Chapter 15:
Scene 1:
Location: local road, Mumbai.
Sanskar was driving his car. He saw traffic stuck so decided to take some other way. He went on a lonely road when he saw a lady sitting there. She was about 60 to 70 years old. He stopped the carand got down.
Sanskar: Man ji! Is there any problem? Why are you sitting here?
Lady: I forgot my way. I came here to someone’s house and I was going back when I forgot. And there is no one who could help me. There is no rikshaw here. (Sanskar was stunned because it was not a main road.)
Sanskar: Man ji! Come with me. I will drop you to main road. There is no Rikshaw.
Lady: no no, it’s fine!
Sanskar: you are wearing precious jewellery. Anybody could take advantage. So please!
Lady: (shows him her bangles) these bangles? Hahaha….. These are not real. (Sanskar smiled on Lady’s lie)
Sanskar: robbers would not ask you if these are real or not.
Lady: you are right but……
Sanskar: it’s fine, if you don’t want to come, then…..
Lady: ok! I believe you.
Sanskar: come! (he leads her to his car and opens the back-seat door) sit here! (Lady thanks him and they reach main road. It was empty and no traffic was seen. After some time, he went to her.) Man ji! There is no Rikshaw. Tell me the address and I will drop you to your home. (the lady sits in the car again and he starts driving)
Lady: you are a very good man. What’s your name?
Sanskar: Sanskar Maheshwari!
Lady: oh Saskar! Very pretty name. (For the first time in his life, he heard his name like that with so much deteriorating) my elder daughter-in-law has born a son. (Sanskar was bewildered because he had no idea that lady would say such thing after asking his name)
Sanskar: (forcefully smiling) congratulations!
Lady: (whole heartedly) thanks! We were trying to keep a name. I said that it’s their right but they didn’t listen. I said that I will tell them after some time. Should I give your name?
Sanskar: (confused) yes, of course! You can.
Lady: (sighs heavily) thank God! This problem solved. (she got busy in cleaning the lenses of her spectacles) what is your age?
Sanskar: thirty years.
Lady: are you married?
Sanskar: (he was stunned and wanted to avoid that.)On which road, should I take you? Right one or the left one?
Lady: aaamm….. I don’t know! (Sanskar felt like he would bang his head on nearby wall)
Sanskar: what? Then how you came here?
Lady: I come here with neighbour’s children or Sara. She was busy today so I came here with Ram.
Sanskar: Ram?
Lady: the son of Shankari. Mashallah she is a very good lady. Last year, her husband……
Sanskar: Man ji! How would I drop you? (he drove back to the place and asked her) did you took any turn?
Lady: (confused) no! (Sanskar was relaxed as there were some streets there.)
Sanskar: tell me your husband’s name or any other senior member of your family so that I could find your house.
Lady: my husband is no more but I have two sons. I am living with my daughter, Sara. People call me Rosy. (Sanskar asked in every house for her but nobody knew these names. So he came back.)
Sanskar: there are three more streets. May be there! (in next hour, he had asked in every house of that area. He was hell irritated now. He felt like he was paying for his deeds) Man ji! Nobody knows you here. Are you sure about this area? When I asked you about the turn, you said yes. Then it’s impossible!
Lady: I said yes but tell me what is turn? (Sanskar calmed himself)
Sanskar: I wanted to ask you that did you came from any other road?
Lady: of course, I was sitting here because I was tired of walking and I also forgot the way back.
Sanskar: oh! (after two hours, he was in some backward village. He drove till there using Rosy’s guidance) now tell me where is your house?
Lady: house no 152.
Sanskar: offo! Tell the name of street.
Lady: I don’t remember. (his heart fell in his tummy listening this) but that street has renewed sewage system. The municipality workers provided us with new lids on gutters. And there is house of Imran’s mother. Poor woman! The leg of her husband was broken last week.
Sanskar: Man ji! Should I ask people that tell me the name of street which has two new gutter lids and with Imran’s mother house at the start? (he was hell irritated now. It was clear that with these explanations, he could not find her house at least that day)
Rosy: you did not tell are you married or not? (Sanskar wanted to die by jumping in water nearby. Only to avoid this question, he agreed to drop her to house but it seemed like it was not his escape. He thought for a while and wanted to say yes but this would only exaggerate her investigation, so he decided to say no which turned out to be his most horrible mistake.)
Sanskar: no, I am not married.
Rosy: any engagement?
Sanskar: no!
Rosy: Thank God! (Sanskar could not understand why did she said like this so he kept his focus on driving) why didn’t you married yet?
Sanskar: no proper reason. Actually, I was so much busy that I never got to think about all this.
Lady: what do you do?
Sanskar: I do job in bank. (he told her his rank and thought that she wouldn’t understand)
Rosy: (calmly) this is officer na!
Sanskar: (amused) yes!
Rosy: oh! What is your qualification?
Sanskar: I have studied sixteen classes.
Rosy: sixteen classes? Have you done MBA or MA economics? (Sanskar was stunned and he automatically turned back)
Sanskar: do you know what is MBA or MA economics?
Rosy: why wouldn’t I know? My elder son did MA economics and then went to America for MBA. He also does bank job but in England. His son is born for which I went to his house. (Sanskar sighed and continued his driving) so?
Sanskar: so………
Rosy: you didn’t tell anything.
Sanskar: (confused) about what? (he didn’t remember any question which he didn’t answered)
Rosy: about your qualification!
Sanskar: I have done MBA.
Rosy: are your parents alive?
Sanskar: yes!
Rosy: so you live with them?
Sanskar: no, I share flat with my friend.
Rosy: why?
Sanskar: because the bank in which I do my job is here and my parents live in Mumbai.
Rosy: how many siblings?
Sanskar: five!
Rosy: how many sisters and brothers?
Sanskar: one sister and four brothers.
Rosy: how many are married?
Sanskar: all of them.
Rosy: are you the youngest?
Sanskar: no, one brother is younger than me. (Sanskar was getting irritated because she was investigating about everything and her questions kept rising with every passing minute. He was now regretting his “social work”)
Rosy: is he married?
Sanskar: yes!
Rosy: then why you haven’t married? Matter of love? (earth slipped under his feet)
Sanskar: Man ji! Kindly try to remember your address. (Rosy remembered and told him but he can’t understand because he didn’t know much about this place. He asked from a traffic constable and headed towards the destination)
Rosy: so, you didn’t tell me that you were involved in love with someone. (Sanskar’s face fell on her question)
Sanskar: no Man ji! There is nothing like that.
Rosy: Thank God! (he was not able to understand once again so focused on driving)
Sanskar: do you have phone in your house?
Rosy: yes!
Sanskar: tell me the number.
Rosy: I do not remember. (Sanskar was slowly shifting in his depression)
Sanskar: Man ji! What would you have told to Rikshaw driver?
Rosy: the same things which I have told you. (Sanskar wanted to drop her right there and drive away)
Sanskar: did you ever went to your house using this technique?
Rosy: no, this is the first situation. (Sanskar gave her an irritating look through rear view mirror) do you smoke? (He was stunned as well as confused)
Sanskar: no!
Rosy: any other drugs?
Sanskar: why are you asking this?
Rosy: no proper reason. How could I keep quiet for so long.
Sanskar: how do you find me in this matter? What do you think? Do I look like I am using any drugs?
Rosy: no! that’s why I am asking. So, don’t you…….
Sanskar: no!
Rosy: do you have any girlfriend? (Sanskar felt like he heard wrong)
Sanskar: what? What are you asking?
Rosy: I am asking that do you have any girlfriend!
Sanskar: (laughing) do you know what is girlfriend?
Rosy: (angrily) why? How would I not knowing it when I have two sons. When I sent them to study abroad, my husband told them that they should not be having any girlfriend. They called here once in a month. (Sanskar smiled widely) every time, I asked them to swear on God that they didn’t have any girlfriend. Till the two of them were not married, they always swear first of all that they are not having any girlfriend. They paid greetings after that only. (proudly) they both are very obedient. They never made any girlfriend.
Sanskar: did you married them with your choice of girls?
Rosy: no, they married with their own choice in England only. (Sanskar laughed out loudly) what happened?
Sanskar: nothing. Are your daughters-in-law English?
Rosy: no. they were Indian and working with my sons. But why did you laugh?
Sanskar: nothing!
Rosy: so you didn’t tell me that you have girlfriend or……
Sanskar: (cuts her) no Man! I don’t have any girlfriend.
Rosy: thank God! (he was not able to understand her once again) do you have your own house here?
Sanskar: no, I have an apartment on rent.
Rosy: and servants?
Sanskar: not in routine but for household works, yes, I have.
Rosy: and this car will be surely yours.
Sanskar: yes! (he searched for house for some time and after that, he came back.)
Rosy: did you found……
Sanskar no! and this is night so there is no use. We should go to police station and report there. Your daughter or neighbours would surely report in police station for you and they will take you back.
Rosy: (sadly) tch, tch! Sara will be so much worried. (Sanskar wanted to tell her that he was more worried than her daughter but kept quiet.)
Scene 2:
Location: police station
They reached police station and after reporting and giving them his number, he turned to leave and Rosy stood up to go with him)
Sanskar: sit here. You will remain here.
Inspector: take her with him. If someone comes to take her, I will inform you on phone.
Sanskar: but I want to hand over her to you.
Inspector: but we can’t keep her like this. and if some days’ pass……
Rosy: (cuts him) no no beta! How could I live with these men? I will go with you.
Sanskar: but I…… live alone! (he then remembered Lakshya’s house and sighed) ok fine! Come with me. (he called Lakshya and told him his situation.)
Lakshya: Ragini went to her village and I am at hospital. But don’t worry! I am reaching there in some time and will take her to my house. And is she a young woman that you are fearing? There will be no problem. You are worrying for a stupid reason.
Sanskar: no yar! I was saying that because I thought of her comfort. She will feel awkward.
Lakshya: she will not feel awkward. And ask her if you are not satisfied. We could keep her in Rajput house with their family.
Sanskar: ok, come early. Then we will think over it. (cuts the call)
I really loved it!
Nice….pls update next chapter today… there some connection between the old lady and swara???
U know samehnaaa not evry novelss r for copyinggg and writingg on thesee topicsss u very well knowww the meaning of original novell than how can u writee that novel on swasan?? Andd u even didnt mentioned that its a famous novel i just read todays epi and i came to knoww its peer e kamil and then i asked my frndss they told me that u didnt even mentioned… that novel is a veryyy famous novel… how can u convert or copy that novel like this?? And whatever i saidd im not sorryyy on thatt becauseeee that novel meaning was something elsee and here nobody will understand.. because its not on a love story u know this.
plz smtimes being calm n soft spoken can also handle the situation rabia
sorry to say bt i didnt like the way u said to her. i know u may reply rudely later but I only said what i felt. i know she did wrong n u shd make her realise her mistake bt nt like this
Xyz i said because its related to ourr religion u can easily think im being rude but not everything is for talking with calmity… dont u knoww u religion ppl may kills other?
Xyz if u knoww about the original novel then u will surely not said this to mee soo i think u should first gain knowledge about the original novel then u should comment
hey dont deviate the topic the religion. i respect every religion. i am jst saying to keep calm
i jst wanna say i respuct u ur views n ur religion thats it. its nt necessary tht we can understand if n if only we belong to tht religion
I will never calm on thiss topic say whateverrrr u wants to sayy andd i knoww u r samehnaa itself.. and dont u dareee u say meee to keep calmm. What that movel means itss a veryy bigg thing for me being a muslim and i will never calm on this topicc andd why r u interferrinh im talking to samehna naa? If u r samehnaa thenn comment with your original id not qith unregistered id.. talkss on religiouss personalities should happened like this only
Thankuu veryu muchhh for yourr comment i didnt invited u to comment here if u r some unknown..
miss xyz if u r saying and also listen that first go and chck the concept of original novel if u dont know aboutt the matter that why rabia is talking rudely.. then u should also think that whyy she is talking rudely.. if i was in rabia’s place i will be double rude..
god swear m nt samehna. so dont say anything to her.
mujhe lga ki mujhe bolna chahiye so maine bola.
bt kbhi kbhi hota h na jo bat hm kisi ko bolna chahte h samne wala use hamare p.o.v se smjh nhi pata specially on such social platforms like t.u.
n plz zara woh nt invited wala message apni frnd @sara830 ko bhi bol dena.
miss xyz or abc or efg… whatever your name iss.. its not social issue.. the personalityy on whichhh the original novel is… is something for Muslims due to whichh they can doo anything.. soo kindlyy u be in your limits.. its not a social issue at all remember that.. samehnaa shoulddd nott writee on this novel.. thats it..
what u will feel if some Muslim or other religion person start converting your religious thingss into according to their religion? think on thisss if u want… there r many stories on which u can give lectures… heree u dont even knoww the matter.. soo kindlyy stay out of it…
Sara started because u started on such issue which u dont knowww at all.. soo kindlyy stopp interferring in my post… if u dont knoww that what will be happen if this thing will goo to outside.. soo its better u stop saying anything..u concentrate on your social issues becoz for us its not a social issue.. itss more than that..
are yar mene social platform bola tha social issue nhi. bhut difference hota h isssue aur platform me.
i am saying ki agar usne glti ki h agr samehna ko ye story nhi likhni chahiye to aram se bolkr bat smjha do. bat aram se bhi kahi ja skti h itna hyper hokr nhi.
bt yha to mujhe hi galat smjha ja rha h so i rest my case here.
bt ek bar dimag thanda ho jaye na to mera original comment pdh lena shaya bat smjh me aa jaye.
n miss @sara830 agr mere sath aisa hota tb bhi mene shanti se bat handle ki hoti yun iss trh nhi.
aur bat rhi lecture dene ki i am nt interested in being a lecturer. tum logon ko ab jo krna h kro.
rabia what u said is absolutely correct… im agree with u..
miss sara830 no one asked u to interfere
Awsm but in my view slowly this story is becoming boring……sorry to say this but as your every episode proceeds I m becoming confused…….I m just not able to understand what’s happening….
I m not bashing you…….i know you are a very good writer and every writer or indeed every person has its own point of view…..i am just telling you my point of view……
Sorry if you felt bad my intention was not to hurt you…..just wanna tell wht i felt….
Try to understand it…..and I m not saying you to change your story line but still try to write something with which your readers start taking intrest….i don’t know about other readers….I m telling what o feel…
I really like this stlry that’s why I m saying all this….
Bye and update soon
This is my comment….Actually i hadn’t logged in at that time and i didn’t want to loose this comment or write this much long comment again… that’s why i commented like that only……..just to clear the confusion… wrote this because i felt so….
Sorry again if you felt bad
Hi yaar well first of all I wanna say I didn’t read your ff earlier but just today my one frnd tell me about your ff so I was so shocked and as well angry…
I have no issue of you would have copied some other novel but this one….it’s not good..,this novel is on our religion Islam how can you just write this so easily on a fictional character…Do you have any idea what are you doing….
You are compairing our last Prophet SAW with some fictional character
you know I really love swasan and I agreed that all writers must have some time copy others works but not at the cost of religion…
Please don’t mind but what I felt I say…your houldnt have done this…
U r absolutely right rosey samehnaaa u shoulddd stop writing on peer e kamil..
Oh so that’s the reason i felt the story not interesting……samehnaa you are copying it and that to comparing it with someone’s religion… know you must have hurted many people… know my have never read this novel….my frend used to tell me that ‘Pir-e-kamil’ is her one of the favourite written by some Pakistani writer – UMERA AHMED………you shouldn’t have done that……rosey i agree with you……..
Samehnaaa……..make your story track different…….while writing you should have in your mind that your readers are not affected in wrong way……
We are not bashing you….infact nobody is bashing you…….we all are here to support that’s why we are trying to make you realize your mistake so that you could rectify it….before it gets very late….
And ya your story doesn’t become intresting until you put your own creativity in it rather than just copying…….
Sorry if you felt bad…….but just think about what we all said……..
Yesss harshitaa thatss the reason many felt it as boring because only those can understandd who is related to that specific religion
hmmmm… that’s why i somehow i feel that’s it kinda connected to Islam, i mean the way she describe on religion section….omg!!!!
Story is really nice one, although we don’t belong to that religion and we dont read that also so we are completely not knowing from where u have got this idea.
May be some guys will think wrong i am really sorry for that in advance.
Just if you are writing something and getting idea like this plzzzz inform in first only so that nobody have problem further.
One good thing of this some types of people like us never know all these things in the form of story using our favourite characters, we also get to know these tyes are books are also written which have great influence on people.
You have conveyed this story to us thats really nice. Just its request if you are presenting this type of thing inform in advance.
No offence regarding religion because in last watever we are, we are human only made by God
Suuss… you reply my comment, do you talk to me or to author ?

i was in verge of answering you but then
roseeyy im totally agree with uu i just came to know about this all…
Dear mica this comment is for general and to author also
Ohk so dats y m not njyng it dat much…
Her all stories r abt sanskarx suffrngs n al..
N here also we were askin her to stop showin dis much pain n suffrngs n show some swasan moments as we were not aware of dis novel…
awesome dear
awesome epi dr i just love d way u hv written really it shows pain of sanskar
Awesome dear
heyy samehnaa what is dis??… sorryy too sayy but thiss storyy is not for thesee fictional characters.. i think u should ask someonee before converting the story into some fictional story…
I knew it had some connection to do with Islam because in our religion only we can keep fast or perform a pilgrimage on the name of our dear ones..
I just thought that it was some Pakistani novel converted but I really din’t know that it is based on a famous religious novel which is not meant to be converted..
Sry if I hurted you.