at him with eyes mirroring like him with drool on his face, trying to wake him up with the help of her mother, standing on his torsp. Abhi hugged her with a wide grin onhis face having started his day by seeing his darling daughters face and his beautiful wife.
When abhi was feeding dhriti her milk which is the usual routine of him he asked pragya slowly “ pragya you feel sad right after I told tanu touched me ? you don’t have to mask it up for me pragya “
Pragya smiled at abhi and told him by caring dhriti’s forehead ” abhi True love never gets insecure or jealous….insecurity happens where you have something lacking in your relationship…..insecurity and jealous isn’t the key to heart but to a weak and base-less relationship! My relationship is like the fragrance of a flower. Even the flower dies the fragrance will always be there. I love u abhi it only matters not other things”
Abhi smiled at her and kissed her forehead with full of love. In his life he always loved the six letter word F-A-M-I-L-Y after the arrival of his wife the priority became more imp for this new emotion P-R-A-G-Y-A then after the birth of his daughter he felt his world begins and ends with this six letter word D-H-R-I-T-I
He hugged pragya sideways and hugged his daughter protectively in his hold promising to give them all the happiness in this world.
Screen freezes with their happy faces.
So here it is do tell ur views on this Os even if it is a one word it feels a lot to me. Whether positive or negative doesn’t matter what matter is ur love and liking to this story. So bye all love u keep smiling sayanora..
Nice story
thank u so much mythili dear
Awww this story touched me
So sweet and cute Story
Pls do More OS like this
thank u ash glad that u find it cute.. will surely do more works love u
Awesome story yaar
thank u sree keep supporting
so sweet n lovely dear…………..miss u lot
love dear……….
thank u so much dii sry for mkng u wait.. will update soon love u
thank u so much reshma dii love u
Awesome dear…love it!
thank u trisha dii thanks for liking it…
thank u dhana
This is so beautiful Vaishu Bae. Waiting to see lots more from you.
thank u so much chutun its been so long u commented so happy love u dear
thank u so much lopez dii keep supporting…
This is really some what different and awesome.
thank u so much abhigya dear… u r the best.. love u
And the six letter words are really touching.
and thank u for liking these six letter words that is so satisfying for me
Omg wat a thought dear six letter wrds evrythng were awesome u r great dear love u loads and a six letter wrd tat describes u LOVELY muuaahh???????
thank u so much akka glad u liked those six letter words… notmore than great as u .. love u too akka
Awwwesome dr loved it verrryy muchh………..
thank u so much krish… tq for liking it a lot
Really amazing and sooooooooooooooooooo cute and beautiful.

I can say six letter word to this os ‘S-U-P-E-R-B’, ‘L-O-V-E-L-Y’.
Love u Abhigya!!
thank u so much harini… glad u found it cute.. and tq so much for gvngg mee these six letter words.. love u too keep supporting
thank u sherly… keep supporting…
Lovely os vaishali…. Suprebbbbbbbb
thank u samyu… happy that u find it good keep supporting me dear,,
This is awesome???love it!

Keep writing doll
Love you
thank u suha dear… will kill u all with my stupid writings for sure.. love u too
Nice story…keep writing…i thought 6letter word is abigya…but after your read your ff then only understand 6 letter word is family,pragya,dristi…this is also nice…
thank u so much sowji… ur guess s also good but sry my stupid mind gv these words,.. tq for finding it nice..
Wow Vaishu it was so good I loved that six letter word explanation!! Lovely OS
thank u so much prathi dii i am blessed… glad that u find it worthy to read.. love u too
Pleas3 don’t feel bad other writers as I also like yours ff
Thanks for updating this vaishali sis
thank u so so much sania i am really really blessed to hear such a compliment awww tq so much sweetheart.. but i am nnot that much good other writers are legends.. they will kill me f they see this.. but thank u so muchhhhhh…. love u dear.. keep supporting…