Story After 6 Years #RIANSH #IMMJ2 – Episode 6

Thanks for your comments everyone! Happy New Year everyone. Hope this year brings prosperity for all and is better than 2020.

Next morning at the cruise:

Everyone was busy packing their bags and getting ready to leave. They had breakfast as and when they had time to do so. Slowly everyone makes their way to the gate to depart. Just then Vansh notices Riddhima. At first, he feels guilty but then remembers the betrayal six years back and composes himself. Just then he sees a guest at the cruise talking to Riddhima.

Guy: Hey there need any help (looking at the bags in her hand)

Riddhima: No thanks we should be fine

Guy: Are you sure they look heavy

Riddhima (smiling): really, I am fine. By the way I do not even know your name and you are expecting me to take your help.

Guy (laughing): It’s Vishal and may I know your know name?

Riddhima: It’s Riddhima

Vishal (starts picking up Riddhima’s bag down the cruise stairs): So Riddhima what do you do?

Riddhima: I am a doctor I practice at the City Hospital and you?

Vishal: I am a businessman. I run my family business.

Riddhima: oh, great do you enjoy it?

Vishal (masking his sadness): Yea it’s good.

Riddhima: you don’t seem excited about it?

Vishal: it’s nothing like that. Hey, do you mind if we exchange numbers it was lovely talking to you.

Riddhima: Sure, it was lovely talking to you as well. And also, thanks for helping us with bags. Me and Pragati owe it you.

After loading the bags Vishal leaves while Riddhima and Pragati wait for Sejal near the cab. All this while a pair of eyes were observing their conversation with curiosity and jealously. Vansh who was observing Riddhima and Vishal’s conversation from far couldn’t help but wonder what they must be talking about. Not being able control anymore he walks up to Riddhima and confronts her.

Vansh: Who was that? And why was he helping you with your bags? You can’t carry your own bags? (burning with jealously)

Riddhima: I don’t think I need your permission Mr Raisinghania. And as far as that man is concerned, he is none of your business. Have I asked you about Tanya and what she says or does with you? Then you shouldn’t interfere in my life or ask me about any man.

Vansh: Fine! (and leaves in a huff).

Vansh drives away staring at her giving her a death stare. Meanwhile Sejal arrives with Sameer. They all bid each other goodbye. Sejal, Pragati and Riddhima also board their cab and take off.

Riddhima reaches school to pick up her kids who have arrived from their camp.

Riddhima: So, my lovelies how were your camp? Did you guys enjoy it?

Both: Yes, mumma lots. It was so much fun. We both participated in all activities.

Riddhima: oh, that’s awesome. Okay now let’s go home the cab is waiting.

VR mansion same day:

They all reach home. Everyone retires to their room to rest a bit. As Vansh was also leaving dadi call him out.

Dadi: Vansh, I need to talk to you

Vansh: Yes dadi

Dadi: I want to talk about what happened at the cruise. I mean Riddhima is Sejal;s friend. And Sejal is Sameer’s would be wife. I mean Sameer is your best friend I am worried for you.

Vansh: dadi please I do not want to discuss that Riddhima. And don’t worry about me I am fine (smiles a bit to make dadi feel at ease).

They both leave for their rooms.

Next day at VR mansion:

Everyone is seated at the breakfast table.

Dadi: Vansh can you drop off Sakshi to school. Angre is gone out for some work and Ishani is out with a friend so you will have to drop her.

Vansh: don’t worry dadi of course I will drop her off. Have I ever disobeyed you?

Dadi smiles, everyone finishes their food. Vansh and Sakshi leave.

Riddhima’s car:

Riddhima: sorry babies I have to drop you guys off early today I have an urgent meeting and also a patient to treat. I promise I will make it up to you guys tonight.

Shovan: it’s okay mumma! But you have to do what we ask tonight.

Riddhima: okay but what do I have to do?

Both together: MOVIE NIGHT!! We want to watch a movie and eat lots of sweets.

Riddhima: Okay but only for tonight. You know, you guys are not allowed to eat junk food. So occasionally is fine but we are not making this our habit.

Riddhima drops off the kids to their school waits till they enter the main gate and then drives off. Meanwhile Vansh also comes to drop off Sakshi to the same school that Shovan and Shiana are studying at.

Sakshi: mamu please come with me I want to show you my painting that is on the class wall.

Vansh: But Sakshi I have a meeting darling I can’t stay back.

Sakshi: but mamu everyone is busy, no one loves me (pouts)

Vansh (smiling a bit): okay fine drama queen I’ll come inside.

At Sakshi’s classroom Vansh and her look around. Vansh has a good time with Sakshi and appreciates her work.

Vansh: okay baby now I need to leave mamu has work in the office.

Sakshi: But promise me you will come to pick me after school.

Vansh: okay madam.

Saying so he leaves. While passing the playground he sees two kids playing basketball on the courts. He is intrigued by them and impressed at their calibre of how efficiently they are playing. He approaches them. (it’s a kid’s court so it’s not very high – as in not made for adults).

Vansh: Hey! Do you mind if I join you?

Shaina: stay away stranger danger!

Vansh (amused that the kids think he is dangerous and also impressed by their attitude): But if I help you guys then I will become a friend, right? Let me teach you a few skills it will improve your game.

Shovan: okay but about being friends we will think about that.

Vansh is surprised to see the guts of these kids. They play basketball and have lot of fun.

Vansh: So, guys can we friends now (extending his hand)

Both together: okay! And shake hands.

Vansh: So, tell me about yourself?

Shaina: we are from Delhi we just moved to Mumbai 2 weeks ago.

Vansh: So, who is in your family?

Shovan: first you tell me who is in your family.

Vansh (amused that a little kid is bossing VR around): Okay! I will tell you first. I have a dadi, two sisters, one brother – in -law, one cousin brother, chaha, chachi and niece Sakshi.

Shovan: okay fine now I’ll tell you. Mumma, me and this stupid Shaina (hearing this she pulls Shovan’s hair and they start quarrelling).

Vansh (who is enjoying their cute fight stops them): guys please stop! And Shovan is this the way you talk to your sister.

Shovan: no sorry Shaina

Shaina: its okay

Vansh: So, what else do you guys like?

Shaina: we like swimming and doing water sports. We are learning water sports, have just started taking lessons.

Shovan: We also love chocolate cake, Kheer and Chole Bhature.

Vansh: Hey those are my favourites too! I am passionate about water sports too apart from basketball.

Both kids together: wow really, we are so similar.

Just then Sakshi comes there.

Sakshi: mamu you said you were leaving but you are still here.

Vansh: sorry beta, I was just leaving saw them playing and decided to join them for a round.

Sakshi: I know them, they are in my class.

Vansh: oh well that’s good to hear. I’ll leave you guys but be where the school staff can see you guys.

All three: okay! (and start playing among themselves).

While driving to office Vansh is wondering.

Vansh (thinks): Those two were so much like me. Same eating habits, same hobbies. What a coincidence!

Later in the afternoon at the school:

Vansh came as he had promised Sakshi he would and didn’t want to break her heart. On the other side Riddhima is leaving from the hospital to come pick up her kids. Vansh enters the school.

Principal: Hello Mr Raisinghania.

Vansh: Hello principal madam.

Principal: How are you Mr Raisinghania. I need to discuss some investment options with you and also some curriculum changes. Since you are our trustee, I thought it’s better to discuss with you before making changes. I was about to call you but since you are already here it’s ideal.

Vansh: I am fine! Sure, we can. Let’s go to your cabin.

They head to office. Meanwhile Riddhima reaches the school. Vansh finishes his meeting and heads out. Picks Sakshi from her class. As Vansh is leaving, at the main gate he sees Riddhima entering from it.

Vansh: Riddhima? What are you doing here?

Riddhima (shocked): I umm, I work at the school’ sick bay. Give them medical advice.

Vansh: Why did you have to think so much before answering me?

Riddhima: No! I didn’t think before giving you an answer, plus why do you keep asking me all these questions. How does it matter to you?

Vansh: Whatever. And why will I care about you? (he leaves taking Sakshi with him)

Riddhima goes to pick her kids up. While Vansh sits in his car and drives home.

Vansh (while in the car): Why did I feel like she is lying to me? Her hesitation was implying something else.

Riddhima (while walking towards the class): Thank god Vansh didn’t understand anything. I don’t know how he would have reacted knowing about Shovan and Shaina.

Precap: Riddhima and Janvi have a heart to heart chat. Vansh visits Siya at the hospital. Riddhima is also present at the hospital treating her patients. Riddhima gets shocked learning that Siya is admitted in her hospital. Vansh meets Shovan and Shaina at the hospital.

That’s it for today guys! Hope you guys like it. Please leave your feedback. I read the comments about how the future story should be. I’ll think about what I can put in. But all the comments are awesome and appreciate the time you take to read my story, also the time you take to give suggestions.

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