Categories: Siya Ke Ram

Siya Ke Ram 3rd June 2016 Written Episode Update

Siya Ke Ram 3rd June 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Asur coming to Raavan. Raavan says there is an imp work. Asur asks him to command. Raavan asks him to find out about Sanyasis, is Ram alive, is he in pain and sorrow getting separated with his wife, tell me everything, go and find out. Asur goes. Raavan says Ram will be in sorrow, but I m not getting satisfied, till your sorrow does not flow from your eyes as blood tears, I won’t get satisfied. Meghnadh comes and says Sita was attacked. Raavan asks is she fine. Meghnadh says yes. Raavan says Surpanakha is very eager to take her revenge.

Sita recalls Ram’s words. Surpanakha walks to Raavan’s Sabha. She asks whats so imp that I m called in Sabha at this time of night. He says you are still sleepy, you are over drunk. She says whatever I do in my personal time, no one

has right to ask. He says I have right to ask, if you do anything against my wish. She asks him to play riddles later. He says this is imp thing, won’t you see. The guards bring the heads of those soldiers who went to attack Sita. Raavan walks to her and asks do you identify them. She says I find all your guards same. He says what happened today, if this happens again then… she asks what are you talking about, what proof do you have. He says I have killed someone once and can do it again. He signs her to go. She says if you don’t have any problem, can I keep these two heads infront of me, it will be addition to the heads already kept in my Kaksh. She asks the guards to keep the cut heads in her Kaksh and goes.

Raavan goes to see Sita. He thinks of Sita and how he kidnapped her. Mandodari comes and sees Raavan standing near the railing and staring at Sita. She tries to make her presence felt. He does not see her. She says Lankesh…. He turns to her. She says I did not stop you ever, but this time I m not able to stop myself, you have kidnapped a woman and got her here, I can’t accept this. He asks Mandodari to come and they sit. Her asks why are you worried, this is revenge for Surpanakha’s insult, nothing more than that, you are my wife, you know I don’t do anything without any reason. She asks how will this revenge get fulfilled, by killing Sita. He gets angry and says whatever I have to do, just I decide. She cries and says today, you have made me recall that time when I used to be/reflect in your eyes, just like this…..(that there is Sita in his eyes now) He leaves. Mandodari looks at Sita and cries.

Sita sees the moon and says Raghunandan……….. Mandodari goes to Sita. She holds Sita. Sita sees her and asks who are you. Mandodari says you have defined it before, Lanka’s another caged woman, thank you so much. Sita asks thanks? Mandodari says after many years, you made me realize the feeling of loving someone so deeply, I have realized seeing you, your love and feelings, your feelings in your eyes, I have not seen such love since long. She says I will pray the one you love, also loves you deeply. Mandodari cries and goes asking the servants to take special care of Sita.

Its morning, Sita recalls Ram’s words. She thinks of him and moves her hand on the soil. She gets surprised seeing Ram’s pic she made…… She cries and her tears fall near Ram’s eyes….. She asks where are you Ram, how are you, give me some sign. She lies down beside his drawing and cries. She falls asleep.

Sita wakes up by sunlight striking her face. A pigeon flies to her. She smiles. Pigeon asks did you identify me Mata. She recalls. FB shows Sita and Ram walking through the floral plants. She asks why are you smiling. He says by seeing your smile and peace on your face, your face glows when you are happy and in peace. She says I feel this for two reasons. He asks whats the second reason. She says you…. A pigeon comes there. She says pigeon is asking for our help, their flock is in trouble. She tells the pigeon what we will save you, don’t worry, what is the problem. The pigeon flies. Sita and Ram go after him.

Pigeon takes them and signs. Sita tells Ram that there is something behind the bushes. Ram moves the bushes and finds a pigeon stuck. He says don’t worry, I came to free you. He makes the other pigeon free. Sita smiles seeing the pigeons. Ram smiles too. The pigeons get in human form, and greet Ram and Sita. The female pigeon says you did big favor by helping us, we all always be thankful. The male pigeon says we will pray that you give us chance to serve you some day. FB ends. The male pigeon comes to human form. Sita says you came from Panchwati, did Ram send you here, tell me. He looks sad. She asks how is Ram….. what happened, why are you crying, tell me the truth. He says my partner has sent me to inform you that…. She asks what.

Chatayu says Ram…….. Ram sees him. Ram and Laxman run to Chatayu. Chatayu says he is taken Sita. Ram asks who took Sita. Chatayu says Raavan and dies. Ram cries and closes his eyes.

Update Credit to: Amena


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