Fan Fiction

His Solace.. His Angel – Part 4

Thank you so much for liking my ff. Here is the next part.

After getting her class schedule she realized that she still has two hours left before her first lecture commences. Considering this, she sat down on one of the bench in the campus ground. Picking out a book from her bag she started reading it from where she had left it the last time, since this is what she likes to read in her free time. Engrossed in the book she failed to notice the time and hurriedly put it back as she was going to be late if she didn’t hurry up. Hoping to make it on time for the class she was moving with a fast pace making her way through the corridors clutching her bag tightly on her right shoulder.

“You are fired” bellowed an aggravated Sanskar. “Do you even have the slightest knowledge of how to dress professionally. You are paid for work not to flaunt your body wearing such revealing clothes. People like you repulse me. Now get out of here before I call the security” he said, seething in anger. Not to boast but he knows that he has the looks of a Greek god and to top it all he is filthy rich but that doesn’t mean that this idiotic girl can flirt with him. He knows their mentality very well. They all are after his money only. Media always create a hype about him being a player and it seems ridiculous to him since he was never seen with a girl ever.

While telling his p.a. to come immediately to his cabin he noticed that the girl was still standing on her place like a statue and he raised an eyebrow as if asking what. The latter one dashed out of the cabin as if it’s on fire not wanting to face his wrath anymore. Just then his p.a knocked asking his permission to enter. “What’s on my schedule for today?” asked Sanskar already in a foul mood all that’s to the stupid girl.

“First you have to meet with the Dean of Stanford College regarding some financial aid since you are one of the major alumni donor of the said college then three meetings are lined up with the business associates after an hour break” said his p.a. in one breath not wanting to aggravate him any further than what he already is. Who knows what his devil of a boss will do. Moreover he didn’t want to risk his job considering he just now fired one employee. Sanskar nodded affirmatively still irritated with the previous well now ex-employee of his office and stood up from his chair picking his coat along with him.
Thankfully she made it to the class on time and took a seat on of the desks in the middle row avoiding all the curious gazes of her peers.
It was amusing for him to see the Dean trying to persuade him for funding of the college. Not wanting to be trapped in the office with the Dean anymore he decided to roam around the campus for a while until his p.a. sort out the paperwork regarding the funding. Her eyes landed on the beautiful flowers ranging from tulips to roses to daffodils in the front garden of the administrative office unknown to the fact that it is prohibited for students. Enraptured by the beauty of the garden she enters the area and sit on one of the bench enjoying the nature feeling calm. She don’t know why but nature always have a soothing effect on her. It never fails to calm her nerves.

His annoyance reached at its peak as the idiotic rich girls with their faces caked in makeup continued eye raping him. Not wanting their prying eyes on him any longer he turned towards the administrative office to get away from those irritating girls and that’s when his gaze fell on her. It was like the world stopped before him and he forgot to breath. Stunned by the ethereal beauty in front of him cladded in a simple white knee length sundress the only word that came in his blank mind at that moment was “ANGEL”. He admired her wavy hair dark like the night sky falling down till her waist beautifully. His hands itching to touch those silky strands wanting to know if they really are as smooth as they appears to be. She has a petite waist and milky white skin was what he concluded from where he was standing. His feet moved on their own accord in her direction to see her eyes as she was facing downwards.

He walked in the garden and after regaining his composure he knelt down before her. Her slight shaking of hands in nervousness didn’t go unnoticed by him but she still didn’t moved her head to face him and this act of hers amused him. Not having much patience left he gently held her chin with his one hand and tilted her face upwards. He felt himself being in a trance as he gazed in those bright black orbs. “Eyes are the window to one’s soul” he never felt the phrase so apt before. Her eyes were so damn expressive that he wanted to drown himself in those black swirls of hers. Now looking at her face up close he observed her facial features. She has a cute button nose, chubby cheeks, tiny ears and bow shaped pouty red lips. Her eyebrows furrowed in an adorable manner as the tiny creature before him looked at him confused yet adorably. One glance at her and you can tell easily that she is as innocent as a baby and has a heart of pure gold.

She looked so fragile and delicate that he wanted nothing more than to engulf her in his arms and place her tiny head on his heart which seems to beat loudly in her presence. And right at this moment, Sanskar Maheshwari, the Devil himself, mentally marked the Angel in front of him as his. He didn’t know whether it was love at first sight or not but one thing he was damn sure of that the angel in front of him was his. His Solace..His Angel. He will protect her from all the evils of the world and will forever cherish her. He will give her whatever her little heart desires but he will never let her go. He simply can not. For, the Devil has finally met his Angel.

Thank you for reading and if you liked this part then please comment. I noticed that the comments are decreasing with each part. If you are not liking my ff then you can tell me and I will stop writing it.

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