Some memories of school days~ OS

Hey guys, thank you for your responses on previous OS. This one is true story and about my 12…, no 10 years on school(ofcousre from last year we are doing “online classes”). I was just thinking about that. So thought why not to share with you all.

Caution: while reading this one don’t drink or eat something, because it may be harmful. Maybe you find Hilarious moments ahead😅. Thank you enjoy reading.

Riddhima’s POV (it’s me😅)
Hi I’m Riddhima. I’m 16 year old teen but people around me call me kid,sometimes I enjoy to being called kid but sometime I get irritate like hell.
My mom to me: riddhu you are now in 12th standard be responsible, be mature.
But me being me, I do whatever my heart wants.

One more reason is their that why my classmates call me kid because I’m the smallest one among all in age😑, but I’m only 1 year younger than them. Whenever they call me kid I really get irritated. So when we are talking about classmates let me tell you about them, so in one class their are almost 60 or 50 students and we (my classmates) are together from class 2nd and by god grace our class never get changed till 10th standard. It was best journey of mine. Because it was my journey of being an too innocent kid to most notorious kid(in good way). Yeah I was too innocent, I was not knowing anything than studying till 7th standard. You can say that effects of people around me affect me really slow, it took so much time to me to being me what I’m today. They all are like my family, of course I didn’t liked some of them but it’s ok they are bearable. I can bear them if I can bear my bestfriend sanem, so I can bear whole world(if she reads this she’ll kill me😂).

How much I miss beating my brothers of my class….,brothers😂😂😂.I’m like this only I can make all boys,my brothers. I miss how much we used to tease each other, how I got punishment for first time because of that stupid.

Let me tell you what was that, so situation was teacher was teaching and I was on second last bench with one of my classmate and on the very next row at the same bench, dev(one of my favourite brother of class) was sitting and he was teasing us, so I punched him and I was not aware that teacher was seeing us, teacher had seen me beating him so she sent both of us out of class, I tried to explain her but she didn’t listened to me and finally me out of class for first time because of him and that was not enough for me, I again punched him when we were out of class and this time teacher didn’t saw us.

Next day that teacher complained our class teacher but I manipulated teacher that it was not like that I didn’t beated him, he was the one who was teasing me. So again he got punishment and as usual I enjoyed alot seeing him punished. He was such a good person, I used to beat or tease him on the name of girls but he always thought me as his younger sister, he never scold me whatever I do to him, because he knew his limits and I knew mine that in this limit I’ve to tease him. It was and is really fun talking to him. Though we never talked after leaving school campus.

Ok I remember one of the most fun month for studentd because I was the monitor of the class😂😂😂, so in 9th standard my class teacher, she was new for me made me class monitor because she thought that I’m not mischievous like others(let me laugh then I’ll write😂😂😂) and every day my classmates who didn’t liked me as monitor complained that because of me class discipline is getting bad, but teacher never listened to them she used to say if you have to montior class say it clearly and that was it whole class laughed at them. That whole month I used to do mischief as monitor. And finally I resigned and made my besties montior because I was missing to do irritating stuff to irritate monitors. I said to my teacher that I don’t wanna do monitoring and I want to sit and disturb all. And she said are you serious you are directly saying this to me. And I was like teacher you remember you only said on the first day that we both are friends and you can say me whatever you want to share with me as “friends”. And she agreed and she said I thought you don’t do mischief but you are the only one who do this mischief, boys are better than you and your bestfriends😂😂😂.

That’s it….I hope you enjoyed reading it because I was laughing like manic while writing this😂

Should I make part 2 of this One?

Hope you like it. Any suggestions then please tell me. Love you alot❤❤


Hey I'm Jyoti.

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