Siya Ke Ram 22nd September 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Ram meeting Janak. He says your daughter had to face many sorrows and problems because of me, I know your heart has anger and hatred for me, and also many questions in mind, the Ram who vowed to support and protect Sita forever, why did the same Ram abandoned your daughter, forgive me, I m not able to answer any question of yours. Janak says Ram, I did not come here to ask answer of any question, the world calls me by Rajrishi Janak, but today I did not come here as a father, I have come to get some knowledge from you. Ram gets shocked and asks what are you saying, knowledge from me.
Janak says yes, I have come to ask you, how did you get so much patience and Dharm obedience in you, Rishi and Muni do tapasya for many years to get such patience, world feels Janak is above happiness and sorrows, even I have love and longing for my family, daughters, person can go against any custom and Maryada for his family, but you have left your beloved wife for Maryada and Praja palan, Sita was your life, you sacrificed her, how did you get such strength Ram, if I was in your place, I would have not taken such decision, for Rajdharm and Kuldharm, just a Lord’s avatar can take such decision, not any ordinary human, you are like Lord, you will be Lord for the world always. Ram holds his hand and says no, I m not Vandeni, I m just an unfortunate man, who has abandoned his innocent wife to obey Rajdharm, she was my future and fate, I made her away from me, I don’t know what will the world think of my relation, but I know that I have hurt myself and my beloved wife by this decision, I have given ourselves the sorrow of separation, you are great to praise me and forgive me, than questioning me about Sita. He cries and says forgive me. Janak holds him.
Hanuman asks Sita to have fruits, if she does not eat it then Ram… She looks at him. He says I mean if you don’t eat fruits, everyone will think Maruti is not able to take care of his Mata. She says but Maruti, I can’t eat so much fruits. He says fine, have this one. She says I will eat this, you go and play with your friends. He runs. She looks at the fruit and recalls Ram. Ram appears infront of her. She gets up. Ram asks why are you not eating this fruit. She says Raghunandan you here….. He asks where else can I be…. and feeds the fruit to her. She happily cries….. She smiles and says see what I made for our child…. She gets the clothes and turns to see…. She does not find Ram and cries, hugging the clothes.
Janak hugs his daughters and tells them that keeping desire in life is a sign of illiteracy, all the humans have one motive in life, that’s obeying Dharm, Ram has obeyed his Dharm, Sita is obeying her Dharm, and now you all also come out of your love and obey your Dharm and duty, obeying duty will become the strength and fulfillment of your life. He greets Kaushalya and Laxman. Kaushalya says Sita is Raghukul’s vadhu and will always be, but my heart was burdened by crime guilt, thinking Sita is in van now and I m your culprit, forgive me.
Janak says no need to apologize, its not your mistake, this is just fate, its all written by fate which no one can erase, we have to accept this truth. She says whatever fate it is, but its true that Sita just got sorrow and troubles after coming to Ayodhya, in future no father of Mithila will send his daughter to Ayodhya. Laxman says I have left Sita close to Valmiki ashram…… Janak leaves.
Hanuman/Maruti eats many fruits. The kids ask how did he eat many fruits. Hanuman says its nothing, I had many fruits when I stayed in Anjan parbat and Sita gave me many fruits in Ayodhya, I ate many fruits in Lanka’s ashok vatika. Valmiki hears it. Sita comes hearing Hanuman and asks Maruti about his words. Valmiki comes and says Vandevi, Maruti is not saying about himself, he is saying about Hanuman. Maruti says yes Gurudev, I thought I will tell her about Ramvachan by becoming Hanuman so that it affects the kids, but I don’t think it affected them. He thinks to be careful else his secret would have come out. Rishi tells Valmiki that Mithila’s king is arriving to his ashram today. Sita says Pita ji…..
Valmiki goes and welcome Janak in his ashram. He asks how did he come here, any special occasion. Janak says Rishivar, Mithila king Rajrishi Janak did not stand infront of you, I m here as Sita’s father Janak, Sita was left close to your ashram, do you know anything about her. Valmiki says if anyone came here finding Ayodhya’s king Ram’s wife, he would have gone back, but today a father has come to find his daughter, you would not regret to come, Vaidehi is in my ashram. Janak says you are great Munivar, where is my daughter. Valmiki says she is there in her hut, go….. Janak gets tearful eyed and goes to meet Sita.
He enters the hut and calls out Sita….. He does not find her there and turns to go. He hears Sita’s cry and stops. He sees her behind the partition and asks does Janak’s Janki not wish to meet her father today. She cries and says a daughter who is called impure by the world, how will she come infront of her father. He says nothing gets true when world says, its ritual of the world to stain other’s character, the one whose heart is true, they should not care of people’s verdict, you are very pure, the one who regarded you impure, they don’t know truth, you are Janak Nandini, Vaidehi, you are Mithila’s pride. She goes and hugs him.
He says I went to Ayodhya before coming here, will you not ask anything about your Raghunandan….. Ram has become lifeless in your sorrow, he takes a breath, but his every breath has pain of separation and sorrow, like he is keeping himself alive for just Rajdharm and duty obedience, I can’t tell you anything by right, as a father’s right ends on a daughter when he does her kanyadaan, but I can just request you, come with me to Mithila.
A lady asks about Lav and Kush. Sita tells about her sons Lav and Kush, who went to jungle, they will come to ashram on right time. Lav and Kush run through the jungle and reach Sita. They touch Sita’s feet. Sita smiles.
Update Credit to: Amena
what an amazing elisode .sita is very lucky to have father like janak who supports her
Wow an emotional epi…. and really didn’t expected dis from janak I thought he would ask qns to ram… and janak Janaki scene was just awesome….
Back to back good episodes !!! ???
But very emotional, best part was Ram – Janak conversation!!!!! Too divine !!! ?????????
Luv Kush coming tomorrow!! So fast !!! ??? But also excited to watch them !!! ???
So luv kush are coming in next episode???
WOW! Rajarshi Janak is really great. And that’s what I always wanted to tell to those who judged Shri Ram’s decision. Shri Ram and Mata Sita both fulfilled their dharm keeping aside their personal needs and that’s what we should learn from them. Instead of judging them we should learn from them.
And doesn’t anybody enquire that where is hanuman?
Today Maharshi Valmiki saved hanuman from disclosing the secret.
The father-daughter scene was so emotional.
Oh the precap showed the fourth leap of the show. First when Sita grown up from baby to young Sita on 17th November. Second on 14th December of 8 years leap when Ashish entered the show. And third was during vanvaas of 13 years.
And one thing I am not liking, they showed that vanvaas by VFX and now they are going to original location for shooting. They should have gone to original location at that time also.
Ya agree with u bro… we should learn from dem instead of judging dem…
The best cast and character in Siya Ke Ram…..Rajrishi Janak!!!! Truly a great man!
the father-daughter scenes were awesome . did not expect luv-kush this much early
Ya but happy to see dem…
yes di , me too happy to c them
Instead of showing ram the right path janak was praising him… More than dhobi fault , it was ram’s fault… People are given power and set on powerful throne to take wise decisions that are good for now and future… They are influential because they can influence minds…. but Instead of setting the dhobi straight, ram did injustice not only with his wife but most women till date in the society…. People get inspired by ram and leave their wives without any fault taking it to be society norm….. Now no woman is ready to show that much devotion to their husband as sita did… Woman are afraid to go in the dark or be alone in a lonely place…. Sometimes in form of ravan and sometimes in form of ram- injustice was done to sita…. And janak- he was a rajarishi… He also dint tell ram anything…. I think not just as a father, but towards betterment of society, he could have said…
A decision that can make life hell for woman for millenniums is not good….People regard ram as god, but it’s not important to follow even the wrong he did… Use powers wisely because it has responsibility with it… To influence and change minds which ram did not do
I agree with you
You are spot on.. Totally agreed with your view… Still hv a lot of love and reverence for ram but i dont agree his decision on this situation for reasons mentioned by you ??
Yup.. Bt the show isn’t showing right in real, Janak n Sunaina had showed toooooo much anger on ram..
Ok….. I dint know that….. It’s good then that he reacted in reality… It would have been good to see it in the show….
It was such an awkward conversation between Janak and Ram. It is the nature of human beings to commit grave errors and in my opinion, Ram for the first time proved that he is also a human being after all, susceptible to committing errors.
Ram & Janak have taken the meaning of the words sacrifice and detachment a bit too far. True sacrifice happens when you give up something you love & is of importance to you, but on giving it up you are filled with satisfaction and fulfilment. But in this case, Ram giving up Sita, it didn’t give him peace of mind at all. It was a compromise, not a sacrifice. ‘Compromise’ leaves a person disturbed and devoid of joy. Sacrifice and detachment, on the other hand, gives peace of mind.
Finally, it so happened that Ram was attached to his Raj dharm as well as Sita. What is the use of physical separation when mentally he could not take his mind and heart away from Sita? The struggle of separation of Sita is a manifestation of his attachment to playing the perfect role as a husband and a feedback that he didn’t do justice to his love for Sita. Ram sending off Sita is a hypocritic detachment. Unfortunately, it so happened that Ram was far more attached to his kul dharm than he was attached to playing a perfect husband’s role externally, but internally it was the exact opposite.
Had Ram been truly been detached to Raj dharm as well as Sita, he would have taken a different decision. He might have stopped calling Sita as the queen of Ayodhya. Maybe he could have even asked her not to enter the Raj dharbar and denied her the seat in the throne. As a King, he could have removed Sita from the post of a Queen if the people didn’t like it. But as a wife Sita had every right to live with Ram in the palace. It is a husband’s call and decision to take whether he trusts his wife or not. Taking a third person’s opinion on the purity of one’s wife is an absurdity.
How can an unhappy person do his duty properly? When one is happy, the productivity and efficiency in the task at hand are far better. Ram was under the illusion that one has to suffer for the good of the society. Probably if all the people in the nation take a cue from Ram and each person suffers just to obey a set of stupid, outdated rules, the whole country would be full of unhappy people all because they were trying to follow the rule book which has no life at all. Does not make any sense to me. It is all a matter of perception. One must be willing to be flexible and willing to change one’s perception to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
Uthra di yes u r ryt bt d truth is that they’re one single soul n hence even if they’re physically seperated they’ll never b seperated mentally in my opinion, n it’s yet a sacrifice to b seperated from a loved one even though u cant forget him/her…
Yes that is true… The whole country can be unhappy… And rightly said that ram was not detached from raj dharma because detachment leads to satisfaction as detachment itself is love… To top it in reality he broke the 7 vivah saptpati VACHAN by abandoning sita and also raj dharma VACHAN…..because the real raj dharma would have been when his decision would have maintained equilibrium in the rajya between men and women and impart change by given dhobi and likes the right knowledge…. in total 8 VACHAN broken… So raghukul reet is broken of ‘pran jaye par vachan ja jaye’… Ab sub vachan toh chale gaye…lol…
Skr is srsly one of the best shows. The actors are all amazing…I can just see the real Ram, Sita, Lakshman,etc. when I watch them. So sad that it is going to end soon?
Vety natural episode.
Everyone looked as real.
Luv kush finally.
Valmiki and janak are great.
Can anyone Tell me how to put a dp here.
Sry very
Very Emotional episode . Felt bad for Sita .
Even after so much , Sita loves her husband,-Unconditional love of Sita is remarkable .
It is her unconditional love that made Ram a great figure in Uttarkand .
Otherwise Ram’s act of abandonment of Sita is not at all justified . It is said it was his Rajdharma. But Ram could not balance between Rajdharma and Patidharma .
And also as a King , why didn’t RAM punish dhobi for suspecting his own wife and raising question against a chaste and innocent woman like SITA
RAM could have asked both SIta and dhobi to give agnipariksha or some sort of TEST so that innocence of Sita could have been proved and Dhobi would had been punished for spreading wrong notion about SITA -that would have been the correct RAJDHARMA. And it would have encouraged the notion of purity of HEART and SOUL over body
BUT NO Ram sent his wife to forest and suffered in silence .
DID this act of RAm helped the social stigma of woman? NO punishing SITA he indirectly supported Dhobi’s statement. The fate of woman in society remained the same
WHEN SITA went back to Mother EARTH , Her innocence was proved . She gave her life to prove her chastity & also the future of her sons.
VERY touchy episodes are going on . Could not comment but wonderful acting and SKR are doing great in UTTARKAND .All actors -Ashish , KARAN , Madiraskhi , Hanuman , Maruti and Sage Valmiki – all fantastic .
It is true Sita’s sacrifice and struggle helped luv and kush to get social recognition . SAGE VALMIKI indeed helped Sita .
But as RAm as a Raja Ram did wrong to his queen and therefore suffered as a husband RAM and lived a life vanvashi in Palace.
Why to punish a chaste woman like SITA on the basis of a remarks made by a dhobi ? WHOM did it help ? The society ? The woman?
Secondly did sending of SITA to second vanvas helped dhobi’s wife getting justice ? No rather it is only for woman -question of chastity arises
Therefore , in his next birth , HE came as Lord Krishna and showed the world that do DHARMA and punish adharmi but if Mariyada becomes entanglement and if same Mariyada makes you do injustice to innocent and good people , then it is better to throw off those MARIYADA and SET up NEW WORLD ORDER .
Please don’t use the term ‘new-world order’. ? If you don’t know what it means, Google ‘illuminati’
Hi I hv a tension free exam today i.e. English literature……
WOW ? I’ve a tension free exam tomorrow, I.e Hindi literature.. All d best sweetie
All the will rock?
extremely good episode… loved janak ram conversation.. and janak sita conversation…. yes i also didnt expect lav kush so soon… loved sitas expression when janak described ram
It’s going toooooo fast ??
Ha.but don’t worry.confirmed news that skr will end on November.
But what they will show for nearly one and half month?
Janak siya convo was toooooo nice… Siya loves ram toooooo much…
Hy guys i had missed two episodes very mich sad but i am trying to see those on hotstar.. Sorry i didn’t comment in the last two pages,as i was,suffering from viral fever today i am a bit ok… I had readen the written update of the last two episodes really very much pathetic and emotional episodes… Bit tommorow’s episode was just fabulous… Ram and janak conversation was just awesome and the way janak proved Ram ‘s decision right was just awesome… Ram feeding sita in imagination was very mich emotional and full of love.. Janak janki conversation was awesome… Hanuman did a great job…. Waiting for tommorow’s episode eagerly LUV KUSH going to come…. I hope everyone is well and fine.. See i soon guys
Hi sudeshna take care of your health.Ok?because DURGAPUJA is coming.bengalies greatest occasion ever?
And don’t miss today’s episode anymore.I am so much excited also?
But a bad news also?
In previous week trp skr is not in the top 10 shows.that means it’s trp decreases…….
Are you believe trp????????
It’s a Ekta Kapoor own businesses…….. If you see the every trp chart than you find what I mean………………. Always her show is first and highest trp…………………………….and interesting matter is all of her show has highest trp than any other shows……… So don’t believe it…………….. Agree with me???……………
WOW AMAZING EPISODE.LOVE THE JANAK AND SITA S CONVO.LOVED RAM – SITA S SCENE also .excited for lav kush but guys i am not sure if u all remember but one of us had posted a pic of madirakshi carrying a baby .they had mentioned that sita was carrying baby lav or kush but in the precap they are showing that lav and kush become a child and that they are not babies. and if i am not wrong i think that the pic of sita carrying a baby was one of varshini s old dps.
and varshini sorry if i am wrong .
U r right dear . U know the baby was even wearing the ornament which ram wore during his vanvaas and I think it had a caption too. I think I was wrong
That it was luv or Kush ?
Naba dii who is sat in ur dp dearie dii ????
And guys I want to ask a question dat how can ram feed sita through imagination ????
My next question is that y did ram nvr cone to meet sita or y did he himself not come to leave sita in her second vanvaas ????
Pls answer dearies if u want to
i think if he had come to leave her , he would have never left her because he loves siya and cant see his sita going away . that is why i think he did not go himself and rahi bath ram sita ko na meet karne ki tho he did thyag of sita , so he did not meet her . this is just my guess suchi dearie
Wow u cleared my doubt so nycly di
Hey guys i am very happy my holiday has started.. my xams r finished…. and pls pray for my results guys… and all the best suchi and vanshu for ur xams.. and sudeshna take care of ur health dear…
ur holidays started , thats great di , will definitely pray for u di , i know u would have done well .
Guys thought of writing a fanfic… anyone suggest some topics…I will try to make it better…
padmaja di u can write abt shatrughna and shruthakirti because there is already a ff abt mandvi and bharat and lakshman and urmilla.if u want u can write abt ram and sita. and padmaja di sorry if u didnt like my idea since it was only a suggestion .if u dont want to write an ff on any one the pairs or if u want to write abt lakshmilla or bhardavi u can doesnt matter akka . and i am sure everyone would love it (especially me !!!!!)

Hey di I’ve many topics fr writing fanfics, as I’m already writing four fanfics, I guess you can write on these..
1. Off screen lyf of skr cast (even skr fan had requested one, bt I can’t write cos of lack of tym)
2. U can write a fanfic on relations btw the four ayodhya brothers, in childhood
3. You can write ff abt the four brothers n sisters marriage from siya’s seayamwar
4. This one is a LOL suggestion which I’d thought to ryt on bt I’m nt writing this lol suggestion is writing on Lankans, I mean ravan mandodri.. I know this is the worst suggestion, I think u can wrote on previous suggestions ???
on sita’s second vanvas wid luv and kush
Thank u guys for ur good wishes i hope that i will recover soon anyone seeing the episode in premium… Really very very very much excited to see luv kush.. I think first they will show the baby and then a leap… @Padma di i think u can write a ff on liv kush meeting ram and the last meet of siaram after luv kush is born… Its only my suggestion.. So don’t mind ok