Fan Fiction

Stay With Me Forever- Nairan (Chapter 1)

Karan’s POV

I buttoned up my shirt as I walked down the stairs, my eyes searching for the only person I ever wanted to see for the rest of my life. Instead, I found the two of my best friends in a corner, stuffing their mouths with the delicious food. I walked up to them and coughed.

“Hola!”, came Aiden’s reply while Aryan just smiled at me.

“Well, hello to you too”, I replied. “Aryan, where’s Naina?”, I asked.

“She’s won’t be able to make it Bro”, came his reply.

Wait WHAT? What’s that supposed to mean? I haven’t seen her for God knows like what a month? They laughed seeing my shocked expression.

“He’s just kidding bro. Obviously, she’s coming”

Oh, Thank God

Naina’s POV

To say that I was freaking out right now was an understatement. Like seriously dude, my condition right now is wayyyyy more than that.
God, I’m not able to find that beautiful necklace that Karan gave me my last birthday. GODDDDDD!!

“Nainaaaaa. I found it”, came Ryan’s voice from downstairs and within seconds he was up in my room, Tessa following him

“Thanks”, I threw my arms around Aryan.”You’re my best friend”

“Me too”, came Tessa’s protest as she flung her arms around us, making us laugh.

“Let’s go”, Ryan said and grabbed his car keys.

We reached Karan’s house or probably calling it a palace would sound way better. It was this huge bungalow.

I smoothed down my dress and walked in.

“There you are”, Aiden’s voice came out of nowhere, startling me.

I turned around to see him with my brother. I wonder where Karan is.

“Hi Bro, Hi Aidy”, I greeted them and they engulfed me in a warm hug.

The music began and I was surrounded by dancing people. Aiden was off with Tessa, Aryan with one of his colleagues and I danced with Ryan.

A couple of hours later…

Naina’s POV

My feet are killing me from the constant dancing I did for so long. Karan was nowhere to be found and Aryan and Ryan are having a drink or probably flirting away with the beautiful ladies. I decided to get some fresh air and walked out into the lawn.

When I reach the bench, I can see Aiden and Tessa. What the HELL are they doing here?!

OH MY GOD, They are like literally sucking off each other’s faces. Gross.

I cleared my throat.

“Care to explain?”, I asked them.

“Um, well Naina, Aiden asked me out a month ago and we have been dating each other since then”

“How come you never told me anything about this?”

“I wanted to keep it a secret for some time since I myself wasn’t sure about our relationship”

“It’s ok. Does Ryan know?”

“No, I’ll tell him later today”

“Okay. Aiden, do you know where Karan is?”

“Yeah. He’s in his room”

That was all I needed to hear. I sprinted off towards his room without another word or thought about it.

Karan’s POV


“Karan? It’s Naina. Shall I come in?”

It felt so good to hear her voice after so long. I usually never allowed anyone in my room but of course, Naina was an exception.

“Yes, come in”

The door opened and she came in, looking breathless. Her beauty was a boon to my eyes.

She gasped looking at me. I had been drinking all evening.

“Karan, are you okay? What happened to you? Why did you drink so much?”

“I was just reminded of my Mom. She died a couple of years ago”

“Oh, Do you want to talk about it?”

I nodded my head and she gave me an encouraging smile.

“5 years back I lost my mom while she was saving me from getting hit by a car. My father abandoned me because he thought I was bad luck to the family. The same year, I moved to Seattle and settled down here. I have no contact with my younger sister. I miss her a lot”

Her eyes held innocence. That was it for me. I can’t wait any longer.

I bent my head and pressed my lips to hers.

Naina’s POV

I gasped at his sudden action. But nonetheless, I responded to him with equal desperation and happiness.

My lips parted slightly and he slipped his tongue, exploring my mouth.
With every passing second, our kiss grew deeper and deeper. I moaned and minutes later, we parted, gasping for air.

He locked his eyes with mine and I could see the joy, hunger, and lust in his eyes. He pushed me down on the bed and started unbuttoning my dress. I did not protest because I was sure that I wanted him as much as he wanted me. We were ready to become one…


Thankyou all so much for supporting me. I know this chapter’s a bit boring. It was kind of like a filler chapter before the main stuff comes on. Do tell me what you think about this chapter. I know you guys might probably think that they kissed right when the story started but this scene has a connection with the upcoming chapters and also, just to make things clear, Karan and Naina love each other but haven’t confessed yet and that is why they kissed. Well, thanks again and I will also try to update by this weekend. The picture that was given for the cover picture is the cast.
Positive comments, Negative comments, everything is accepted.
P.S: Do let me know if you want a love making scene in the next chapter. But this is a warning, it will be detailed. And based on your comments only, I can write the next chapter.


Do what is RIGHT, not what is EASY...

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