Chapter 3
Scene 1:
Location: Maheshwari Mansion
Servant informed DP and AP. They booked tickets for flight on next day and reached their house. DP was very angry on Sanskar.
DP: Sanskar! What is this now? Why are you bent on destroying us?
Sanskar: (calmly) now what happened?
DP: (holds his bandaged wrist and jerks him) what the hell is this?
Sanskar: oh this? It is a small cut.
DP: if this is small cut, then remove the bandage and show it to me. Come on! What happened now? You still want to say something? Why do you want to kill yourself?
Sanskar: I told you before this is not suicide.
DP: I don’t want to hear all your rubbish. You are going to psychiatrist right now. Come! (he agrees without arguing and it surprises DP.)
Scene 2:
Location: psychiatrist’s clinic
They reach psychiatrist’s clinic. It was not first time that he was pushed like this. He frequently visited psychiatrist due to his extra-ordinary IQ level.
Psychiatrist: so tell me how are you?
Sanskar: (uninterested) fine!
Psychiatrist: how many siblings do you have?
Sanskar: doctor! The file on your left contains all my bio data. So don’t waste your energy or my energy in all this rubbish. Just read it.
Psychiatrist: (smiling) ok fine! So tell me why do you want to die?
Sanskar: I am tired of telling everyone that I don’t want to die.
Psychiatrist: you are saying that ‘you don’t want to die’ but the acts you do say something else. It is only your luck that you were saved each time otherwise you did not leave any stone unturned to kill yourself.
Sanskar: (bluntly) I did not try to do suicide.
Psychiatrist: so what were you trying to do?
Sanskar: I just wanted to experience next stage to ecstasy. I tried to examine ecstasy so I consumed drugs in very high concentration. But I was still normal unlike people. So I decided that if I can’t experience that condition, then I should try to examine next stage to pain.
Psychiatrist: so, any luck?
Sanskar: (disappointed face) nope!
Psychiatrist: why?
Sanskar: I fainted always so I could not examine it.
Psychiatrist: why do you want to experience this condition?
Sanskar: no proper reason. Just curiosity.
Psychiatrist: why don’t you try to concentrate on your career. You have a very bright career. Seeing your records…..
Sanskar: (cuts him) oh please doctor! I don’t want to listen lecture on my career, studies and IQ level. I am fed up of this. I know what I am so don’t try this.
Psychiatrist: but you should not attempt suicide……
Sanskar: (irritated) I was not trying to attempt suicide. Why can’t you people understand that I…..
Psychiatrist: ok fine!….
Scene 3:
Location: book shop
Swara was looking for some books. Sanskar was passing by in his car with his friend when he saw her. He stopped the car and dragged his friend to shop.
Sanskar: come Raj! Let’s visit book shop.
Raj: books and you! Are you kidding me?
Sanskar: what is wrong with you man? are you my friend or….
Raj: ok fine! (both go inside the shop and he heads towards the section where Swara is searching books. He goes to her and stands in front of her. She does not speak but keeps looking at books. At last, he breaks the ice.)
Sanskar: hello miss Swara!
Swara: (surprised) ah…. Hello!
Sanskar: are you not happy with my coming?
Swara: (bluntly) of course! Who would like meeting with a king of psycho people?
Sanskar: what do you mean?
Raj: (dragging Sanskar) Sanskar! Come with me.
Swara: (pointing to Namish) bhai is there.
Sanskar: (amused face) but I came here to meet you.
Swara: meet me? Why?
Sanskar: I wanted to thank you for the first aid you gave me that day. But you did not do proper bandage and secondly you did not know how to check blood pressure of a patient. How are you going to become a doctor?
Swara: I was nervous that time. I had never handled any case till now and you were the first one. I am not a doctor but a medical student. And keep your thanks with you because I don’t need it. It was my duty and I would do that for anyone. You are not a special one.
Sanskar: you were saying that you are not happy with my coming. This means that you don’t like me. Why?
Swara: it is a very irritating question. I mean there is not a single good thing in your habits that I should like you. You are very strange.
Sanskar: strange? But how?
Swara: what do you mean by ‘how’? A ‘vet’ could tell better about you.
Sanskar: why don’t you become vet and examine me. This would be the same as hitting two birds with one stone. I mean you would be called as a vet and secondly you could do research on me.
Swara: I don’t have any spare time for all your rubbish. And…. (Namish reaches there and she stops talking)
Namish: arey Sanskar! What a pleasant surprise? (hugs him) good to see you dude! how is your health?
Sanskar: (looking at Swara) all fit and fine. (Swara felt irritated due to his gaze and moves out. After some time, Namish joins her and they head towards their house.)
Scene 4:
Location: Gagodia mansion, Swara’s room
Shomi: Swara! Beta, your dad has decided for your marriage. He wants to marry you in upcoming year.
Swara: (hyper) what? How can he even think of it? I mean he promised me that he would wait till I completely finish my studies and become a doctor. Then what happened?
Shomi: what is your problem? Nobody is stopping your studies. Your studies would be completed this year. Next year is only for house job so we are marrying you next year.
Swara: but mom this is not fair. What the…….
Shomi: enough Shona! This is for your own betterment. (goes slamming the door and she cries again)
Swara: betterment, my foot! I have to do something. But what? This Adarsh has refused me? But I don’t have any other option. What to do? (pacing to and fro) God please! Show me some way. I can’t marry someone who does not know anything about religion. He doesn’t even believe in God(she suddenly goes out)
Scene 5:
Location: Gagodia masion, study room
She enters in study.
Swara: dad!
Shekhar: yes beta!
Swara: dad! could you please delay the marriage. I mean this is so early. And I have to study…..
Shekhar: nobody is stopping you from studying. Marriage is in next year when your studies would be completed and only house job will be left and you can do it after marriage. Sparsh will never stop you.
Swara: no dad! please……
Shekhar: Swara! I know that you are not happy but I am doing it for your better future. You will be happy when you will live with him. He is a very good guy. Really beta! (pats her cheeks)
Swara: dad please try to understand. I can’t……
Shekhar: I understand that you are not wanting to delay it but stop this marriage. First, I thought that you were conscious about your studies that’s why you were not happy with engagement but now I feel that there is something else. Could you share it with me? (Swara keeps mum and after five minutes, he sighs heavily and turns towards her) is there any other guy in your life? (Swara looks at her father in shock and starts thinking)
Swara: (in mind) this is my last chance. I have to stand up for me. This is now or never. (to Shekhar) yes!
Shekhar: (angrily) name?
Swara: Adarsh. ….. Adarsh Bhattia.
Shekhar: what rubbish is this?
Swara: this is not rubbish. We love each other since past one year.
Shekhar: shut up Swara! Knowing that you were engaged, he got involved with you. This means that he is behind your money.
Swara: no dad he is not…..
Shekhar: stop it. Your marriage is going to happen the next month and you will not go to college. You are not allowed outside. Now go to your room.
Swara: dad please listen to me. I am not…..
Shekhar: (drags her to her room and throws her inside) you will live here until your marriage day comes. (closes the door and latches it from outside. She continuously bangs the door and cries but nobody opens the door. She sits there till 1 o’clock of night. She stealthily comes down and stands near the telephone set and dials a number.)
Scene 6:
Location: Maheshwari mansion, Sanskar’s room
Sanskar is sleeping peacefully on his bed when his phone starts ringing. He moves his hands in sleep and finds his mobile. He takes it and attends the call without opening his eyes due to his sleepiness.
Sanskar: hello!
Swara: hello Sanskar! Is that you?
Sanskar: who Swara? (something flashed in his mind and his eyes shot open. He suddenly sits upright like a spring) Swara! Is that you?
Swara: yeah!
Sanskar: why are you calling me this time? And why are you talking in hush tone like you are hiding from someone?
Swara: Sanskar, please listen to me carefully. I cannot tell you details right now. I am trapped here. My family is marrying me forcefully.
Sanskar: you were engaged to Sparsh, right? And you always knew that one day, you will get married to him. Then why are you creating havoc now?
Swara: I beg you. Please listen to me once.
Sanskar: ok fine! Tell me.
Swara: I am dictating you an address. You have to go there and talk to a man. His name is Adarsh Bhattia. Please tell him that marriage date is fixed and I need him by my side.
Sanskar: (angrily) why don’t you tell him by yourself?
Swara: he has switched off his phone. Please Sanskar! (crying voice) you are my last hope. Ask him to marry me and take me out from this hell.
Sanskar: ok fine! Don’t cry. I will go there and tell you.
Swara: I don’t have any phone.
Sanskar: oh! (cuts the call and throws mobile o his bed. All his drowsiness was over after hearing Swara crying. He was thinking about her.) what the hell is happening around me? The lady that hates me to death just now called me and asked to help her. On what basis? Is she framing me or trying to involve me in her matter to use me? She will drive me crazy someday. Cherry on the top that madam do not have any phone. She is the queen of foolish people! (jerks his head) and why did I agreed to help her? Why I got angry hearing the name of her boyfriend? Why I can’t bear her crying? Adarsh Bhattia! I am coming. (determined face)
hahaha nice.
Hi just came across ur story…..
I never knew u were writing this…
Awsm one but its a request from u to post ur swasan ff in which sanskar had unconditional love for swara……u left it incomplete….
nice continue
aqweeeeeeeeeeeeesome part sam..*run to other part.. huh! you posted so much episode in a row