Dharmendra took Prabha to a well known hospital at Mumbai. He also made an arrangement for their stay at Mumbai in a chawl for less money.

Maanvi ; When will we go back, Paapa ?

Dharmendra : Perhaps we won’t be able to go back , Maanvi.

Maanvi : Why Paapa ? After Maa’s recovery we need to go back naa ?

Dharmendra : Let’s see what time tells.

Krishna makes a phone call to Dharmendra

Krishna :How is Maa ?

Dharmendra : Doctor has suggested a surgery , it’s highly expensive.

Krishna : Paapa I will send the money, if it’s any emergency I will come there also.

Dharmendra : Krishna , stay there only , Other wise that demon Sajjan will destroy our home, it’s our ancestral home , My Dadaji build it with lot of difficulties. We can’t lose our home at any cost. And Shivani is also now your responsibility, beta. You should not leave her to that cruel man , I fear if he does that for Shivani as what he did with our Nethra.

Krishna : Paapa please don’t say like that. Unless I am alive nothing will happen to Shivani, no one can snatch Shivani from me.  Paapa I will soon arrange money and will send to you. Bye Paapa you and Maanvi take care of yourrself and Maa also.

Shivani overhears Krishna’s  words about her and she feels much happier for that .


Krishna looks her

Krishna : Why are you smiling ?

Shivani : Nothing KT.

Krishna : KT ?

Shivani : Actually I have a habit of calling my beloved ones like these, My Paapa was Gnanesh Wadekar Dutta and I use to call him sometimes as GD , please don’t mind – But I really like Krishna Thakur to be called as KT.

Krishna smiles

Krishna : As your wish Shivani

Shivani removes her golden chain and offered it to Krishna

Shivani : Take this golden chain , I guess you will get some money for your Maa’s surgery

Krishna : No Shivani, please keep it with yourself only. Don’t make me to feel shame by offering this to me

Shivani : KT , This time your Maa’s health is really important to us. Don’t hesitate to take this, And still you feel it’s not right then I will give you this as debt. Once you gets money you can give it to me back.

Krishna : No, Shivani. Please , I will find any other way

Shivani : I know you haven’t got job yet here and all those because of my step father Sajjan singh only. He destroys happiness of every one and I know that though you got job as Clerk in this village’s bank through his influence he made the authorities forcefully to dismiss you which is not right.

Krishna ; Shivani at this moment I can’t leave this village also for finding any other job and a place as you and my home both are my responsibilities and I can’t lose any one of them from me.

Shivani : KT, Am I just a responsibility to you only ?

Krishna ; No, I mean yes you are my responsibility, but of course not just a responsibiity .I mean you are a good friend of mine and you helped my Nethra didi and me which I can never forget.

Shivani : But Nethra Di is no more , I feels very much sad for her demise

Krishna : Shivani we can’t change the past, but at least we can try for getting a better future , this village should get some peace and happiness . All girls should feel safe and secured here, I believes Nethra didi sacrificied her life for the well being of so many girls of this village. I want to remember her bravery only, not the rude thing which Sajjan did to her.

Shivani ; KT , We will try together for making a change , I am with you.

Shivani touches KT’s shoulder

Krishna : So we can start the mission soon , Shivani

Shivani ; Before that you should send money to your Paapa’s account. It’s necessary Krishna . Please take this chain from your friend

Krishna: But Shivani

Shivani ; A friend inneed is a friend indeed, I am just doing that only, KT. Don’t feel hesitant to accept it.

Krishna : I will take this,but I promise soon I will try to bring this one back to you. Shivani I will be back after two hours, Please take care

Shivani smiles and nods her head

KT goes with the golden chain , he pawn the chain and received money instead of that, Krishna quickly transferred money to his Paapa’s account and informed about this to him. After some time he came back to home and knock the door, but Shivani didn’t opened it

Krishna felt much worried , He screamed Shivani

Shivani came much late and opened the door

Krishna : Where were you , Shivani ? You know how much I was worried for you

Shivani wasn’t able to talk anything

Krishna : Shivani what happened to your forehead ? Why ash is in your forehead ?

Shivani : KT , I am not a habitat of using fire wood stove, at my home we use gas stove. I was trying to cook something and while

Shivani faints, KT holds her

Krishna : Shivani what was the need of doing all these ?

He lifted Shivani and made her to lie down at the bed, he wiped the ashes from her forehead.


Krishna : I am sorry Shivani , because of me you are facing these much difficulties. I will find a solution to all problems soon.

Krishna prepared a herbal decotion and made Shivani to drink that one, after a while Shivani was able to wake up .

Krishna : Thank god you are alright, what was you doing there ? If your health is not well please don’t do that. Shivani are you hearing me or not ?


Shivani : Why you are worried for me, KT ?

Krishna : What kind of question is this ? Shivani If I won’t worry for you, then who will worry for you ?

Shivani : Why ? You felt apart from you , no one is with me ?

Krishna : I said the truth only, but don’t think that no one is with you rather than me, my parents , my sister all likes you very much.

Shivani : And you ?

Krishna ; I too like you Shivani.

Shivani : Nothing will happen to me until I am staying with you KT at your home. I really wants to live here more.

Krishna : You can live as long as you want, Shivani .

Meanwhile they hear certain sounds from outside. Shivani and KT opens the door and sees a crowd of village people there.

Shivani sees Sajjan’s son there

Sakthi : Gaon waalon iss launde ne meri behna ko rakha hein.

Krishna : Mind your language Sakthi

Sakthi :Oye Shivani, if you was longing for staying with a boy before marriage I would have arranged any hotel room for you , why you fold hand with our enemy ?

Shivani : Sakthi, get lost. I am not a cheap person like you who misbehaves with people.

A lady from the crowd said ” Beti, whatever it is the more you will stay here people will make stories on you both, so you have to leave. ”

Krishna : Really ? Then Maaji are you ready to make an arrangement for the stay of Shivani

“Krishna , we can’t do that. If we mess with Sajjan we can’t live at this village. He will snatch my beti also . ”

Sakthi : This is not a city where girl and boy can live like these.

Meanwhile a little boy of Maanvi’s age and his mother came infront of them.



” My husband was murdered by Sajjan brutally when he was fighting for saving his sister’s self respect , none of the authorities took any action. We all know how Sajjan and his son Sakthi conquered this village and doing all attrocities . Krishna was the only person who was able to defeat him upto an extent. At this difficult time we should support him rather than hearing this stupid Sakthi’s unwanted things . Krishna you asked whether any one can make any arrangement at home so that Shivani can stay ? But beta let me tell you , better than your home Shivani can’t live in any other place safely. So don’t leave her . I trust you both because you are a boy with courage and good heart, not like a creature who ill treats women . I am with you at this fight, beta. ”

Krishna : Thanks a lot Maaji. Beta what’s your good name ?

Boy : I am Rahul

Shivani : Such a sweet name

Meanwhile the people assembled there started going back ,Sakthi was trying to manipulate them,but no one listened him.

Krishna : Sakthi, this is just the beginning. As time passes you can see a revolutionary change here, Be alert

Sakthi goes from there in anger.

” Beta I will bring food for you both.”

Krishna : No need of it, Maaji.Thanks a lot for standing with us

” You called me Maa, so you have to listen me ”

Krishna looked Shivani, she nodded her head with a smile.

Shivani : Maaji aapka naam ?

“Urmila , that’s my name .”

Shivani and Krishna had their dinner from Urmila’s home. Few days passed and Krishna gets a call from his dad that surgery was successfull.

Dharmendra : We will come back in a week as doctor has suggested Prabha to take more rest.

Krishna : Ji Paapa, Now I need to find a job soon and I should return the golden chain also.

Krishna knows that based on his qualification wherever he applies Sajjan’s people will be the biggest hindrance. So he decided to find another way.

Urmila : Krishna this is the key , My husband was an auto rickshaw driver and whenever I sees this rickshaw it reminds me about him.

Krishna : Maaji don’t worry, Sajjan can’t do any attrocities, We will try to finish everything soon. But now for running family I definitely need a job. Thanks a lot for giving this to me .

Rahul :Bhai mein bhi chaloon, aapke saath ?

Krishna :You called me bhai ?

Rahul : Haan

Krishna : Call me like that again Rahul

Rahul : Bhai

Krishna : Whenever I sees Rahul, he reminds me of my sister Maanvi. I miss her a lot , hope they will come back soon.

Shivani :KT, I really appreciate for you taking this job despite of your qualification. it’s not so easy for every one.

Krishna : Each job has it’s own dignity and I am happy with this job.

Krishna was going through his rickshaw and he was getting little a bit money also. One day at railway station some one called “Rickshaw”

Krishna : Ji Paapa

Dharmendra was surprised to see his son running rickshaw.

Prabha : Krishna

Krishna : Maa how are you feeling now ?

Prabha : I am better Krishna.

Dharmendra : Beta why are you running rickshaw

Krishna : I will tell you on the way , Paapa

Prabha and Dharmendra with Maanvi gets to know everything. They all are shocked with incidents . As they reach home, Shivani welcomes them.

Prabha : Shivani, Krishna told me everything. Don’t worry beti. Hum sab tere saath hein.

Days were passing, Shivani became close with each and every member of Krishna’s family. One day Shivani was looking  at her Maa’s photo and was crying. KT goes there and touches her shoulder.

Krishna : Shivani

Without he could say further more Shivani hugged him and cried in pain

Krishna : Shivani, please don’t cry , I have bought you something.

Shivani ; I miss my Maa a lot,today is her birthday KT .

Krishna : Shivani please handle yourself. See what I have bought for you.

Shivani released herself from Kt and  looks Krishna. Krishna gives her gold chain back

Shivani : KT, Was it necessary to bring back ? Already financial struggles are running

Krishna : I can’t lose this at any cost. I saved each penny for bringing this back to you. My Maa’s life is back because of you. I am really grateful to you Shivani

Shivani : Don’t say these much words and seperate me from you, I did as the member of this family.

Krishna : You will always be like that Shivani, it’s my promise to you.

Shivani : KT you reduced my heart’s pain by saying this.

Krishna : I can’t see your pains anymore and I can’t see your eyes in tears too, I will try my level best  to make you happy always

Krishna wiped her tears , Shivani hugged Krishna ,Krishna too hugged her back

Meanwhile Krishna’s mom entered there and smiles

Prabha : I hope you both stay like these together forever

Krishna and Shivani released themselves from hug and looked Prabha

Prabha : Krishna , Now onwards I won’t allow Shivani to go from here , I have find a permanant place for her residence .

Shivani : I didn’t get you Maa

Prabha : You wants to be always a member in our family naa, so do one thing. Wear a garland on my son Krishna’s neck.

Krishna ; Maa, aap kya keha rahi hein ?

Prabha : Chup!! I can understand everything. You was staring her when she was sleeping at yesterday night by standing near the door.

Shivani :Is it KT ?

Krishna ; Woh…..Yeah I mean I was looking for something.

Shivani : What ?

Krishna : Woh….I need to go, I mean my rickshaw needs to go, Bye Shivani, bye maa.

Krishna runs, Shivani and Prabha laughs

Prabha : He will not openly tell anything. At least you should take a step to open your heart to him, Shivani. I know your eyes are full of love for my son. You didn’t think even before giving golden chain to him. Once Krishna gets a better position I assure you that he will gift you so many golden necklaces beti.

Shivani : Maa, your son is having a golden heart , I just need a little space in that one , rather than I don’t have any wishes Maa.

Prabha : You really loves my son naa, Seeing you both together I made this view , if I am wrong then please forgive me.

Shivani : Maa aap yeh kya keha rahi hein ? Maa you expressed my heart’s desire and I am glad that you considered me for your son. I really loves and respect your son.

Prabha kisses at her forehead .

Prabha : Now onwards don’t say that you miss your Maa, I am with you as your Maa , Shivani.

Shivani hugged her


Shivani makes a greeting card and placed it on Krishna’s table . As Krishna arrived in his room Shivani hide in a corner at his room and looked him . Krishna took the card and starts reading it. Shivani was curious to know what was her KT’s reaction.

As he finished reading he looked casually and in mirror he was able to see Shivani hiding at the corner. Krishna smiles

Krishna : I know that you are here only, Come out Shivani

Shivani ; Oops ! He find me

Shivani came infront of Krishna

Krishna : What’s this ?


Shivani : KT Woh….

Krishna : I won’t accept this

Shivani : But KT

Krishna : I want to hear it from you only .

Shivani : KT that means you

Krishna holds her hand, Shivani keeps her eyes down and smiles

Shivani : You should also tell that to me, I am eagerly waiting to hear that from you.

Krishna : Shivani , You have changed my world by bringing colours to it. Whenever I finds your eyes they pours colours of love only

Krishna hold Shivani close towards his body,Shivani kept her hand at his shoulder and Krishna kept his hand on her waist.

They both looked each other romantically.

Krishna : I know that if you are with me not only me but my whole family will be happy . You really cares every one of my family and me too. I am really addictive towards your smile, your caring words and you , So that each and every day I use to watch you from my eyes for long and I don’t know how long it goes, but your face gives me hopes to run life in all difficulties . You didn’t left me at my pains though your heart carried so many pains. I really want to heal them by adding my care and love on it. May be I can’t offer a bunglaow to you, but this small house is not less than any palace and you will get the treasure of love here. You asked my Maa for a space in my heart and my answer is that My heart always Beats for you and It’s full of You. I really love you a lot , Shivani. I really want to make you as my soulmate by loving you to extremity and filling sindoor at your Maang, Will you give me that right ?

Shivani : Krishna you saved me from all threats and offered me your wonderful family. No one shows any sort of dislike towards even though I am Sajjan’s step daughter and it’s like a blessing to me that I am a part of your family. You  searched for colours in my eyes and truth is that my eyes never stopped watching you amidst of all happenings. My pains can now really be healed as I got your shoulder and through you I am expecting a new life not for us but for this village also and I know you can do it well. I doesn’t need any palace as your heart is bigger than that and I want to occupy whole space in it. My heart is already surrendered to you KT, I wrote in that card that

My love for my KT can never come to an end as my heart always chant his name who was my saviour , my friend and now my heart beat. The day when my heart will stop beating I will also leave , but my love to KT can never go away. I love you deeply from my heart KT. I will love you until my last breathe and will love you again as your soul as you are my life partner , I truely love you KT.

Krishna : Shivani

They both hugged each other and gets emotional

Krishna : Shivani, it’s time for you to stop shedding tears. Now we need to travel together a lot.

He kisses at her forehead




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