Riddhima joins a new college, as she feels so bored sitting alone in her house. Her father is a businessman. In college, she happens to see the paintings and books written by vansh. She is very much fascinated by him, but unable to find him in college. She is shocked when she finds vansh has already committed suicide. Riddhima frequently visits his grave in the following days, and the ghost of vansh’s appears, advising her to cease visiting his grave. Those around riddhima suspect that she is mentally ill, as nobody else can see vansh. She is the only one who can see him and can’t be seen by others.
She asked why you made such a decision
Vansh tells riddhima he was duped into love by his colleague Ragini. He genuinely loved her, even converting to Christianity; vansh’s father dies, shocked at the conversion. Ragini proves unfaithful, and marries Dr. Kabir, which results in Vansh committing suicide.
Hearing all this, riddhima cried and upset to learn his story. You are really a good guy vansh I am glad to meet a good guy like you…now they become very close frds.
Then day by day the two of them started to get closer.
She knowing that he was a soul, but she began to fall in love with him.
one day unexpectedly riddhima sees ragini husband.
She asked him if you are Ragini’s husband Dr. Kabir
He said I was
She asked if you knew about vansh
He knew everything she had done wrong. Now she is not with me
If not where did she go asked riddhima
Ragini dies during delivery said by kabir
Riddhima console kabir and left the place but unfortunately vansh hear all this.
At night
Riddhima called vansh and said I know vansh, you were there when I was talking to Ragini’s husband. I felt you exist.
Vansh cried.
She tries to hug but can’t because he is a soul but suddenly vansh hug riddhima.
Riddhima’s was first shocked and after she also reciprocate the hug vansh
After sometime She asked him how it was possible that you were hug to me Vansh… it is impossible na but how this can happen
I also don’t know riddhima
It’s ok vansh leave it…iam very happy today, then she diverting vansh mood and cheerup him… After they talk normally.
Riddhima decided to tell vansh that is she love him very much.. so she called vansh and two or three minutes vansh came.
Riddhima grabs vansh’s hand but this time she could not hold his hands.
What happened last night will never happen so you don’t worry said by vansh. She smiled sadly and takes her to the place where she met for the first time and expresses her love
Vansh’s totally shocked and numb
I know vansh u unexpected
But I love you vansh I don’t know when this happened but I can’t live without you vansh
Riddhima are you made or what, this is not going to happen… Please understand riddu
Y vansh
Riddhima I can’t give you anything like I can not give you happiness
When you are happy and sad I can’t take hug with you, i can’t live with you Full time, I can’t give you child most importantly this can’t happen
I don’t want this anything vansh
Vansh physical relationship only not love…. Two souls are love to eachother na it’s only enough. I also want this…u can’t give full time but u give atleast small time like before we always spend.
Riddhima this is just an attraction
No is not attraction vansh please try to understand Whenever I smile or cry I want to share it with you too…You are the only one who will always be in my heart and in my mind I can’t live without you… and i know u also love with me but u denied..i don’t know why vansh
riddhima u never understand so now my final decision is i never ever come in front of you…. good bye riddhu saying he left
Riddhima crying very badly
As soon as riddhima left
Vansh came to the spot again and cried
I love you too riddhima but this will not happen
This is a supernatural thing.
A demon and man can never join
So this is the only reason you refused my love vansh
vansh looked back and was shocked, asked if you have not left yet riddhima
I’m not going vansh I am so happy now listening to the source of your love confessions…I just need your love and I don’t need anything else
For me you alone are enough and your love alone is enough vansh.
Yes i love you, so please forgetting me is good for you and your life riddhima
But vansh she was about say something but vansh cut in between and say no more talk riddhima now am leaving forever… But one thing riddhima that we can live together in the next life even though we are not in this life saying he left
Riddhima totally broken and she went house there was a another shock
Vyom, a rich businessman, becomes attracted to riddhima ( he also studying same clg) and asks for her hand in marriage. Riddhima’s father approves of this marriage proposal, but riddhima is against this alliance as she is in love with vansh. Riddhima’s father forcefully announces the marriage, but she try to understand his dad but no response, she called vansh many time but he never came back( But he was there bcz he didn’t wants to hurt more). so she decided to end her life, and she escapes from marriage hall
Vansh try to save her but results is fail…..riddhima commits suicide to join with vansh in the afterlife.
Now two souls are happily live in heaven
The end
I know so many grammatical mistakes there so please ignore it and enjoy byeeeeeeeeeeeee
Amazing…lived it

Excellent di

Greaaaat workkk
Amazing episode dear

Heartfelt story….beautiful!