It was a Friday,
Pragya was feeling ashamed of herself for not executing the plan by Nia due to her stupid thoughts. Keeping this thoughts aside, she was excited to see Rinku today. It was always like that whenever it’s Friday then she will be super excited for the dance class. She gets to see Rinku mingling with other kids. She admires the sight of Rinku dancing even better than her.
She was eagerly waiting for his arrival when she felt earthquake happened for a second.
Pragya, Why is he here? He usually never comes here na. The last time he came was to see Rinku’s performance. That was almost a month ago. Now for what he is here??
She panics as both father & son are walking towards her happily.
The other kids were asking Rinku why his dad was here. He in return said he will tell Pragie first.
Rinku “Pragie, I need a help from you. Will you do for me?” Pragya without thinking said “Sure my sweet boy. What help do you want?”
Rinku “Teach dance to Papa!” Pragya shrieked “What? To him??” Hearing her loud voice the other kids & Rinku looked at her.
Abhi looks innocently as Pragya looks at Rinku. Pragya kneeling down “Rinku….this is not possible….he can’t be here.” Rinku looking pleadingly asked “please Pragie….” Pragya shook her head as no. Rinku “Not even for me Pragie?” Pragya was considering as she felt pity for Rinku. At the same time, Abhi was back hugged by a lady. Pragya seeing it was shocked.
Abhi “Who’s that?” He asked by trying to get out of the lady’s grip.
“Guess me!” She replied excitedly.
Abhi “Hmm….Jiya?”
“No!” She replied.
Abhi “Then it’s Helena!”
“Nah…try again!” She said.
Abhi “Ok then it must be Rathi!”
“Oh Abhi! You can’t guess me!” She said by coming in front of him.
Abhi hugging her “Wow! It’s you! You are here!”
“Yes my dear Teddy bear!” She exclaimed.
Pragya seeing all this could only find it insane.
Pragya, In what angle does he looks like a teddy bear? Then who are this Jiya, Helena & Rathi? I thought he was a man who never looks at other women. I thought he was not interested in love life before me. But I think I am wrong.
Abhi “I can’t believe you are here NB!”
“Me too! It’s such a lovely surprise. Anyways how’s life?” She asked.
Abhi “Yes absolutely lovely with lovely people around me.” He said by taking a glance at Pragya.
“So what’s up? What brings you here?” She asked.
Abhi “Oh….this is my son, Rinku. We are here to learn dance. Actually he is already learning for 2 months. I want to learn with him now. But Ms Pragya is not willing to teach me.”
“I understand her hesitance as this is a kids dancing school. But I don’t have any issue in teaching you dance.”
Pragya “Are you sure? We have so many kids here to teach & you want to take a new challenge of teaching him now?”
“Challenge? Not at all. He knows how to dance. Just that he needs some grooming in it.” She replied.
Pragya “Then what about the kids here? Do you know you had just returned after your holiday? You have to catch up a lot in teaching the kids here.”
“Oh Pragya….I never said I won’t teach the kids na…I can teach teddy bear after the kids class ended. Just him & me….” She said making Pragya worried of Abhi & her dancing alone.
Abhi saw her worry. He smiled inwardly while Rinku interrupted “No way! Only Pragie must teach Papa!” Pragya for some reason felt this time Rinku was her side.
Pragya, let go off your ego! If not he will be learning from her. They also looks like good friends. Then what if they get closer by dancing together?
She was alarmed of that thought. Taking a deep breath, she said “I will teach him. Rinku is my best friend, when he insists it’s my responsibility as his best friend to say yes.”
Rinku smiled at her as he looked at Abhi who was feeling upset. He was acting to be upset as he can’t learn from his friend.
“Alright. But teddy bear, don’t hesitate to ask me any doubts? I am always here to help you!” She said by giving another hug to him before leaving the dance room.
Pragya, Why does she always have to hug him? Even I had never hugged him before! Pragya! Stop thinking of hugging him. Don’t you think it’s too much! Please stop your stupid thoughts & focus on work.
She signals Abhi to stand in position. He was standing beside Rinku. After winking at her, he followed her instructions.
Pragya smiled at how obedient he was as a student. He was feeling happy to see Pragya smiling at him.
Rinku “Papa!!!” Abhi was lost in his own world of following Pragya’s steps.
Rinku pinched Abhi & said “Papa! You are doing the steps for girls!!!!” Abhi “What??” Rinku asked him to look at himself at the mirror. He saw all the kids laughing at him while Pragya looked worried.
Abhi, Why didn’t she laugh like the kids? Anything wrong?
He said sorry & later was careful not to do anything funny.
The lesson came to end when Pragya said “Practice the steps again. Next lesson there will be a small test.” She said with everyone slowly leaving the class. Abhi & Rinku were still present there.
Pragya “Mr Abhi….” She called him. He looked at her.
Pragya “I need to talk to you for a while.” Abhi “Sure!” Pragya “I want to talk to you alone.” Abhi “Where will Rinku go?” Pragya “It’s just for a while. Inside the room there.” She said pointing to a room.
Rinku “ Papa, you go talk to Pragie. Pass me your phone, I can whatsapp chota gang. I just thought of some idea.” Pragya smiles at him as Abhi passed his phone to him.
Both went inside the room. Rinku thought “Don’t know what Mumma wants to tell Papa!”
After a while, Abhi came out looking blankly. Rinku seeing him wondered what happened inside.
Pragya on the other hand was not coming out of the room.
Abhi “Rinku, let’s go!” Rinku “What did she say Papa?” Abhi “I said let’s go!” He said by carrying him quickly & walking out of the place.
Pragya then came out of the room. She sees them not around. She sighs in relief but at the back of her mind, she knows what happened inside the room will soon turn into disastrous.
At night,
His mother “What did she tell?” Abhi “I am so angry Ma.” Rinku “Just tell Papa! This suspense is killing me!!” His mother “Abhi, just tell. Then only we can work together.” Abhi sighed saying “She asked me to….” He then paused looking at both.
Rinku “Dadi!!!! Ask him to tell now!!!” His mother glares at him. Abhi in response said “She asked me to dance with her.”
His mother “Isn’t that a good thing? I mean both of you dance then there can be more romance right?” Rinku “Papa! For this you are getting angry? Funny Papa!” He said by laughing.
Abhi “It’s not funny Rinku! Ma, she asked me to dance with her as a old man!”
His mother & Rinku looked confused in response.
Abhi “Let me explain to both of you. Rinku, you said your chota gang is arranging a celebration at old age home right? For that Pragya is preparing some dance performance too!”
Rinku “Yes Papa! I asked her to do that!” Abhi “In that performance, she wants me to be an old man!! Do I look like an old man??” Hearing that, Rinku & his mother laughed hysterically.
His mother “Truth is bitter sometimes Abhi….” She said making him huff in anger.
Rinku “Papa, maybe she thought you can act very well.” Abhi “Really?” His mother “Or maybe she thought you don’t have to act as you already look old.” She teased making Abhi frown at her.
Rinku “Don’t say like that Dadi! My Papa is always young! He still looks the same when I first saw him. No changes!” Abhi smiled as Rinku’s words made him happy.
His mother “Acha….I don’t feel he looks the same from the time I first saw him.” Abhi “Ma….when you first saw me, I was a baby. Of course I am now different from that day.” His mother “Yes that day you looked very young not like now….very old & boring….” Abhi “I am not old & boring! Rinku, you tell me! Am I old & boring?” Rinku sheepishly said “A bit Papa…” Abhi irked “Rinku!!!!”
His mother “Abhi! First stop screaming like this. That makes you look like a old grumpy man!” Abhi silenced himself looking upset of his own family calling him old.
Rinku “Don’t be sad Papa, we will make you look young.” His mother winked at Abhi which made him smile in response.
Pragya “ Rinku, you are a good boy na….please listen to me.” Rinku “ Pragie! if I am a bad boy, you won’t talk to me?” Pragya “No Rinku, Whatever you are I will talk to you as you are my….” She realizes what she was about to say. Rinku looks at her deeply while Pragya looks with a strained expression.
From a distance, Abhi whispers “Ma…you think he will do this properly? What if he blurts about the memory loss thing?” His mother “Oh Abhi! I never think of that!” Abhi & his mother looks panicked now. They saw Pragya crying all of a sudden!
To be continued…..
The next update will be a little late. Pls wait as I have something on today.
Thank you everyone for reading, liking and commenting. Thanks for your understanding too. About New stories, I doubt I am going to start anything new. Don’t have high hopes on that. Thank you for all your support so far, by reading my works silently and continuously. It really means a lot to me.
Wow o wow soooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy n precap omg pragya s crying wat happ hope all gets well soon loved d updt abhi Oldman hahaaaaaaaa lovely sissy keep rocking eagerly waiting 4 ur nxt updt

Such a sweet epi i jst loved it love u akka????????
Jealous pragie is always nice.tak ur time. No prob we’ll wait