I had to write this.. I couldn’t help myself. Please do read not as a swasan or raglak fan but as a normal human being.

Firstly making derogatory remarks on someone’s appearance, calling them names is pathetically cheap publicity stunt. Not speaking on anyone’s behalf as both these wonderful actresses get bashed every now and then.

Get a life people.. Is your time so worthless and are you so jobless that you get so much time for filling someone’s walls with hatred? Dont you get sick of it? Dont you feel that the hours you have spent on taking someone down would have been more productively utilized?

They are actors and they dont even have the time and energy to pay a heed to your words. They are busy in their work. I too am a raglak fan but it isnt like i go on their comment boxes to out hatred. I agree to the fact that you dont like any of the two. But do you need to insult them? I am seriously sick of these fights. Totally sick.. I have stopped watching the show just because the storyline is going worse day by day moreover these fights make me hate the serial even more. You people dont know the power of unity. Now being a little cliche i would say it was because of unity that we have gained independence . I wouldn’t like to name anyone but that day i saw a third actresses fan commenting on teja’s insta post. She was being racist, cheap and vulgar with her words . At the same time on her page she was praising helly just to create a rift between us. The same has happened in helly’s case. Divide and rule simply applies to us.

Thats it i can go on writing a thousand pages to shut the bashers up but seriously go get a job is all i would like to say.


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