Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Strangers (Part 5)

Part 5
On our way to ecil next morning arohi took my cell and I dont know what she did with it , after sometime gave it back to me and said giggling “you wil get a surprise today” , but dint tell me what it was!! we went into the conference hall where our class was going on .. and to my surprise he was sitiing at my place, there group was sitting in the place we used to sit , well he was waiting for me to talk 1st but I wasn’t gonna give up so soon we went and sat in another place where he couldnt see me we had break when I saw him coming, he came and sat exactly opposite to me where I cannot avoid looking at him … now it was becoming more obvious lol ………………………………
After lunch when we came back the chocolate appeared at my place again .. and this time another sweet note that said “ I would be the luckiest chocolate in the world if youd accept me with a smile –urs diarymilk silk ” that was soo soo soo sweet I couldnt say no , so I took it and hes smile that I saw on his face the 1st time we met was back again and mine too with him sitting exactly oposite to me it was pretty hard to concentrate on the lecture but I did anyway. we smiled at each other before we left and headed back to our respective homes………………………………………..
At around 9’O clock in the night I got a text saying “whos this?” from a new contact “rohit” and I dint have a contact named rohit in my contact list … I thought for a while and I then understood this was the surprise arohi was talking about. I quickly went to my sent items and saw that they have sent him “hi” from my number OMG!! , my friends are seriously insane they might have found out his number from that list of our details . so he is shirt, his name is rohit nice .but the good thing is he still doesn’t know its my number so this can turn out to be fun. I cald arohi and asked her how did they find out his number and to that her reply was “we used the true caller application and found out about mr.rohit, technology baby technology” lol …………………………………………………………………………………………………
So to his text, I replied “guess who?” His instant reply was” is this ms.classic?” now I wondered whos this ms.classic? I replied “whos she?” he said” oh so its sumone else then, then isaid” tell me who she is, your crush?” his reply was” no!! not my crush actually but she has a crush on me, she’s my junior from the same clg”, “ohkie” I said” then he replied “give me a clue to guess who you are then” I said “ you saw me mr.rohit” then he said” are you ms.ecil?” I know he was talking about me but I reacted the same way again. Then he said “you are definitely a girl and im expecting you to be ms.ecil even though you dint agree and how do you know my name” I said how can you say that ? and about your name I just know it ” and he said “ may be you just induced your detective properties in me ms.sherlock holmes” wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was my favourite sentence of the day……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
He then suddenly asked me “ have you ever met a stranger with coincidence when you wished for it?” I know what he was talkin about he was talking about us I said “what?” he replied, “ I actually met a girl a few days ago, a total stranger but she was on my mind ever since and coincidentally we met again” I said “wow!!! Nice, So whats it with that girl ? do you like her ? is she your friend now?” and he was like, ” yeah , I like her since the 1st time I saw her but I hardly know her … but im really glad we met again , I wished for it to happen don’t know why ” aaaaaaawwwwwww I wished for it too this was so amazing and he likes me too. “hmmmmmm ” I replied, he said “ you know its really hard for a guy to concentrate on other things when a girl so gorgeous and cute and innocent is sitting right infront of you, damn shes so beautiful” I was blushing like never before. OMG!!!! That feeling when someone you like thinks so good about you is awesome
our converstaion was going good , he dint even know who I was but we chatted till 11 in the nite .. and I got to know he never had a relationship or a girlfriend before , but he believes in love just like me there were a lot of things we had in common, like we both are goodlooking then before I slept off he texted me “good night sweet dreams ms.sherlock holmes” and I texted “gd nt to you too see you tommorrow” just a moment after I sent it did I realise what I have done!!!! His instant reply was ”see you tommorrow? Now I think I know who you are, gd nt sweety “ our converstion was so formal till now, he was addressing me as ms.shrlock holmes and then suddenly he addressed me like this? Sweety????Oh god!!!!!!!! may be I’ve let it out so easy who I was!! What have I done, now wats gonna happen tomorrow? Should I act like it wasn’t me who talked to him last nite or should I accept it was me??????? So many questions were in my head I couldnt just sleep and I dont know when I fell asleep, I woke up with arohi’s call in the morning!!!

Credit to: Bhgi


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