Part 51-
11 Months Later….
Mumbai is shown
MM is shown
It’s shown newly renovated….Whole house is shown getting decorated….A lady comes downstairs and scolds the workers….She turns around and her face gets cleared and she is none other than Hetal….She is shown wearing a designer sari, specs, light make-up….
Hetal:If u go at this speed I don’t think it will get readied till night?….So many works to do….
Just then another lady comes there and she is Urmila (Now Urmila, Jeetu and Dhawal stays in MM)….
Urmila:Chill Hetal….Dont take unnecessary strress?….
Hetal:How can I not take urmi????…Today is the engagement of Pari….And this people….
Just then Janko comes from home temple and joins them….
Janko:Yaa Urmila is right?….Everything will be ok?….Come sit down….
They sits…
Urmila:After how long this happiness came our way??….
Janko:If u all have listened to me then this happiness would have come our way long ago?….
Hetal:What u asked that was totally wrong…
Janko:As u all wish then….
Urmila:It’s been 11 months since she left us???….We don’t even know where is she??….How is she??….If she is even alive or…..???….
Hetal and Janko consoles her….
Scene shifts to Texas
Beautiful Texas is shown
A very big Ranch is shown
In a room a girl wakes up and goes to get fresh….She removes her clothes and blushes seeing the decorations on her body….She stands under the shower cubicle?and closes her eyes as a hand encircles around her waist…..He kissed her on the shoulder?….
He:Good Morning?….
He:Open ur eyes….
She:If I do….U WILL BE GONE!!….
He:U will have to….See the reality….
She reluctantly opens her eyes and as she told he is gone….
She:See I told u….U are again gone….
She wrapped a towel around her body and entered her walk-in closet….She choose a dark blue skirt and a white top….She added some chunky bangles and a watch while making sure the scars of her slit wrists- were not visible….She finally saw herself in the mirror satisfied with what she is wearing….Her face gets revealed and she is Meera….
Scene shifts to Mumbai, India
MM is shown
A girl enters….
Girl:Hetal aunty?….
Hetal:Payal beta?….
She is shown wearing a green designer off shoulder Anarkali, mangalsutra, sindor, long earrings….Hetal hugs her….She greets everyone and takes Janko’s blessings….
Payal:See what I brought for u all….
Payal takes out a box….
Urmila:What’s it????…
Payal:It’s Jamnagar’s special mithai ???….
Urmila(In her mind):Yummy???….
Payal gives everyone the mithai and then she comes to Urmila to give her….Urmila looks at it weirdly??….
Urmila(In her mind):Ek se mera kya hoga??….
Urmila takes the whole mithai box from her and starts grabbing the mithais???…..All looks at her weirdly????….
Urmila:It’s so yum????…..
Hetal tries to take the mithai box from her but Urmila doesn’t give up????…..
Urmila:Arey mujhe khana hai?….
Hetal:U can’t this much….Give it to me?….
Urmila:No one let’s me to eat too??….
She gets up and leaves from there….All follows her??????…..She continues grabbing the mithais and runs???…..
In a room
A girl is shown combing her hair….Her face gets revealed and she is Pari….
Pari:I think now I should….
She opens her room’s door to check if somebody is there or not….Once she is satisfied of no one being there she closes the door and dials a number….Just then her room’s door flung opens and she gets scared???…..She turns around and relaxes?….
Pari:U scared me Dhawal?….
Dhawal is shown wearing a ripped blue jeans and a black tee, bracelet….
Pari:This is not funny?….
Dhawal:Ok….Ok di….Now call her?….
Pari:Ohh yaa?….
Pari calls….
Meera’s cell ? rings….She picks it…
Meera:Hey di….I was about to call u that ur call came?….
Pari:How are u??…
Meera:I am fine di?….I am very happy for u?….Finally u are getting engaged….Wish I was with u?….
Pari:I too wish u were with me?….Due to the situations everything got changed?….
Meera:I know di??….
Pari puts the phone on speaker….
Meera:I saw jiju’s pic he is very handsome??….
Dhawal:We are so missing u di?….
Meera:I am too missing u all a lottt??….How is everyone??…
Dhawal:They are trying to be normal….
Meera:Does they know anything about me??…
Pari:No and they will never….Only I, Dhawal and Naiya knows it and it will remain like that only?….
Dhawal:But di how is Megha???….
Meera:She is also fine?….
Meera turns around….
Meera:I will talk to u later….Bye!!!…
Pari+ Dhawal:Ok….Bye!!!…
Meera cuts call….She looks weirdly ????…..
Engagement Ceremony starts….
A boy is about to step in when lights go off and he feels dizzy….
Paridhi gets shocked?????!!!….
Mindblowinggg leap??????….Its like not 11 months but 11 years leap…Sooo many things got a big changes….Meera n payal’s new looks are superb !!!…???????…Urmilla is soooo funny…????????…..Last part was emotional n good only trio knows about meera’s absence but how she is went to Texas its a story…who is megha ??…Precap seems interesting…??…I was eagered for this updt…??…finally u updted…soon we need nxt one…??…Once again its very good…??…
Thanks a lot Riuuuu???Awww this means a lottt????yeah only the trio knows where Meera is n how she went to Texas n who is Megha it will be revealed soon?Glad u were eager for this update???yeah will update next one soon?
Wow!! Amazing!! Hetal became a bit strict!! Amaz….but why all said she left us…whereas meera slitted her wrist?? Mithai scene was hilarious!!! Meera intro(I mean where she selected clothes,etc) was also good. DhaParEra conversation was a bit emotional…waiting to know how she got saved after slitting her wrist?! Precap is suspenseful!! Update very very soon! But before that!! Kuch kuch hota hai!!
Thanks a lot Shakaib??it’s after she slitted her wrists n situation made her go far away from them 11 months ago….As only the trio- Pari, Dhawal and Naiya knows where is she no one else knows that’s why Urmila is saying she left us….DhaParEra?u will soon get to know that?yeah will update very very soon ? yeah Kuch Kuch Hota Hai will be before that?
Wow!Very nice update .I think Megha is Dharam and Meera’s baby .Bring back Dharam soon .We want DhEera .
Thanks a lot Tose??it will be revealed soon?
Superb.. btw who is megha.. don’t make her dheera’s kid.. i always wanted to see Dharam taking care of pregnant Meera.. and bring back Dharam soon.. update soon
Thanks a lot Faby??it will be revealed soon?yeah will update soon ?
who is payal ??
Payal is Pari’s best friend n is played by Krissann Barretto?
meera’s introduction was the guy imaginary dhara?why is meera hiding from all.good that atleast naiyya dhawal and pari know about her whereabouts. is megha’s dheera’s daughter?
Thanks a lot Jazzy??yes the guy is imaginary Dharam?it’s a secret….It will be revealed soon?