Fan Fiction

THE STORY WE HAD {episode 9}

hello friends this is shagun with my 9th episode .Hope u like it
it was morning 10 am shaurya was waiting for mahek in his company but she didnt came so he decided to go to her home
shaurya goes to her home
s-oh god ahhh this street is too polluted ,dont know why mahek lives here she have enough money to buy new house then also how miser (kanjoos)she is
shaurya knocks at door
kanta opens it
s-is this the house of mahek sharma
k-yes,but who are u
s-i am his client and friend she told me that she will meet me at 9 am but she didnt came yet where is she ,is she fine
k-yes she is fine ,actually she is sleeping
s-whaat..till now
k-yes actually she slept at 2 am so she is sleeping
s- why so late
k-she was studying about a case
s-she was studying my case,she is so hard working(and smiles)
k-ya she is ..u just wait a minute I will call her
then pd says(she is not in the drawing but in her room) -what happen kanta
k-nothing ,mahek’s client has come
pd-so tell him to come in ,till when u will make him stand
k-oh yes pd,sorry beta please come inside
s-its ok aunty please call mahek
k-oh yaa just wait
kanta goes to call mahek
shaurya sits in the sofa and sees photoframe of mahek which was hanged on wall and smiles seeing it

then suddenly pd comes
pd-oh so u are the client of mahek
shaurya stands
pd-arey sit beta
shurya nodded his head
pd also sits in the sofa
pd-so are u his client only or something else too
pd-i mean are u her boyfriend
shaurya smiles-may be daadi ji with ur wishes i can become his bf
pd-oh dont call me daadi ,its too old fashioned
s-so what should i call u
pd-par daadi,I am mahek’s par daadi
s-wow,mahek have cool par daadi
pd-thank u beta
s-btw mahek has not come yet
pd-she will come ,btw what is ur name
s-I am shaurya…shaurya khanna
in mahek’s room
k-wake up,wake up
mahek covers her face with blanket
m-two more mins chaachi
k-no two minutes,u know it is 10 am and u have to meet ur client at 9 and u didnt tell me also to wake u early..whats this mahek
m(shocked)-whaaaat,its 10

she sits upsidedown
m-this is not possible and she sees the clock and it was 10
m-oh nooo ,i have told to shaurya that i will meet him at 9 but it is 10
k-oh so he is shaurya
m-who chachi
k-the one u want to meet at 9,he has came to our home
m-what,he is down
m-but i have not get ready
k-so get ready what are u waiting for
m-yaa right,u just tell him to wait for 15 mins
k-ok u go and get redy,fast
m-yes chaachi
kanta comes down
shaurya was sitting with pd
k-shaurya she is coming
s-ok aunty ,but how do u know my name i didnt tell u
k-yaa,but mahek told me,btw beta what would u like to hve coffe or tea
s-no need of this aunty I just want mahek
s-i mean mahek to come down
k-oh yaa ,she will come,but before u would have to drink tea or coffee
s-ok aunty,then get me a coffee
k-ok beta
and then kanta goes in kitchen

pd-so shaurya u want to be mahek’s bf,right
s-yes but she will not agree
pd- how come she will not agree u are a very handsome and good so
s-but she would not be impressed by me
pd-she would beta,u just try once
s-but how pd
then only mahek comes in her lawyer get up(white suit with black coat)
shuarya sees mahek
s-she has come’
pd-who beta
pd-oh ladoo
pd stands and see mahek
pd-ladoo how much time have u taken
m-arey voh
shaurya stands
s-till 10
m-arey what can I do if u get up early,now just leave it we have to go to kd,na
m- bye pd
she takes her blessings
then kanta comes with her coffee
k-beta coffe
s-thanks aunty
m-its late shaurya , and u want to drink coffee
s- I know mahek its late but aunty has made coffe for me with love ,so how can I deny it
k-oho mahek u are already late now let it be more late nothing happens ..chill,beta u drink coffee

mahek looks at kanta with shock-chaachi
s-thanks aunty u know what ur ladoo dont allow me to drink water also
m-how dare u call me ladoo
s-if we will not call ladoo as laddo so what we would call,peda
m-u karela king drink ur coffee ,if sugar is less i will add poison into it
s-poison is also tasty by ur hands
mahrk huffs-coffee is finished
s- drinking yaar,it takes time
m-so drink fast
shaurya drinks it
s-thank u aunty
m-are u done
s-hmm,ok bye pd ,bye aunty
m-shall we leave
s-of course,who has stopped u
they both move out of the house
pd-they look good with each other
k-i think this case of mahek would surely give her a boyfriend
pd-hmm,shaurya is very good know
k-yes pd,this is the first time that mahek was not able to answer,otherwise no one can beat her in answeing
pd-yes kanta
shaurya and mhek are near shurya’s cr
s-lets move
mahek remins silent and huffs
s-what happen
m-cant u call me ,what was the need of coming in my home
s-oh hello ladoo i hve call u 10 times ,just see ur phone
mahek sees phone
mahek coughs

s-what happen,need water
m-Kd,we have to move to kd
m-whatt ohh u are not my alone client i have many clients so please dont waste my precious time already we have less time
s-but 1hr u wasted in ur sleeping
m-better u mind ur own business
s-i am minding my business only not KD
m-yes we have to move to KD so lets move hmm

PRECAP-mahek goes in KD’s house in white shirt and black skirt till knee length and her hair are losed
KD -what can I do for u beautiful lady
m-i have came to meet mr.kd do u know him
kd-yes i am only kd what can i do for u
mahek thinks shaurya was right he is cheap

thank u guys for reading it and if u want me to add any dialogue or want any improvement please put ur comments below…
loads of love

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