Fan Fiction

Story of 2 sisters -Part 3

Hi guys . You know my mom and grandfather , who watch the show met Samridh aka our cute Karan of the show and spoke to him for 5-10 mins .. I also want to meet him , if I do I will surely tell ull . Just wanted to share the incident hope u guys are fine wit it
Thank u for the fab comments .Here goes the next part-

Kunal and Naina are on their way , they reach Meghnas house .
N-Jiju come in na
K-it’s ok send ur di outside .
N-Jiju bahar romance is not good ull can cont inside .
K-Naina ?
N-come in and tell Di that there is a surprise for her tomorrow and be ready .
K-thanx for reminding I’ll tell her .
They both go inside .

N-Di Jiju has come .
M-Hiee chiku Kunal u here ?
K-ha so I can’t come to meet u or what .?
M-Kunal we were together only aaj
K-Meghnaaa I have the right to romance with u ha , acha forget that tomorrow there’s a surprise for u be ready by 9:30-10 I’ll come to pick u
M-itna late
K-come on , it not late !
M-ok I’ll be ready now u go
K-stop sending me I’m not going
M-pls na I have to sit with chiku also
K–ok ok if u say bye
M-bye love u
K-love u jaaan I’ll call u
N-bye juju
He leaves .

Naina and Meghna ate dinner .
Meghna was In her room and Naina was eating chocolate in the kitchen , she suddenly received a message from Karan .
K-Hiee hope everything goes fine kal !!
She then called him .
N-chill it will go perfect ,
K-kya u don’t even say a hi
N-sorry baba ok hi Karan how are u ? Fine ?
K-ha ha chal jaye ga
N-just shut up
K-for get that I was asking since tomorrow Bhabhi and bhai are going out u want to come clubbing I’m going with my friends ?
N-Karan I won’t know anyone .!
K-it’s ok baba only 2-3 are coming or if u want we can go for dinner ?
N-it’s ok we’ll go clubbing but wait I’ll still ask Di and tell u
K-u still ask Bhabhi ur big enough
N-I’ll tell u in a while bye

Naina goes to Meghna .
N-Di Karan was asking if u and Jiju are going out he asked me to go with him to the club as his friends were also coming
M-ok chiku but be careful ha
N-ya Di promise .
M-good now what ur doing ?
N-I might just c some tv use my phone and go to sleep
M-ok im tired I’m just talking to Kunal and going to sleep
N-ok Di bye gn
M-gn sweet dreams .

Naina went to her room and switched on the ac , sat on her bed with her blanket on
. She called Karan .
N-listen my coming
N -what time ?
K-since they are going late we will also leave with them like bhai will pick Bhabhi , I will pick u
N-ok sounds cool
K-wyd now
N-sitting in my room and talking to u feeling bored alone na wbu?
K-I understand I’m in my room will go and eat something sweet from down
N-ok bye good night .
K-bye c u kal
She cut the call .

Meghnal side –
M-hi bolo
K-hey I just called
M-Kunal I’m tired I’m going to sleep is it something urgent ?
K-no topper it’s ok u go to sleep but give me a kiss
M-Kunal I’m sleepy
She kissed the phone
M-done by gn
K-bye gn sleep well can’t wait for tomorrow !!
M-bye go sleep ✌?️
She also cut the call .

Kunal went to karans room
Ku-aur mere bhai what r u upto?
K-nothing much just spoke to Naina
Ku-oooh talking to Naina and all ha
K-nothing I was just asking her if she wld come tomorrow clubbing since ull are going out !
Ku-clubbing , what did she say
K-she said she wld ask Bhabhi and Bhabhi allowed her to come so she’s in
Ku-beta tere din tho nikal pade. Btw what ur thoughts on dating her?
K-bhai we just met today
Ku-ha so kabhi thought nahi aaya , she’s good looking , entertaining , fun loving , respects everyone so y not
K-bhai ik that but it’s just the first day she’s amazing I find her cute , the way she does everything is fab but I think I need time . Btw aapne koi matrimonial sight khol rakhi hein kya that ur insisting itna .?
Ku-shut up Karan btw tere ache ke liye Hee Bol raha tha
K-I love u yaar , but agar uski life mein koi hein tho ?
Ku-woh badme dekhenge.
K-ha ha

Ku-u tell me aur kya chal raha hein life mein ..
K-nothing aaj tho pura din uske saath hee tha . But how are u going to tell everyone abt Bhabhi ?
Ku-itna zor Se math Bol koi sun lega.
K-everyone sleeping !! Chill .
Ku-ha so I don’t know she doesn’t have anyone elder in her family so they can talk na . I don’t even know if at home everyone will like her
K-they will, see Dadu and maa will like her coz she’s sanskari and helpful and all . Khyati coz bhabhi is very cool and masi maa I think will like her coz she knows what it is to be alone like have no parents and all and dad I don’t know .
Ku-that’s what dad only .
K-I’m there na so we will think something . I think we shld tell Khyati after tomorrow so it will be easy and she can help us .
Ku-ya actually . Ur really good bro
K-thankx bhai u mean a lot to me
Ku-chal gn I’m going
K-sleep with me na
K-Matlab sleep in my room na aaj
Ku-ik baba just kidding and
both start laughing like mad
Ku-I’ll brush and come u also brush till then .

Kunal went to his room and was brushing .
Karan finished and was sitting on his bed using his phone when he received a whatsapp message from Naina .
N-not sleeping ha ?
K-was going to , wbu
N-I think its early I sleep late so alone and bored Di is tho sleeping
K-ooh so what u upto ?
N-God knows , listening to some music , will try and sleep then
Kunal came in this much time and was seeing Karan smile
Ku-kya hua
No reply he went and saw Karan and Naina were chatting
Ku-abhi se hee
On chat –
K-I’m going to sleep u also go bye
N-ok bye gn sleep well will meet u kal
K-ya sd tc
The brothers went to sleep .
Naina on the other hand was in her room .
Note -BTW Naina is a very nice dancer and loves dancing , when she is free she does that
She took her earphones and went in front of the mirror and started dancing .
She was wearing a short top above her belly button and was dancing to all the songs in her playlist .
After a while she was like tired so went to sleep .

The next day –
It went as usual for all of them . Kunal was busy romancing with Meghna .
Karan and Naina just wanted everything to be perfect . They were on call .
K-listen my frnds have backed out for clubbing as they had to go for some family dinner , u want to continue or go for dinner ?
N-I thnk lets go for dinner coz clubbing will be fun with Di and Jiju next time
K-ok as u say
N-I think we shld check everything once again it wld be better
K-weve already done it
N-pls Karan
K-ok madam . So I’ll pick u up , we’ll c everything , I’ll drop u then again pick u eat with u and drop u
N-Karan ull have to come again and all so I’ll come on my own now
K-no baba it’s fine , btw I’ll get bhai aswell so he can also c everything once !
N-cool but I’m coming on my own now
K-fine so we’ll meet after lunch around 2
They cut the call
Naina reached and all was done they saw everything and explained everything to Kunal ,

Naina got ready and made Meghna ready .
Karan and Kunal had left home saying they were meeting their friends at the club
Both of them came in separate cars coz they were going to separate places .
The boys were waiting outside , the girls suddenly came , the Boys were mesmerised to see the girls . Kunal tho went latoo and Karan was in love with her look

Nainas outfit
I don’t know if ull will like it I thought it wld suit her if ull don’t like tell pls

Meghnas outfit
She was looking much more graceful



Ku-you look gorgeous my lady !
M-thank u my man
Ku-so let’s leave .
M-bye chiku and Karan
They said bye to each other and left .
Karan and Meghna were left .
K-u look good
N-thanx u to .
K-let’s go
They leave and reach the resto
Meghnal have also reached

Guys I’m tired . So I’m going to sleep . Sorry for not giving the date . Hope ull liked the epi
Love ya
Pls comment and tell if I shld Cont

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