Fan Fiction

I am sorry khushi (ishra,arshi,swasan) epi 29 and 30

hi guys. i am entering into my 12 th std by thursday. so guys please pray for me. i am really worried as every teacher are scaring us a lot.
the next episode starts with

She leaves the room. She sees anjali hearing everything.
Anjali: u cant prove anything khushi as he is a good person.
Khushi: I will prove u anjali. This is my promise..
Khushi leaves..
Anjali: if she is saying the truth then? I have to check rahul. I don’t think khushi wont lie in my matter…
Anjali suddenly feels dizzy.
She sits in the sofa.
Anjali: what happened?
She thinks to go to doctor…
Anjali: I don’t get it. rahul told that khushi will be angry with him to me , so I scolded khushi. when I heared khushi arnav told that they both are diff rahul’s .. how is it possible for him to learn about this rahu. Its confusing. I will clear out..
(guys none of them except khushi,arnav and anjali knows..)
Meanwhile all the big one decides the date of anjali’s engagement with rahul…
Meanwhile rahul came with his family to speak about the alliance. Khushi and anjali both were not there and arnav was sitting there in a calm composure.
Rahul: I want to marry anjali aunty. I love her a lot..
Romi: we r not against ur decision beta. We all accept u.
Rahul: thank u uncle so much. where Is anjali?
Raman: she went for shopping.
Rahul: oh ok…

Meanwhile at hospital…
Anjali comes to know that she is pregnant.
Anjali: what should I do? I will tell him about this .
She messages him to come to her friends apartment at terror as that si their usual meeting point..
Anjali got little late as when she heard him speaking.
Rahul: my revenge is going to get completed dude. I will surely take revenge from that khushi. egostic girl. hse made me in jail na. I planned and changed the fir report and the inspector to was in the plan. Now what will arnav do when she came to know that his wife was an rape victim. How will that girl feel. for all this I used anjali.with her only I am going to make khushi outside the family
Anjlai gets teary eyed.
She goes and slaps him.
Anjali: u.. how can u do like this…
Rahul: I did this for revenge anjali.
Anjali: please rahul,don’t do this. I am pregnant.
Rahul: for that what I can do. bye bye. U r not in my life hereafter. Ur sister will go threw the pain seeing u suffering. He leaves.

Khushi was in search of anjali and she traces her using track my friend app..
She reaches the house and enquires and learns that she is in terrors
She runs upstairs and sees her crying.
Khushi hugs anjali.
Khushi: what happened anju . don’t cry.
Anjali: u tries warning me , but I didn’t even think about ur words and confronted u. I am sorry.
Khushi: its ok beta. Don’t cry.
Anjali: I am the reason for everything that is happening in ur life. I shouldn’t live alive . she gets up and jumps but khushi holds her.
Khushi: don’t do this anjali. Don’t..
Anjali smiles and frees her hand.
Anjali falls down..
Khushi immediately runs downwards and rushes her to the hospital…
Khushi: anji… uthoo.. utho. Please wake. don’t do this.. wake up…
Khushi cries..
She phones arnav…
Khushi: arnav..
Arnav: what happened?
Khushi: arnav, anjali. Come to xyz hospital. Fast…
Khushi cuts the call.
Khushi: god please save her, save anjali. Please. I wont ask anything other than this… please.
Doctor cames out.
Doctor: she lost blood.. I need o-ve blood. It is very rare.
Khushi: I am o-ve doctor. I will donate blood.
Doctor: ok fine…
Khushi was donating her blood meanwhile everyone came there….
Arnav comes inside the room where khushi is donating…
He takes the device from which the blood was passing.
Khushi: ah. Arnav what r u doing.
Her hand gets bleeding.
Arnav: come out. u don’t need to give blood.
Khushi: arnav..
Arnav drags her out…
Doctor: what r u doing mr .. anjali is required for blood..
Arnav: arrange someone’s blood. I don’t want this girl to give blood.
Khushi gets shocked.
Doctor: ur hand is bleeding . mr this is not the way to handle this. u come inside miss. Doctor takes khushi inside and bandages her wounds..
Doctor: what happen?
Khushi: I don’t know doctor. He have never ever behaved like this.
Doctor: ok take care…
Khushi comes outside and sees everyone..
Garima slaps khushi.
Khushi gets shocked.
Khushi: what happened? Why r u doing like this?
Raman: why did u do like this khushi?
Sanskar: how could u do this to anjali?
Ishita: why is ur to prove u innocent is more than our anjali’s life ?
Khushi: i don’t understand.
Arnav: u don’t understand?
He takes his phone and shows the video like
Khushi was holding anjali’s hand ..
Khushi: now if u go up , I can win everyone’s confidence.
Saying this she leaves the hand…
Video ends…
Khushi gets shocked..
Khushi: this is not true. If I want to do like that ,, why did I admit her in hospital?
Raman: u just want to show off khushi…
Khushi cries…
Khushi: I didn’t do like this.
Arnav holds her.
Arnav: u told na u will go to any extent , I didn’t learn this is the extent?
Khushi: believe me arnav , I really didn’t do this…
Arnav: get out of my life khushi. u r no longer my wife. Get out..
Meanwhile rahul came in. he had a wicked smile.
Arnav: rahul thank god u came.. because of u only we came to know about her.
Khushi: u .. she holds rahul’s collar. U r the reason rahul. R the reason.
Arnav frees rahul..
Rahul: she like this only threatened me to leave anjali, I told her I wont. she only did this to anjali.
Sanskar hugs rahul.
Rahul cries..
Arnav: leave khushi. u r no where related to us…
Khushi leaves the hospital cryingly, she goes to home and cries in her room..
That time arnav cam ehome for talking anjali’s old reports and sees khushi there..
Arnav: u wont go out of this home.get out khushi. u don’t have any rights here.
Khushi: how can I do like that arnav. I am not like that.
Arnav: u r leaving or can I push u out.
Khushi: arnav , think one second. Can ur khushi do like this. am I like that.
Arnav: u wont go na.
Arnav holds her hand and drags he rout of the hosue and closes the door.
He sits with a thud .he cries.
Arnav: I didn’t expect this from u khushi. how can u do like this..i loved u truly but u..
Meanwhile swara came home to rest as she cant be there for moretime. She sees khushi leaving
She sees khushi.
Swara hugs khushi.
Swara: don’t cry .
Khushi: I didn’t do shona. I didn’t do. I am not like that.
Swara hugs khushi tightly.
Swara: I know khushi. u r not at fault. Don’t cry.
Khushi says everything.
Khushi: why they r not believing me . arnav throwed me out of house. I wont come to that house again swara. I wont meet them again. I don’t want them who don’t believe me.
Swara: ok come , I will take u to hotel..
Swara takes khushi to hotel..

Khushi was narrating to ap ,dp,ragini and laksh.
She was crying literally..
Khushi: then I went to meet mr adithya and he appointed me in US for somedays and then I had to go to London.. when walking on a road , I got unconscious and the persons admitted me to hospital. I came to know I was pregnant..
Arnav meanwhile crying got more hurted like he couldn’t be with her during that time..
Khushi: then I went to that home and took my passport and my things that time. She tell about all behavior.. I was hurted mom. I felt like as if everyone killing me and my baby. I couldn’t take it at all. But I promised myself that I wont let them both grow in that family.. I then left to us and then to London…
Khushi: ma , tell me ,am I that bad . how can I think to kill a sister of mine?
Ap: u r very good from heart beta. See ur our princess u don’t need to worry about the person who don’t care about u…
Ragini hugs khushi.
Ragini: enough. Don’t cry .
Laksh : haan , we will be always there for u in any situation. U r our princess. Don’t cry.
Khushi hugs laksh…
Khushi: thank u lucky. If u were not there then I would really have suffered.. I didn’t expect u that I will meet u there..
After khushi leaves u.s she reaches London..
Khushi: this is our wold baby. Me and u . only we both r there in this world. I am there for u. don’t worry. I will look after u well..
Aftr few days.
Khushi was walking with bags in hand and she was feeling dizzy. She was stumbling to walk meanwhile laksh sees her.
Khushi was about to fall down. Laksh catches her…
Laksh: khushi…
He takes her to the hospital..
He comes to learn about her pregnancy. He calls ragini..
Ragini and khushi also knows each other as they all were friends only..
Ragini: what happened laksh.
Laksh: I saw her in the supermarket…
He explains everything.
Ragini: what is she doing here in this state?
Laksh: yeah actually nk messaged me that khushi is not in india and told like due to some problems she left house…
Ragini: don’t know what is the problem…
Doctor: she got conscious u can go and see her…
Raglak goes inside.
Khushi: lucky…
Laksh: what r u doing here in London. U could have told me a word na that u r coming to London..
Khushi: I don’t want to be burden to anyone . I am there for myself. Now I don’t have anyone.
Laksh slaps her..
Laksh: don’t ever say like this. am I not there to look after u khushi.
Ragini: yes khushi. u come with us. We will take care of u..
Khushi: no yaar..
Laksh: shut up and come and why did u come out of the house.
Khushi tells them about her family member’s behavior but not fully the major.
Laksh: its ok. now u come with us.
Khushi: u wont tell to nk na that I am with u.
Laksh: I wont say promise. Come with me.
Khushi: but ur mom and dad will..
Laksh: they wont say anything I am with u. come.
Then raglak takes khushi to home..
Flashback ends…
Laksh: its my responsibility khushi to take care of my sister and friend.
Khushi: thank u.. its late I will go to sleep..
Ragini: today I will sleep with u here. laksh u go and sleep with the kids.

Meanwhile in the balcony…
Amaya and radhika both were teary eyed. They want to hug their mother but couldn’t. aarav consoles them…
Aarav: papa is coming to our room come.
He takes them both slowly .
In the other side curtain.
Arnav sat with teary eyed , he cried for hurting her this much..

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