Fan Fiction

STORY OF FAITH (KB) Episode 86

Episode 86
The episode starts with showing fast forward busy life of Mumbai and with that sequence camera turns towards the college which was modernity, college the college where students today are busy in their work the environment is same as the exams season is on air but the reason was something else actually our Mrs. Basudha Mam has given all of them a due date with last warning to submit their skills project and scripts before due date and if this time anyone tried to skip it that student will be suspended from the class for the whole semester (such a dangerous threat) so everyone was busy In maintaining their data, project, scripts, lyrics in their respective fields here Kaustuki was searching for Bulbul as they both were in a group project and finally she found her talking with Purab there in the canteen she went to her and patted her shoulder

Bulbul in a bit rude tone: what??
Kaustuki in a mild tone trying to pretend she is not affected: nothing just want to say that project date is near
Bulbul: so
Kaustuki: we have to make it right!
Bulbul: not we but you, because I have took permission from mam and she said yes we can make it separately
Kaustuki: But it was….
Bulbul: But it was… what?

Kaustuki glaring at Purab: Nothing just enjoy
Saying so she went from there and was continuously blabbering “I will not leave that Purab let me go back to home today I will tell him” while going she never noticed someone was coming from front she asked sorry and the person said “What happened why are you in such a rage” she replied “it’s none of your business by the way who are you”, “Nikhil, Nikhil Khurana PG media student” he replied, “OH I see that only person who has eaten every girls brain” she said, “Ha-Ha-Ha not my mistake its totally their problem by the way nice to meet you” he replied.

“Well if you are thinking to flirt with me then it’s waste of time” she said, “Well I don’t have any mood to flirt with my junior girls” he replied, she said “so That’s a positive thing but are you sure!! You won’t change your words”, “whoa you have so much of rage relax girl you call me Nikhil” he replied, she said “No if you are saying the truth then I will call you Nikhil Bhaiya”, “No problem sister” he replied with a wide smile on his face she said “Hmm then Okay”, “well can you tell me where is the dramatics section I want to meet Mrs. Basudha Mehta I had heard she is so famous writer” he asked and Kaustuki who was in anger blurted “Mummy is not here this time she went to meet dean for some work”, “Mummy!!!

She is your mother!!” he replied being shocked Kaustuki shown an oops expression and trying to cover up said “Bhaiya don’t tell this to anyone okay otherwise I will be dead actually only few people know that I am her daughter and everyone has kept it secret so I hope…” he laughed aloud “ha-ha-ha see your face girl you are hell scared seems mam is totally a Hitler okay I won’t tell it to anyone promise”, “Thanks bhaiya well let me go I have lost of work to do” she went from there and here Nikhil said “silly girl” he also left the place.
At home
Abhi was seated on the sofa seems he was frustrated and Pragya was with him keeping hot water bag on his head and trying to calm him down
Abhi: Who asked her to go to the NGO daily she knows I can handle it still from two days she is coming and then, then what she did!!! Fighting with Shabbo!! Like seriously!! Ugh when Shabbo talks about something serious then also her relations reach from Mumbai to Delhi and can you imagine what will happen in fight she measured almost India damn it
Pragya keeping hot bag on his head: relax please it’s their matter let them sought out nah

Abhi: their problem!! Sought out!! You are saying the thing which is impossible you know girls attract to their fights more and then no studies no works no playing they rush gathered there as there is screening of a film I just went to stop them so that kids can do their respective works but I guess It was my mistake that time everything which they got into their hand started flying with high speed and then one flower pot flied from didi’s side and with a reference of price chappal flied from Shabbo’s side can you imagine Shabbo did this I just say that Shabbo you are like my mother and she really did a mother thing and when those back to back chappals flied they missed the shot and reversing their way back to back hit on me

Pragya: sometimes happens but forget everything and relax okay
Abhi was about to say something but before that something happened that Pragya jumped to back and Abhi jumped on couch it was Purab who came running and by mistake fell into his feet and when he looked at Abhi, Abhi said
Abhi: don’t tell me what happened I know my daughter must have done something
Purab: uncle Aunty save me today otherwise I will be dead
Just then Kaustuki came in running furiously with a rod in her hand and said
Kaustuki: here you are today I will not leave you, just leave his hand
Pragya: Kaustu..!!! What is this you are trying to do?
Kaustuki: Mummy leave my way today I will kill him how dare he took admission there and leave that matter how dare he snatched my friend from me
Pragya: but will you tell us what has happened?
Abhi: doesn’t matter Kaustu go ahead and kill him
Pragya: what are you saying!! At first she is doing mistake and again you are saying that go ahead is it a joke!! What are you doing?
Abhi: How dare he scare me like that!! For that he had to pay.
Kaustuki grinning her teeth: now you gone Mr. believe me I will kill you for sure
Pragya was about to say something but she suddenly shouted “”OUCH” it was Rohan whose feet mistakenly hit her feet and the scenario was same this time Ganga was behind Rohan and with a cricket bat

Rohan: aunty save me see how brutally she want to beat me
Pragya: Now what happen Ganga why do you want to kill him?
Ganga: How dare he complaint about me to Miss Rosy he said that I am ragging him!!! Now I will tell him what is ragging
Pragya: leave it the matter is gone nah
Ganga: matter gone!! No mummy matter is just started you get a side today I will throw him out of the area you see today everyone will see Yuvi’s shot
Abhi: but you must not hurt him right
Ganga: hurt him!!! If I wish I will burn him alive

Abhi looked at Pragya with shocking eyes and she gestured this is what she is
Pragya: enough Pragya and Kaustuki leave them now just forget what ever happened
Kaustuki and Ganga in chorus: No never just get aside we will treat them so well that they will forget their names
Pragya losing her temper shouted: enough of you both just get the hell out from there and don’t come out till dinner now leave
Kaustuki and Ganga: But mummy…

Pragya cuts off: just enough Okay don’t argue now just go I said and Purab, Rohan you also leave
Kaustuki and Ganga looked at both boys and throwing their bats in anger they left the place with crying faces here Rohan and Purab also left the place then Abhi said
Abhi: you didn’t did it right I am saying
Pragya glared: what are you saying may I know
Abhi gulping his words: Nothing, no… no… nothing I was just saying you did it right keep it up. Keep it up

Saying so he also escaped from there and Pragya giggled a bit on his reaction then she also went for her work
At night
Kaustuki was packing her bag as they were leaving for the Mehta residence when Pragya entered
Pragya: Kaustu…
Kaustuki: hmmm…
Pragya: what was that today?
Kaustuki: what!!!

Pragya: what you did with Purab?
Kaustuki: It is not my mistake
Pragya: what you mean it was clearly your mistake dear why were so mad at him
Kaustuki: because he snatched my friend from me
Pragya: means!!!!
Kaustuki took a deep breath and narrated all the matter and Pragya burst on in laughter
Kaustuki: you are laughing!!
Pragya: I am laughing because mistake was indirectly yours not his
Kaustuki: how

Pragya rested her hands back at the bed and tangling her legs with attitude said
Pragya: neither you had rag her nor she had met with him and then she didn’t had left you
Kaustuki thought something for a moment then said
Kaustuki: OOOO…… MMMMMM…… GGGG…. You are right!! Mistake is all mine okay I will ask sorry from him tomorrow itself
Pragya: that’s like my girl now let’s go and have dinner
Kaustuki: mummy…
Pragya who was leaving the room turned and Kaustuki said
Kaustuki: thanks for being there to solve my problem

Pragya folding her hands: you are living with your father nah that’s why you have turned so boring just doing formalities all the time okay if you say so I will keep your thank you
Kaustuki: what!!! Did you just called me boring

Pragya: no I said you Papa is boring so you are
Kaustuki: you are saying that indirectly to me
Pragya: may be
Saying so she left the place and Kaustuki was stood dumbstruck and then said to herself “Savage level mom”
Next day
It was a fine and pleasant morning Kaustu was extremely happy today as she was going to say sorry to Purab which was the only reason for Bulbul’s anger and till the lunch break she tried to search Bulbul but didn’t found her and after much struggle she found her she was in canteen and started moving towards her but in mid someone closed her mouth from back and dragged her to the store and without giving time to her tied her with rope with a wall and the person was revealed to be Randeep he said
Randeep: what did you thought that I will never come to know that you was the only one who changed my project

Kaustuki: what proof do you have that I have done this
Randeep showed a band to her: if I am not wrong then it is yours right
Kaustuki: more than 3000 girls are there in this college and they all use same band so how can you say that I am the one and if you are saying so then why the hell you have tied me don’t you think this is an act of a loser
Randeep pulled her hairs in rage: EEEhh….. Don’t try to think over smart to yourself understood I had found your scarf behind the boys hostel wall and I know it was yours because I have seen you wearing it

Kaustuki controlling her scream said with a determined smile: for a simple project your ego got hurt Mr. Randeep Khurana you don’t seems like a player
Randeep smirked: I will show you what a player can do

He left her and took his mobile out then turning the camera on he kept it at an angle where they both were visible only up to their neck faces were cut Randeep moved towards her and started sliding his hands from her shoulder tip to her fist she was continuously protesting he touched her waist and she was continuously trying to protest but in vein as she was tied then Randeep left her and took his mobile,

he turned on something and started showing something to her which brought tears in her eyes then Randeep left the place losing her hands and legs Kaustuki hid her face and cried badly then wiping her tears she cleaned her face and went out that day she didn’t spoke with anyone and didn’t tried to talk too, she didn’t went to meet her mother that day and directly went back to home and entering her room she directly went to bathroom and turning the shower on the sat there lifelessly the Kohl in her eyes also started flowing and she was seated as if everything is snatched from her that day she didn’t went to have dinner with family members and when Abhi went to check he found her sleeping

precap: Silence silence everywhere
NOTICE: I will be inactive again so further two to three episodes will be proceed by Narrator see ya



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