Fan Fiction

Source : Sita’s sisters by Kavita Kane (some changes made) ep 9

Tq for comments, i can’t post comments due to server problem

Lakshman catch sight of Sita and without a moment hesitation take aim at her and shoots her down without a moment hesitation.
Urmila stood rooted, she screams, rage, fear and grief leapt at her throat. She saw Sita falling down in a bloodied heap, her hands clutching at the arrow piercing.
Urmila ran towards Sita but Lakshman screams – don’t go. She ignored his warning but Lakshman runs and her tightly with his strong arms, says – can’t you hear me.
She saw blood flowing from Sita’s body. She says – you killed her, you killed my sister. Why? Why? She asks angrily.
She saw the dagger in his hand, snatched it, she tried to thrust it in his neck, shoulders, back, anywhere she could and hurt him grievously to allow her to escape from his grip.
He suffered the pain and pinned her wrist so tightly to make her leave the dagger.
She wanted to go to Sita but saw her turning into demon. She is shocked.
Lakshman says – it was not Sita, Urmila
Lakshman says – I will leave you if you will promise not to hurt me again, I am afraid of you, I may die next time, your fierce nature matches to mine, just like me, you can do anything for your sisters, that’s why, I feel attracted towards you.
She says – sorry, I was trying to save my sister. He says – no, it’s ok. If these wounds can bring us closer then they are sweetest.
She bandages his wounds and have an eye lock.
Ram watches them smiling.

They heard Sita’s footsteps. The message goes to Janak.
Sita says – who was the demon, pita ji, he replied – he was banasur. He sent me a message against your syayamvar, but I never thought they could do this.
He thanks Ram-lakshman. Ram says – it is Lakshman who did, Lakshman says – we are family and we should help each other, I am not afraid of demons but afraid your daughter, she may kill me anytime, giving a smiling look at her who feels shy.
A messenger arrives and Janak including his wife, brother, sister in law, daughters and nieces indulged in conversation as it was there family tradition where opinion of everyone is respected.
Dasharath has agreed and coming with Bharat and Shatrughn.
Dasharath arrived and Janak greets him, he ate food cooked by Sita and appreciates it. Janak says- Sita loves cooking and keep making new dishes.
Dasharath looks at the paintings. He asks-they are so beautiful, who made them? Janak says – these are made by my younger daughter Urmila.
She loves painting.
Dasharath says – I knew your daughters are great scholars, but happy to know that they are full of qualities.

Precap – Dasharath proposes marriage for other 3 sons to other 3 daughters of Janak.

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