Stalemate (The War just begun) Chapter 5

Sorry guys for not uploading the FF for a long time actually I was busy with my studies so please forgive me ☺️☺️☺️☺️

So here the 5th chapter…..


In VR mansion,

Vansh came home with an annoying look…. He was so much angry on Ridz…. Though he know she don’t like him but he never thought she will do such a thing in front of all the college students…..

Siya; bhai are you ok? you seems very stressful…. did anything happen ?

Vansh; no Siya nothing like that… I was just busy…..

Ishani ; bhai ! bhai ! see what I made for you today….. I made a carrot cake….

Hearing carrot cake Vansh’s face become nauseated face …. He knows very well what will happen if he ate Ishani’s cake…. Siya was so happy seeing Vansh’s face….. to make him more irritated ,

Siya; Bhai taste it… taste it …. I know you like carrot flavor

Vansh ; Siya nooo

Ishani; bhai ….. taste this….I warn you bhai…. if you reject my cake then wait I will tell mom that you have a secret cupboard of liquor …..

Vansh hearing ,

Vansh; nooo Ishani….. noooo please… see I am your loving bhai and you are my lovely sister ….. I love you so much my sister ….. give me it… I will taste it….

Hearing what Vansh told both Ishani and Siya began to laugh …..

Vansh(in mind);  areee bagavan….. these sisters means the worst enemy in my life…. is that even a cake…. areee Ishani…….. that was not a cake but a form of poison…..

Ishani ; sorry bhai…. I think I have to try again… ok see I will make another one for better than this one…ok?

Saying this Ishani left from there…. After she left Vansh looked t Siya who is laughing continually seeing Vansh’s condition

Vansh; Siya…. see you later

Vansh entered his room and closed the door…. he directly went towards a cupboard and opened it with a smile

Vansh ( looking at the cupboard); oooh…. my love…. see finally I came to you…. you are my life…. my sukoon …. my first priority…my soul ….my everything…..

saying this he again put a glance at the cupboard with a smirk on his face…..

cupboard which he opened now…. ( see his everything 😂😂)

In Riddima’s house ,

Ridz was lying on the bed listening to a song with closed eyes….. Sejal came there with a plate of Samosas….. as soon as Ridz smelled samosas she waked up shouting samosa……

Sejal; haaa madam ji samomsa……

Ridz grabbed the plate and began to eat samosas like she was starving for seven years….  after finishing the whole plate Ridz looked at Sejal who are looking at her with an annoying look…. by then Ridz understand what she did ….

Ridz ( with puppy eyes); sorry Sejal…wohhh actually… I thought you…I thought you took a samomsa for you before giving the plate to me….

Sejal ( holding Ridz ear ); achcha madam ji….. Ridz you know what…. I feel sad for the guy who will marry you….

Ridz; why is that….

Sejal; because….I know that unfortunate man will die because of starving like me …

Ridz( laughing); even I feel sad for him now….

Sejal; achcha….listen Ridz….Ridz  I am serious now…tell me one thing …. what is your aspect towards your future husband? any special wish

Ridz ( laughing); only one wish…..

Sejal; what?

Ridz ( with a smirk) ; I want him to carry me when I drank too much like in K – dramas…. You know it’s so romantic…..

Sejal ( laughing); silly girl!

Next day morning in SRS company,

Ayesh was in a deep thinking looking at the outside from the window…… then his secretary came in a hurry….

secretary’; sir you have a parcel

Ayesh; from where

secretary; don’t know sir a girl wearing a black mask and a cap told me to give this to you….

Ayesh looked at the parcel which is wrapped like a birthday present….  he slowly unwrapped it…. there was a framed photo ….. Ayesh’s eyes winded seeing the photo…..  ( it was a ‘photo of three young boys )

Ayesh shouted at his secretary saying ” go go ..go find that girl who gave this parcel…. find her at any cost”

Ayesh looked at the photo again and caressed it with moist eyes….. he put his head on the desk and shut his eyes sinking in the river of past memories…..

Flash Back….

In 1996 in London University,

A boy in his twenties was playing his guitar and composing a song when a boy at the same age came there with an annoying look…. he patted on his friend’s shoulder saying” Deep are you done?”

Deep; ya…. it’s almost done… what’s up Ajey?

Ajey; nothing special… others are at the main hall to welcome new comers.. there will be beautiful girls from India also…. it will be fun to know them.. shall we go?

Deep; no Ajey…. I don’t like ….. I am not in a mood to watch girls….

Ajey; oops Deep…. don’t be a saint … chill bro chill…..

Deep smiled a little and went with Ajey…..

They came to the area where the students welcome the new comers……  after a some time while they passing the canteen they saw a group of boys harassing another boy who seems to be a new comer…

Deep ; Ajey look at there…. are they insane…. how can they harass a new comer in this way… let’s go

Ajey; no Deep… it’s their problem… don’t get involve in others matters….

Deep; no Ajey I can’t see an Indian become a bite of others in front of me… I am going …

Deep and Ajey went there and try to defend that boy… after so many arguments and all he able to save that boy….

Boy; thank you thank you so much for helping me…. I am so grateful to both of you… thank you…

Deep ( with a smile); no more thanking… I am Deep…. Deep Patel… ( showing Ajey) he is my buddy Ajey Raisinghania….

Boy ( with a cheerful smile); Hello…. I am Ayesh… Ayesh  Malhothra…. Nice to meet you…

Ajey; first as a new comer welcome to our university…. and let’s make out first moment remarkable….

Saying this he told another boy to take a picture of them….

Deep ; so friends?

Ayesh ( giving a high five ); life time friends…..

Flash back ends……

At Vansh’s office,

Vansh came little lately to his office as yesterday he was too much drunken….. he quickly came to his office room to start the investigation of the serial killer again…. as soon as he opens the door he was shocked to seeing a girl sitting on his chair…

Vansh ( firm voice); hey … who are you…. ? what are you doing in my office room

the girl quickly looked at him smiling… seeing who is actually she his face turned in to an annoying look….

Vansh; you ? again?

Ridz; ya…. again…. why don’t you remember our contract…. a week …. for a week I want to study about criminals here… am I right

Vansh; hmmm

Ridz; oh sorry I forget introduce me… I am Riddima… Riddima Isha….

Before she complete her statement,

Vansh; I know

Ridz; good… so Mr.  how will I address you… can we use nick names like Puppy , monkey, oldie , kiddo as your name is too long….. oh I think oldie is good for you as you are like my uncle… ya hey how old are you? are you in your mid 40…. maybe in my mid 50….  ok… so from now on I am boo and you are oldie…. I mean by using nick names we can….

Before she complete Vansh stand up furiously , because of his sudden move Ridz become little afraid…

Ridz; wh…why… di..did I say som…something wrong…so…sorry…Mr…

Vansh step by step came towards her… she take her steps back …. Ridz’s heart beat raise seeing Vansh came towards her…. she felt like her body going numb…

Ridz; Mr. why… wh…what …why are .. you…

finally her back hit the wall making her helpless…. vansh put his hands making her nailed to the wall…. their gap was little which makes Ridz anxious…. without a reason she closed her eyes…

Ridz( thinking); oh god please help me…please save me from this oldie…. but why I shut my eyes… you are an idiot Ridz…. why you shut your eyes….

Vansh( coming o close to Ridz); Miss. Riddima this is my last warning…. don’t try to make a mess here and you are too much talkative… the contract is just a week… so be a good child and study what you want to study during this week and get lost…. and remember I am just 28 years old…. and the most important thing is you can’t talk with me you should just listen and for you I am Mr. VR and your damn nick names are not allowed ….ok?

Vansh smiled seeing Ridz shutting her eyes suddenly they heard a coughing sound…. Vansh looked at the door… it was Sahas…. he was smirking at Vansh , that’s when Vansh realized his pose with Riddima…. Ridz quickly went from there saying, ” Sorry sir I have to do something ….see you later”

Ridz ( thinking); you… devil…. Vanshhhh you are not an oldie but a monkey ,donkey, dog, pig…. whole zoo is not enough to address you… huh!

Sahas ( laughing); sorry officer if I disturbed your office romance…

Vansh ; Sahas wanna a die?

Sahas ; ok ok… sorry but explain me what is going on here….

Vansh told him what happened in collage and about the one week contract…. Sahas began to laugh hearing all the incidents and hearing the nick names given by Ridz…

Vansh; if you laugh one more time then be ready for the death …..

Sahas; ok bro sorry once again… but this serious … do you love her…

Vansh gave a deadly glare at Sahas which make Sahas laugh again….

Vansh; love? her ? huh! nonsense…. I am not a guy who see a girl Monday and fell for her Tuesday and propose her Thursday  and marry her Friday and divorce her Sunday…. and one more thing, between us love is impossible….

Sahas ( with a smile); as you say your Highness……



I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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