Fan Fiction

our strange love story THAHAAN (Epi 1)

hey Dearies hii me anu coz of our respected cvs I m bound to irritate u guys with my Two shots
I m back after a long time
just writing for making u got relief from this track
I too hate this ,, no thahaan now
so stopping my bak bak and now telling u about this my new ff on thahaan.

its totally different from original tpk
only few things are common
(smita Singh)
kosi ex wife of balwinder pandey .
strong dominant lady rule over noida and hate balwinder and pandey family and always try to let them down..
before I start I give u little introduction
that here bihaan is son of kosi and balwinder.
and he too hates his dad and pandey members he believe his mom kosi blindly And she is his god her words is his orders so he marry thapki for some hidden intentions of kosi .
how and why ? this marriage took place u all will get to know slowly.
bihaan same like our old bihaan rude and goon type but good from heart. He as a son follow his mom yet he too didn’t want to marry someone forcefully but as I say His mom his god so he marry thapki..
so here I start enjoy

:” I DON’T KNW how it happens and why? I knw I had a flaw but its not so much big that anyone will do anything with me, WHY GOD WHY ONLY ME ????

( she began to free the chains which was tied on her legs by bihaan.)
no I can’t be with him he is rude he is a goon he is not perfect for me he is not my soulmate why Dad???? why did u do this I hate u dad?? hate u .
I don’t want to stay here . This is cheating and I can’t be with him…
no way.”
she struggles she try to free from the chains .
she tried tried and tried but all in vain.
she hadn’t drink a drop of water since last 10 days nor she had eaten anything now she is falling weak..
NO U CANT FALL WEAK U HAD TO FREE URSELF FROM THIS FORCE RELATIONSHIP . she try but her hands aren’t ready to help her like her family.
now they all want to rest Now its her fight only.
she try to stood up she move his head and see the dark room just like her future why she is alive she don’t know??
WATER!!! WATER!!!!! she spoke with her sneaky voice the lips frozen
her body falling weak now thapki please don’t resist ur body just take rest why r u struggling its useless no one here to see u no one even this dark room telling u that no ray of light will come to lighten up ur life so just stop it.
she falls but a Strong grip of hands hold her tightly she try to look up but her eyes don’t permit her to see She close them..

THAPKI!!! THAPKI!!! the person try to woke her up.
he shakes her body, he holds her face it was pale ashen like .. no activity she is still ….
no thapki! I will not let anything happen to u.
he holds her in arms and run without thinking about his mom
he just run …….
her life only important nothing else..
“open ur eyes just for once.”
he runs carrying her.
no u can’t fall weak plz woke up
he runs he started his jeep and drive it fastly..
no I cant wait
I had to save her I will save u thapki!!!!
he comes down from jeep and carries thapki and runs
runs like a mad guy
why he is wants her to live
when he hates her
he didn’t care for her from last 10 days whether she is eating or not
he always send food but never try to find out whether she is eating or throwing it out.
he never show his face just for her.
he cares for her
after all she is bihaan pandey’s wife thapki bihaan pandey.
he don’t want her to keep in chains in the dark room but what to do
he can’t do anything.
can’t go against his mom kosi…
he look at her face and enter in hospital..

epi ends

hope I didn’t bore u guys
I knw its confusing but hope u like my plot

slowly slowly u will come to knw the reason
and about other characters
love u guys

good nite
do tell how it is

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