Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Spoiler for swaragini ff

Guys. This is the spoiler of my ff swasan the purest love that is felt by heart. Hope u will be happy with it. Maybe I will update the next episode tomorrow. I’m not sure about it. But I will try to update the next episode tomorrow.

SwaSan and raglak realised their love when they r in shimla. The both families will go to shimla. The both families will be shocked to see
Swasan and raglak together. Swaragini will realise their love and sanlak too will realise their

So guys. This is the spoiler. How u will be happy
to know this. It will happen in episode 12 and

Plzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzz comment guys. Hope
u will like the spoiler and it will bring a smile on
ur face.

And an advance happy new year. Love u a lot
guys. And don’t forget to comment.


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