Spy Bahu 5th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
The Episode starts with Sejal bringing Yohan to the Momos shop and says it was to show others, but actually she was trained inside. She asks the guy, where are those two men, whose office is inside. The guy says I am selling Momos here since 5 years. Sejal tells Yohan that SK sir must have created this shop overnight to get saved from some Radar. Mahira says he had said that the shop is of him. Sejal asks Yohan to give her a chance and come to SK office. He says I have promised to support you and is ready to come with you. Sejal thanks him and says I will prove that I am a spy. He asks her to come.
Tana ji tells SK that Yohan had gone to a photographer and then his home. SK says someone stopped us when we were going there and says may be you came in the pic along with Sejal. Tana ji says I remember, I was taking Sejal to our jeep when…He recalls seeing a car going from there and says may be…SK says if Sejal comes in any of the pic, then…our mission will be in trouble and Sejal’s identity too. Tana ji sees Sejal coming there with Yohan in the TV. SK finds her missed calls and says may be she told him everything and says stop her. Sejal comes inside and tells SK that she told him everything and asks him to tell why did he train her and send to her house. She says tell Yohan that Abhishek is a terrorist and he died with his bullet, and you had asked me to hide about this. She says I had gone to your Momo office, but you was not there. SK asks Mrs. Nanda, what are you saying? Which Momo shop? He asks if Abhishek was terrorist and you are spy? He asks why will we send an ordinary girl to someone house as spy. He says I don’t know why you are saying this. He says I met her in Mumbai terror attacks. Sejal says I will not let you lie and says you have pushed me in this, and now you will bring me out. She says tell him, how you stopped me from telling truth to Yohan. Mahira asks Yohan how is she talking to officer? Sejal asks Tana ji to tell the truth else she will defeat. SK says you can’t trouble her, and can’t put pressure on us, and asks her to go. Sejal goes to the lady officer and asks her to tell the truth that she took her away from Abhishek. The lady officer asks her to go.
Sejal tells Yohan that she don’t know why are they lying? She goes to SK and says I know that the truth of me being the spy shall be hidden always, but if I had not told the truth then my family will think that I am a terrorist. She breaks down and holds his hand, asking him not to leave her alone in the sea, says I can’t swim and will drown. SK asks Yohan to take his wife away from there and says they don’t want any family drama. Yohan and Sejal are teary eyes. Mahira smirks and goes. Sejal looks at SK and Tana ji and goes behind Yohan. Tanaji closes the door and asks SK, why did he do that? He says a big betrayal to our own soldier? SK says shut up, if you had reached the photographer before Yohan then he wouldn’t have doubted Sejal. He says Sejal should have hide truth from Yohan, but she told him. She says she betrayed us and compromised Mission. He says it is impossible to catch Sir ji now. Tana ji says she had come here with Sir ji’s information, but didn’t believe her. She says how she will fight with all the world and how she will prove that she is not a terrorist, but a spy. SK says if I accept that she is a spy then some terrorist will come and will kill her. He asks if it is bad that Yohan doubts her, or that we lose her to death infront of us. He says I felt of saving her life rather than saving her marriage. Tana ji says I am sorry Sir.
Veera comes to the night school and tells her partners that she proved Sejal wrong infront of everyone. She says Sejal doesn’t know that when spy are caught, then the ones who brought them refuses to identify them. The partner tells that you have compensated for 70 crores loss. Veera says yohan can’t work now and that’s why she can get the chemical manufactured in Nanda Industries. She says work and Yohan are both in my clutch.
Yohan recalls Sejal’s words. Sejal comes there and tells that all proofs, people are against me, and says she wants his love. She says I am a desh bhakt and asks if it is not enough. Yohan says I want to agree, but I see your blood soaked saree pic and the Sejal who makes bomb. Sejal asks him to give last chance and come with her to Aarti Maa’s night school. Mahira hears them and says she is dragging Aarti maa in cheat. She asks him to handover her to Police. She says I can’t bear, what will I tell my Farid Bhai? Sejal asks her to be quiet and asks her not to take her Farid Bhai’s name from her mouth. Yohan says yours. Sejal says yes, mine. She says Abhishek was my Farid Bhai, as I am your Mahira. He recalls telling her about Mahira. Sejal says I am Ayat and Shareef Mirza’s daughter. She says I wrote my truth in a letter, but they didn’t let the letter reach you. She says she read my letter and came here as Mahira. Fake Mahira asks him why is he listening to her. Yohan says I want proofs for all this. Sejal says I will prove everything, come with me to the night school. Fake Mahira asks if you are coming in her provocation. Yohan says this is last chance to Sejal and I want to give her full chance. Sejal hugs him and says thank you so much. She says I will prove my truth and asks fake Mahira to give her phone. She says I can’t trust you. Fake Mahira refuses. Sejal says if you are not wrong then give the phone. Yohan asks for her phone. Fake Mahira gives her phone. Sejal thanks him. He says lets go. Fake Mahira thinks how to inform Sir ji that Sejal is bringing Yohan there to tell him Aarti Nanda truth.While they are in the car, Sejal looks at him. The song plays…..She holds his hand.
Veera talks to Aarti’s skeleton and says your bahu Sejal will be jailed for all the crimes which she has never done, and I will have Ganga water bath for all the crimes which I have done. She laughs. Sejal, Yohan and Mahira/Ahana come to the Night school. Veera is dancing with the skeleton. Mahira thinks how to alert Sir ji, Sejal will expose her today.
Precap: Sejal tells Yohan that the kids whom he saves in Kashmir from terrorism, Veera Nanda is one of the terrorist, and is known as Sir ji. She says she has killed Aarti Maa so that she can take her place. yohan asks what are you saying? Sejal asks him to turn the chair and see. Yohan turns the chair and gets shocked.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
I loved the episode, the trust that Yohan has for Sejal
Just hope she manages to prove it somehow
but I have a feeling that veera may do something before Yohan can see the skeleton
I am a bit scared, let’s see what happens next week, excited as well as nervous
I did not understand the logic in this episode. Sejal could have easily shown the picture and told them about the lady and the other guy .Yolanda would have believed Sejal. The series is becoming same old series.
Sorry I couldn’t get you which picture sejal had to shown to Yohaan ? I am very worried about her now because Veera is very cunning lady and way ahead of her .
The picture Yohan got from the photo studio where sk’s assistants are dragging sejal.Those two people are present in SK’s office including the lady.
Hi girls just wants to know is there no telecast of SPY BAHU ?or they have shifted to the Voot as well /