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Sourabh Raaj Jain talks about the LGBTQIA Community; says, “It was overwhelming to know the struggle they had to go through”

Pride Month is celebrated in the month of June. For the unversed, it is a commemoration of all the battles, struggles, stereotypes, and prejudices the LGBTQIA community had to face.

Actor Sourabh Raaj Jain talked about it during a recent interview with BT and shared, “For me, members of this community are no different than any other person. I have never seen them from any other perspective other than them being another human beings and individuals who deserve as much respect and opportunities as we all do. Equal representation is as important for them as it is for us.”

The actor also shared that he has done his basic research on the subject. “Yes, I did my due diligence on the subject. I read up about the topic when it was legalized in India. Knowing the struggle that the community had to go through to reach where it is today, was quite overwhelming. As for why Pride Month is celebrated, I know that members of the community and even those who support them, come out together to celebrate their individuality. They use this time to spread awareness about the LGBTQIA community, encourage and uplift the community, organize pride parades, workshops etc,” he said.

Sourabh also agreed that society still has a long way to go when it comes to accepting the existence of the LGBTQIA community. “That’s there. But I’ll also give credit where it’s due and say that a lot of progress has been made, ever since homos*xuality was legalized in 2018. I personally do believe that acceptance of any human, irrespective of their orientation/liking/gender should be as regular and as normal as breathing. Nothing bigger than love and nothing smaller than narrow and discriminatory thinking is where my thoughts lie on this subject,” he concludes.

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