Chapter 6:
Scene 1:
Location: Sanskar’s car
Zaid asked her what she would do if he tries to take her forcefully with him.
Swara: (confidently) I will shoot you.
Sanskar: shoot? (laughs) have you ever seen a gun?
Swara: (bent down and took out her gun from her legs) I think this is called gun, right? (his smile faded instantly and they kept looking at each other. This was the first time when she was looking directly in his eyes.) I loathe your eyes Sanskar! You have got no shame. (nobody uttered anything till the next minute and then she spoke) lock? (he instantly unlocked the door and she got out. He sat there and watched the way she went. He came into his senses and hit on his head)
Sanskar: what the hell is happening around me? I shouldn’t have let her go. Where would she go? (he searches for her frantically on every road and streets but he can’t find her. His eyes brimmed with tears. This was the first time he was crying. Sanskar Maheshwari never cried even on the death of his grandparents. He kept searching for her the whole day and went to house exhausted. He called the gatekeeper and asked him not to tell anyone about any girl with him and he agreed. After that, he called all the servants and ordered them the same. He then went to his room and slept.
Scene 2:
Location: Maheshwari Mansion, Sanskar’s room
Sanskar heard hard knocks on the door. He got up and opened the door and started scolding the servant.
Sanskar: what the hell are you doing? Are you planning to break the door? Have you seen the time?
Servant: sorry sir! But police is at the door. They are saying that they have warrants for your arrest. (hearing this, all his sleep and anger vanished in the air. He never thought that Gagodia family would figure it out so early. He asked the servant if he told the police bout him and he said no. He then dialled his father’s number.)
Sanskar: hello dad! I was sleeping when police came and they are saying that they have warrants for my arrest……. No no dad! I did not went anywhere………yeah I was sleeping when they came…… (innocently) should I go and ask them what have I done?…..ok fine! I will call you in next 15 minutes. Bye! (cuts the call and is worried thinking about the current situation. If they propose proofs of his involvement in Swara’s case, his life would be spent in jail. Cherry on the top that he didn’t even knew where she was.) What the heck I have done. What was the need of helping that crazy lady? Now I am trapped. They should not find any proof. (servant comes)
Servant: sir! Police went away.
Sanskar: ok! You can go. (servant goes away and he is now planning his next move. He was waiting for the call of Swara so that he could ensure her safety. Different thoughts were occupying his mind and heart. He was now regretting for helping her.) Why did I help her? She is not with me just because I agreed to help her. If I did not have helped her, she would be in her house and I would have been with her. But now I should forget her. She is not for me. (points to his reflection in the mirror) you should forget her. She is not yours. You do not love her. You do not know her. (he cries for some time and then his phone rings. DP informs him that he and AP are coming tomorrow. He tried to sleep but couldn’t. He was frustrated and cursing Swara) all this mess is due to that girl. Why did she have to come in my life? I will never forgive her.
Scene 3:
Location: Maheshwari Mansion, dining hall.
Sanskar was having his breakfast when his parents arrived. He did not budge. DP asked him to meet him in his room. He went to DP’s room after finishing his breakfast. His eyes were all red and puffy like he has not slept the whole night. After a long gap of silence, his dad spoke.
DP: where is Swara?
Sanskar: (acting) Swara? Who Swara? I don’t know any Swara? Who is Swara?
DP: (shouting) your sister!
Sanskar: sister? But the name of my sister is Anita.
DP: look young boy, enough of your acting. Now tell me where is Swara?
Sanskar: would you please tell me who is this Swara?
DP: Swara Gagodia, daughter of Shekhar Gagodia.
Sanskar: oh, that Swara. She did my bandage once.
DP: so if you have got your memory back, then tell me where is she?
Sanskar: she would be in her house. How would I know that where is she? I don’t have any contact with her.
DP: she ran from her house last night. Today was her marriage. They are searching her everywhere……
Sanskar: (acting shocked) what? tch, tch! What was the need of running? Was she not happy with her marriage?
DP: stop your acting and tell me where is she?
Sanskar: I don’t know where she is. Are you saying that I helped her in running from her house? If she is kidnapped or ran away, what is my relation with this matter?
DP: stop it Sanskar! Police have noticed you car’s number on four barriers and there was a lady with you.
Sanskar: yeah! She was my friend and I went to drop her to her house. She was not Swara.
DP: tell me her address.
Sanskar: sorry dad! but it’s personal.
DP: nothing is personal in this case. Tell me where did you kept her. Look, if you like her, I can talk with Mr. Gagodia. Please tell me where is she?
Sanskar: what dad? I am not involved in her. Do you think there is something between her and me? She is not my type dad. And I dropped her in red light area.
DP: what?
Sanskar: yeah dad! I go t that place often. You can ask from my friends. I am saying the truth. Two days before, when I went to Mumbai, I saw her and then I brought her here for one night. I brought her secretly so nobody saw her coming.
DP: (angrily) I gave you everything. Then what did I left that you started going to those places? You really destroyed my name Sanskar. Now tell me the address of her house.
Sanskar: I don’t remember but I have it in my diary.
DP: go and bring it.
Scene 4:
Location: Maheshwari Mansion, Sanskar’s room
Sanskar comes to his room and dials his friend’s number.
Sanskar: hello Raj! I need an address of a girl. And she should be sincere because I don’t want any problems.
Raj: ok, I am giving you address of my friend, Naina. (dictates him her address) She is confidential.
Sanskar: now take paper and pen and start writing. (dictating) my house is very big and is located in ……… There is a big lawn and then a gallery starts. After that, there is Kitchen and Dining hall……
Raj: I know all about your house.
Sanskar: shut up! Naina doesn’t know. I am dictating all this for her. (he dictated him his get up, his car number and all of his house interior) I brought her in dark, so she could not see much clearly. Got it?
Raj: yeah!
Sanskar: say her to memorize all this. and call me again when you reach her house. Bye! (he writes her address on paper and gives it to DP. His dad was very angry with him.)
DP: (shouting) now get lost and don’t show me your blo*dy face! (he went back to his room and started waiting for his friend’s call. He called Sanskar in next fifteen minutes and informed him about Naina. (the next day, DP confirmed all that Sanskar told him and was satisfied. He sat on his chair and started eating) where are you going?
Sanskar: college.
DP: you are not going to college for a week.
Sanskar: why?
DP: because Shekhar is seeing your every move. He has appointed his men to follow you and I don’t want to lose you.
Sanskar: (irritated) now what problem does he have? Did you not tell him that I have not kidnapped his daughter?
DP: his gatekeeper saw you with Swara that night.
Sanskar: he is lying! And you tell me that if I liked his daughter, why would I kidnap her forcefully. And technically, I should be with her this time, right?
DP: I don’t know anything. He is not ready to change his statement. He says that you have kidnapped his daughter and he will not leave you.
Sanskar: then tell him that he can do anything he wants. I am not afraid of him.
DP: you are not going to college and that’s final. (goes out)
Sanskar: I am not going to sit at home and see your face. I want to go to college. I want to discuss some matters with my friends. (he stopped as he knew that DP would not listen to any of his arguments because he was out of the house. He went to his room angrily) where am I trapped? I covered up instantly but her father is the biggest lizard in all this. Why can’t he believe that I have not kidnapped her? Her old man has got fat brains. I will kill him. (his phone rings and he attends the call without seeing the caller ID) hello!
Voice: hello Sanskar! It’s me, Swara.
Sanskar: (stands up instantly) Swara! I have been waiting for your call since many days. Where are you?
Swara: sorry! I could not call you earlier because I had no proper destination but now I have got good people and I am safe. Are you fine? I mean did my family caused trouble for you?
Sanskar: (sarcastically) trouble? My dear Shona! Police came to my house the same night and they had warrants for my arrest. Your respected father has filed a complaint against me for your kidnap.
Swara: what?
Sanskar: yes! And now I am trapped in my own house because of security threats. Your family is behind me from a long time.
Swara: I am sorry Sanskar! I didn’t knew that they would reach you this early and faster.
Sanskar: but don’t worry! I will never take your name in all this. In fact, I have covered up for you. I said that I don’t know you but still your father is not ready to change his statement.
Swara: actually I….. (DP enters Sanskar’s room)
Sanskar: ok bye! I will call you later.
DP: what are you doing, Sanskar?
Sanskar: nothing special dad! just talking to my college friends. I was asking him about the lectures and assignments. I will take notes from him when I will go to college again.
DP: good! And listen! Never contact Swara.
Sanskar: (irritated) offo dad! I told you I don’t know any Swara. Then why are you bent on raising my blood pressure. If you don’t have anything important to say, then please go and leave me alone. (DP goes from there and he sighs in relief)
Sanskar tried his every source to find Swara but failed. He wanted to find her and tell her that how much he loved her but filed. He several times tried to call on her cell which he gifted but every time, her phone was switched off. He was very restless as he loved Swara. He tried to forget her but failed miserably. The matter of Swara’s run away was stretching day by day.
Scene 5:
Location: Maheshwari mansion, Drawing room
DP was sitting and reading the newspaper when Saabira came. She wanted to tell him about Sanskar and Swara because she did not wanted to lose her job if police finds out the truth.
Saabira: sir!
DP: yes!
Saabira: I wanted to tell you something.
DP: about what?
Saabira: about…… Sanskar sir and Swara bibi.
DP: (jumped like a spring and stood up instantly. He thought he heard wrong) what did you said? Say it again.
Saabira: I wanted to tell you about Sanskar sir and Swara bibi.
DP: what do you know?
Saabira: woh sir! One day, he gave me a phone and said that I should give it to Swara bibi using my daughter who works in Gagodia mansion. But I refused. He then threatened me that he will throw me out of this house if I tell this to anyone or refuse him. I was helpless, so I did what he asked. (DP felt the earth slipping from his feet. He now realized that he was living in the world of fantasies and how easily his son made him fool)
DP: then?
Saabira: then what sir ji? After some days, he gave me some papers and asked me to give them to Swara bibi and make her sign these papers and then return him. There were some people sitting in his room. One was looking like a lawyer.
DP: do you know any of them?
Saabira: no sir! But one of them was Raj sir!
DP: Raj? Ok fine! You can go! (she goes and he goes back in his room)
Scene 6:
Location: Maheshwari mansion, DP’s room
AP: what? This is not possible. He cannot do this. And that Naina, she also knew everything about this house and Sanskar. This means that she was here that night.
DP: that was a lie. He has got the mind of devil. He thinks that he can fool us easily. I was a goof who believed him so easily and was sitting peacefully thinking that my son is not involved in all this.
AP: this means that all the allegations of Gagodia family were true?
DP: yes! When I have my son as Sanskar, I don’t need any enemy. He himself gets on this criterion.
AP: (crying) DP! Please do something. I don’t want my son behind the bars.
DP: don’t worry. Now we have to tackle this situation very carefully. If has lied to us in that matter, I think he is also lying that he does not have any contact with Swara.
AP: but we can’t ask him directly because he would lie again.
DP: I would tackle it like he acted. Don’t let him know that we know about him lying. He should not get suspicious.
AP: fine! (DP goes in Sanskar’s room and checks all his things. He gets marriage papers from his bed drawer. He takes it and comes to his room and shows papers to AP)
DP: see it. Have a look on doings of your beloved son. He has married that girl.
AP: now what should we do?
DP: before police gets any proof against him, we have to send him far away from here. I am sending him out of country for higher education.
Really what a devilish mind he has and his friends what a mind blowing creations
omg!!!!!! my Swasan separated… this uughhhhh…silly servant
Omg..where is swara now??is she safe??
Oh no….
wat will happen now..update soon
Amazing….. Where is swara ?