Fan Fiction

His Solace.. His Angel (ragsan) part 17

Sanskar’s POV :
“You really love my daughter don’t you?”
While Angel was sleeping due to medicine’s effects I and Mr. Suryavanshi, both were sitting beside each other in a comfortable silence until he decided to broke it.
Whipping my head in his direction I spoke, “You are misunderstanding Mr. Suryavanshi. I like your daughter and she likes me too.” He simply smiled. “I can figure out when someone is in love Sanskar. I’ve seen you looking at my princess the same way I used to look at her mother. ” He spoke.
“I’m not going to rush her into anything sir. The pace of our relationship will be according to her comfort level.”
“And that’s why I trust you. I wouldn’t have let any other guy get close to her at all.”
Just then I saw Angel waking up slowly.
“My daughter is innocent Sanskar. You will not know her feelings until you confess first.”

“There will be after effects of the incident Mr. Suryavanshi. Though the patient is physically fit for now we cannot say the same for her mental perspective.” The doctor said after Ragini freaked out when the nurse came for the checkup. Thankfully Sanskar was able to handle her.
“It’s normal to act hyper in such cases.” He assured looking at the worried face of Ragini’s father.
“Since her anxiety level have raised quite a bit she will be on edge around the people she is not acquainted with. I advise you to let her be with Mr. Maheshwari for the coming days considering he is only one the patient is most comfortable with.”

To say Sanskar was furious would be an understatement. He was livid when his Angel started hyperventilating seeing the nurse.
Immediately dialing a number, he barked out on the phone. “Find the girls anyhow.”
When the police force arrived to arrest the girls they disappeared to god knows where when others were busy worrying about the girl who was bullied. They were smart enough to avoid their home. Their parents were definitely will hand over them to police.
“You have three hours. Hunt them down anyhow. I don’t care. Just remember one thing. You will not like the consequences if you failed.” His tone so cold that it sent shivers down the receiver’s spine.

“Close your eyes Angel.” He cooed softly cupping her face in his hands. “Don’t open them until I tell you to.” As if in a spell she nodded staring in his intense black eyes. Bending, wrapping his around Ragini’s back and another around her knees he picked her up gently. Everyone gasped at his gesture towards the timid girl.
Ragini wrapped herself tightly around him, muffling her face in his chest as he kept her securely in his arms. He would glare at everyone who looked at his Angel for more than two seconds.
It was decided that Ragini would stay with Sanskar for the time being and her family agreed. They knew Sanskar will take care of her more than anyone else could.
He has given off to all the servants. He don’t want to take any risk of her health.
Carefully laying her on his bed, he whispered softly, “Sleep my Angel.”
“Definitely whipped.” His inner conscience mocked.

“You seriously thought you could escape us.” Ragini saw the same girl standing across her who bullied her cruelly.
“No, no, no.” She shouted. “Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Just go away.” She thrashed violently in her sleep.
Sanskar immediately rushed to her side shaking her to break her out of her revery.
“It’s not real Angel. Try to come out of it baby. Follow my voice. Come out of it sweetheart. I’m right here.” He begged. He felt her stir and she finally wake up. As soon as she is awake, tears escalate down to her cheeks. “Ssh. Don’t cry my Angel. I’ve got you.” He cooed, gently petting her hair. Placing her in his lap he rocked her back and forth like a small baby.
“They are not going to get away with it.” His eyes bloodshot.
“Promise me that you will not even touch any of those girls.” Pleaded Ragini. She knew how over protective he is over her and so she thought maybe he will scold them or punch them at the most. In her tiny, gullible mind, it was the worst punishment that could be enforced upon. Only if she knew what Sanskar has planned for them.
“Fine. I promise.” He sighed. It’s no use arguing over the matter. He knew she would not budge.
“Papa always says that leave everything on Karma. It will punish bad people for their deeds.”
He simply nodded.
Sanskar got a phone call after Ragini felt asleep.
“We found them Sir.” Said the caller.
“You know where to bring them.” with that he hanged up.
Taking last glance at her sleeping form he left the room.

“Welcome in hell girls.” Crossing his legs, he announced. His lips stretched into a smirk.
“What? Didn’t you liked my humble abode?” He mocked seeing the terrified expression on their face.
“W-why are you doing this?” asked one of them.
“We have not done anything.” Said another one.
Sitting on chairs their hands held back by the ropes preventing any movement.
“You know if you want I can give you company for a while. You and me alone.” Shanaya embellished seductively trying to touch his leg with hers.
Retracting his foot back he chuckled humourlessly.
“We can’t have you touch me. Now could I? I promised my Angel after all.”
“But who said anything about someone else doing it for me.” His expression conniving.
“What do you mean?” She asked confused.
He pointed behind their back.
The girls gulped hard in fear as four muscled women stared at them. Their faces wiped out of any emotion.
“S-see i-it was n-not o-ur f-fault.” She attempted to avert him.
“Aww. Such a crybaby you are. Stuttering like a freak huh?” He imitated the same words she used to mock Ragini, the previous day.

Every single cry of his Angel was burnt in his mind. He could not get himself to see the CCTV phootage. But he listened the whole story from Mr. Suryavanshi. All the agony these girls unleashed upon his sweet Angel.
“Let’s begin the party. Start the music please.”
He wallowed in their agony as the lady felons gave them a special treatment.
They made his Angel bleed so it was fair only when they gets the same along with interest.
All four of them were regretting the moment they decided to torture Ragini. Their scalp aching badly from the hard grip of hoodlums on their hair which were now cut short as blood dripped from the cuts on their face and shoulder. Their wrists bruised due to the right hold of ropes.
“You are a monster.” Spat Shanaya, angry as hell.
“People call me devil for a reason sweetheart.” He spoke levelling his face with hers, looking dead in her eyes.
His eyes so sharp she thought they can cut straight through her. His detached, wicked demeanour remind her of a fiend. Cold as ice, this nerve-racking disposition of his chilled her to the bones. It will haunt her till her last breath.
“This was principal. Now let’s talk about interest. I’ve informed the police about your location. You are smart enough to not tell them what happened here. Have fun in jail. Good bye.” His smirk vicious.
He halted midsteps before abandoning the dark place.
“One more thing.” He said glaring.
“Mess with me, I may let Karma do it’s job. Mess with My Angel I will become the Karma.”

Thanks for reading. If you liked this part then please comment.

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